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last online: 05/03, 21:17
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Well what I was wondering is what other social media websites do people know of?

I mainly wanting messenger where I can send voice messages, pics, voice calls, video calls. And a multiperson messenger group

No adverts, no suggested posts or reels.

I'm trying to avoid meta. I want to come off fb. I don't want to go back to mewe. I'm not keen to give telegram my phone number.

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phone, number, voice, calls, messenger
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Idk, was snapchat like that? I never used it so idk.

I think twitter is adding more options like that but they definitely suggest stuff.

I think any free service that has all those options is gonna have ads. Someone's gonna run the system and pay for the server space.

That said I never used social the way you're wanting to, so ive never really looked.

Edit: i just thought of whatsapp. Its phone only i think. You can definitely do video and voice on it but not really "social media' from what i gather.

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I generally just use the steaming turd that is Facebook.

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I ended up deactivating fb and so far so good. Fb is addictive. Messenger isn't so bad tho.

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Lano wrote:
Idk, was snapchat like that? I never used it so idk.

I think twitter is adding more options like that but they definitely suggest stuff.

I think any free service that has all those options is gonna have ads. Someone's gonna run the system and pay for the server space.

That said I never used social the way you're wanting to, so ive never really looked.

Edit: i just thought of whatsapp. Its phone only i think. You can definitely do video and voice on it but not really "social media' from what i gather.

Thank you. I have whatsapp but doubt the people I want to talk with are on it. It's not very good in terms of privacy altho I don't think anything on the internet is completely private

(6 months after post)
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I'm a hermit, but I use Discord for communicating with internet friends.

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