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the new me ow.

i've had a major health slamdown not long ago that lead my whole life into a blender.

so.. yea inactive here latley? yes.
now what.. well do hospitals really makes another hole in ur finanical debts? yes.

so what ya gonna do?
definitley filiing bankruptcy.. liquidate it all!!

oh yea i forgot.. sugar is the devil. (diagnosed as diabetic but i think i've been one for decades realizing just that after the whole ugh!)

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decades, yea, diabetic, ugh, realizing
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05ad6afe 1f85 4c4a 8680 4f73a3c1f45c
last online: 01/23, 5:07
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Im sorry that sounds crappy. I hope you're feeling somewhat better at least, despite the financial difficulties.

My dad had diabetes, im sure i will too someday, not looking forward to it. Hang in there.

(3 days after post)
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thanks, it wasnt pleasant at all. still dealing with the adjustments.. the minor stuff i never cared for before. carb counting is a big deal now.. i gotta look at all the labels. just saying when i got a got enough on my plate - theres more~!! i really miss the careless living :(

05ad6afe 1f85 4c4a 8680 4f73a3c1f45c
last online: 01/23, 5:07
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NacthoMan wrote:
thanks, it wasnt pleasant at all. still dealing with the adjustments.. the minor stuff i never cared for before. carb counting is a big deal now.. i gotta look at all the labels. just saying when i got a got enough on my plate - theres more~!! i really miss the careless living :(

Yep. I am havinv cholesterol issies as well as deficiencies in certain vitamins and minerals....was nice to not have to worry about that stuff. Its a challenge. Feeling healthier is worth it though.

(1 week after post)
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for what its worth its for sho lol

20181121 142229
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So, sorry to learn about your health issues, NacthoMan, and the impact not only on your finances, but your whole lifestyle.

I can relate as my daughter's had various health issues for well over a decade, and I work with kids with various health issues, disabilities, and autism etc.

I have to admit that I find it much harder to deal with my own daughter's disabilities than those of the kids at work. I have plenty of patients at work, but with my own daughter I struggle to have enough patience for all the adjustments that impact our lives daily. And it is much harder to watch own child suffer, being constantly in pain etc.

I do hope that you will have enough support, NacthoMan, and depending which diabetes you have, although inconvenient, it can be managed by food pretty well. Counting carbs is a burden, but it will get easier as you will get to know the food, and it will become your second nature.

Hope you will adjust well, and will be able to stay positive for the future.

Working with kids with so many health issues, was extremely rewarding for me and humbling as well. I've looked after a boy who had been fighting a brain tumour for over 5 years! It returned three times within that period in different parts of his brain.

It affected him in every way you can think of. After the first surgery, although successfuly removing the tumour, left him without the ability to walk, to talk, or to swallow. It also affected his sight, and hearing. He ended up in a wheelchair, communicating through sign language, being fed by a tube, on chemo for years, and the boy did not complain once!!! He was so amazing always considering other people and their feelings, often putting others before him, and always full of joy and making jokes. He touched lives of everyone who encountered him. So, it is possible to shine through impossible as this boy's proven; hope you will, too.
All the best x

(1 week after post)
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@Cregyn i get it, theres always someone having it much worse. for that i should be ultimately greatful for what i got no matter how hard it is for me.

i humblely respect and praise for those who thrive with much difficlut situations. my hats off to the real champs.

20181121 142229
(1 week after post)
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NacthoMan wrote:
@Cregyn i get it, theres always someone having it much worse. for that i should be ultimately greatful for what i got no matter how hard it is for me.

i humblely respect and praise for those who thrive with much difficlut situations. my hats off to the real champs.

I fully agree with you, NacthoMan, respect and praise for those who thrive with much difficult situations. But on the other hand, I did not mean to invalidate your situation, feelings, and difficulties; I hope it did not come across that way.

I was just trying to bring some hope into the difficult situation you are in. I hope you are adjusting well so far. (I personally go through lots of anger before I can accept any adverse permanent changes, and see positives about it..) The financial burden in your case is not negligible. Hope there is a positive way forward sorting it out!

(1 week after post)
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lots of love from here to you @Cregyn, its not easy but doing my best here.. lentils is my new favorite food lol

20181121 142229
(2 weeks after post)
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NacthoMan wrote:
lots of love from here to you @Cregyn, its not easy but doing my best here.. lentils is my new favorite food lol

Aaw, bless; 'thank you for lentil me into your life..' ;) I love lentil soup, and lentil curry.. If you ever hang around Wales, you are invited for a dinner. :)


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