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KORNED DOG¬ ¬ Nature is rather cruel at times.¬ ¬ https://youtu.be/r8ZsAC111ic¬ ¬ https://youtu.be/6PLgM6IcvNA¬ ¬ https://youtu.be/LSPJa_-BurI

BA1 edited this post .

KORNED DOG¬ ¬ Nature is rather cruel at times.¬ ¬ https://youtu.be/r8ZsAC111ic¬ ¬ https://youtu.be/6PLgM6IcvNA¬ ¬ https://youtu.be/LSPJa_-BurI

BA1 edited this post .

KORNED DOG¬ ¬ Nature is rather cruel at times.¬ ¬ https://youtu.be/r8ZsAC111ic¬ ¬ https://youtu.be/6PLgM6IcvNA¬ ¬ https://youtu.be/LSPJa_zoHkdeu-BurIKCY

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They must be sedated to stay still for that.

Poor things, that must drive them crazy with itching.

I'd never heard of mangoworms.

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Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
(10 hours after post)
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Yeah, ewwwwwwwwwwwwww........ gag.

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
(11 hours after post)
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Africa also has jigger fleas, which lay eggs in the soles of people's feet. Then maggots develop inside the person's foot. They have to be cut out.

And bites from the sand fleas take MONTHS to heal--I know!

In the future, I hope that people will have both the sense and the means to wipe out inimical species like mango worms, botflies, mosquitoes, ticks and fleas.

By the way, mosquito populations--which were on the ropes in most of the world--rebounded after Rachel Carson's stupid book, "Silent Spring." Carson manipulated data to make DDT, an insecticide, look bad. DDT was winning the war against mosquitoes--and used correctly, DDT did NOT adversely impact other animals. Even if mosquitoes developed an immunity to DDT, they still were repelled by its smell. And the DDT residue left in a sprayed home kept them out. AND subsequent generations of immune mosquitoes LOST their immunity to DDT.

Poorer countries cannot afford the alternatives to DDT. In West Africa, where I was doing humanitarian work, Africans get malaria at least once a year--all because of mosquitoes.

Time to wipe them and all their ilk off the face of the earth!

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(16 hours after post)
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Big-Al-One wrote:

J.N-Bucking wrote:
They must be sedated to stay still for that.
Poor things, that must drive them crazy with itching.
I'd never heard of mangoworms.

Congradulations, you get the honorable medal of bravery.

The bot fly, as you may or may not know, will attack another insect - usually another flier and lays an egg or two on it. This form of appropriation is called vector hosting. It puts the burden of delivery to the other insect.
The mammal as the final victim, becomes the incubator for the larvae until the worm hatches into the fly.
Here in the West, we have bot flies - though not so far into the northern regions.
But....when you think it couldn't get any worse....
The Mango fly is ever more nastier and wicked. It lays hundreds of eggs, usually in the dirt, where they mature to very tiny boring maggots. There, they wait for an unsuspecting victim to lay down and rest or simply to be walked upon by bare foot or hoof. Then hundreds of super tiny maggots bore their way into the pores of the skin where the feed from the capillaries of the mammal, growing as the days pass.
Unlike the boy fly, the mango fly worms can carpet the entire body of a living animal - effectively killing it.
This nasy little critter is a product of Africa. The vet clinic you see in this video is located in the Gambia of Africa.
If you're an animal in Africa...it's a hard knock life.

I will wear that medal proudly.

I have heard of bot flies.

Extremely glad we don't get any of the creatures mentioned in this post here.

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Big-Al-One wrote:

J.N-Bucking wrote:

I will wear that medal proudly.

I have heard of bot flies.

Extremely glad we don't get any of the creatures mentioned in this post here.

As grateful as I am too. Although little nightmares like these often make me rethink my travel plans, I think the instances for picking up a friend like this are rare.

I assume they are tiny when they go in?
I don't think it heard of those either before today.
Poor little thing.

Imagine the number of homeless animals things like this happen to and nobody wiĺ notice and treat it

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Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
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That cuterebra needs a nice injection of sulfuric acid!

That's how I used to deal with the caterpillars who ate my grandmother's roses!

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I tried to save a pheasant 2 days ago.
Saw it while I was at work.
It was likely hit by a vehicle, it managed to get itself a bit of distance and that's when I saw it.
I told my boss I was going over to it, and against his wishes brought it inside..
I felt it's heartbeat and it was extremely slow.
I tried warming it up and gave chest compressions, even mouth to mouth, unfortunately it died a bit later.

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Big-Al-One wrote:

JN - Bucking wrote:

I assume they are tiny when they go in?
I don't think it heard of those either before today.
Poor little thing.

Yeah, usually placed by a mosquito or gnat as a very tiny egg and then it grows in the space it was placed in.

JN Bucking wrote:
Imagine the number of homeless animals things like this happen to and nobody will notice and treat it.

-And this is the main driving force of my thoughts. So many other animals that are never helped.
Also, as Sherlock pointed out about jiggers.... very terrible on the feet of those who wear no shoes....
Arrrgh - it gives me shivers!

There's lots of animals round work.
Nobody is supposed to feed them or try to pet them.

I'm always feeding them.

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
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It is a sign of nobility of character that one cares for animals.

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Big-Al-One wrote:
How pretty....

Something about seeing a dead bird OR fish kinda makes me sad.

Oddly, I don't get worked up much over other animals.

It was alive when I Took that pic.
It just couldn't lift it's head.

I feel a lot more sympathy for any animal than I feel for people.

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
(6 days after post)
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When I was a kid we went to an animal auction every weekend and there were always cows there with bot flies on their back. It would be a bump and you could squeeze it and a worm came out. Great fun when I was 11 years old. I forgot about it until I saw these videos so I googled it... yup. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_BjaLj61Irw

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Big-Al-One wrote:
How pretty....

Something about seeing a dead bird OR fish kinda makes me sad.

Oddly, I don't get worked up much over other animals.

I don't like to see any animal of fish injured or dead.

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Big-Al-One wrote:

J.N-Bucking wrote:

Big-Al-One wrote:
How pretty....

Something about seeing a dead bird OR fish kinda makes me sad.

Oddly, I don't get worked up much over other animals.

I don't like to see any animal of fish injured or dead.

I have no problem with death because it seem to be the ultimate end. Injury, depending on the degree, can heal. But suffering....suffering really sucks.

Death of old age can be accepted.

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KORNEDPost DOG¬ ¬ NatureClosed isPost rather cruel at times.¬ ¬ https://youtu.be/6PLgM6IcvNA¬ ¬ https://youtu.be/zoHkdeu-KCYClosed

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