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Not to worry. I didn't think of it as a negative vent ๐Ÿ˜Š

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Sorry for the negative vent. It happens during the winter

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Yeah, I knew lots of women in my time who had babies just so they could collect money from the government.

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Here hard prescription drugs are free with a doctors note and random drug testing isn't allowed unless you're employed by the police or select jobs. Yes it's a big deal when young women are having random babies for a welfare income. My most concern is the increase in mental illness and increased welfare. My taxes are over 50 percent due to the cost. Fingers crossed that someone finds a way to wake them up:)

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I agree about children and seniors being treated like trash. It's a big concern.

I think people are losing some of their humanity/tenderness toward one another...and the ones who suffer the most are the vulnerable populations: children, elderly, sick

Jobs often don't care if someone is stoned at work, I don't think. Certain jobs have random drug testing, but that really doesn't ever happen ON THE DAY OF the stoned employee coming to work

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How do they police who's stoned at work?
He there is no gym (over weight children), big welfare money, increased young single moms, deadbeat boyfriends and a language fight. It's not the legal pot that bothers me, it's the lack of structure for children and seniors being treated like trash.

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Legal pot here. Taxes on it were supposed to go to the schools.

Billions of dollars a year.

Schools can't afford textbooks and have leaking ceilings. Some are even closing due to structural issues. Keep turning out mediocre scholars.

I think the pockets of a select few are just getting deeper...

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They're legalizing pot here....don't think it'll help the working poor, but the welfare will get free pot. Excuse me..they are now with a doctors note.

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Yes. Keep your head down and bank your

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Maybe. But those outside the gate of the castle will constitute 90% of all people, to include all the imbeciles and lazy people; as well as the good hard working people

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I feel they're splitting. Two groups; one function and the other ??? out side the gate of the castle maybe? I'm active within the government but they hide that plan from me. It's done on purpose. For what...I wish I didn't care.

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I screamed at my nephew for not showering and disinfected his phone and sprayed cleaner everywhere and his mom got pissed!
The little germ bug thought it was funny. Not funny now after that blow out he won't come within 100 feet of me. Freaken confusing.

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Agree. People and society are changing....

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Yes, she might be a system abuser.... she gets food stamps and when she moved in, I saw her food. She has some things that are expensive...things that I rarely treat my family to

She gets government issued phone and internet.

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You're a good person. Sadly too many good people being walked over lately. 2018 and adults seem to more...lazy. Who knows. Maybe their phones are making them stupid.

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We have people here abuse the system in that way.

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No, not the law. I just couldn't stomach her being on the street

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We have these type of people bring bugs into the work place and believe it or not...hard to discipline them.

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Was it the law that made you cover her motel cost?

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I know life these days is hectic and busy. Have a great day today!

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Good to see you:)
Just a quick hi before I jet...different world

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