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rucka rucka

why is this place so quiet?

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Since writing this post Anonymous may have helped people, but has not within the last four (4) days.
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place, quiet, rucka
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75971 10152125729463961 180579742 n
(3 days after post)
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Too quiet..

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
(5 months after post)
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Nobody knows it's here I guess... we used to have a crowd.

75971 10152125729463961 180579742 n
(5 months after post)
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Needs more 'word of mouth' action. I'm kind of a recluse, up on the mountain with my dogs, so don't meet many people. Maybe I'll make a Facebook post.

(6 months after post)
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Sadly, the userbase dwindled quickly when the "" url was sold to some other outfit. :(

75971 10152125729463961 180579742 n
(6 months after post)
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Yeah, that totally sucked.

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