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I cant decide whether to buy a caravan or rent a room to get away from my abusive brother.

Your bedroom has a lock on the door correct? Use it. Put on some headphones so you don't hear him screaming.
Ignore completely.

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I cant decide whether to buy a caravan or rent a room to get away from my abusive brother.

If You call frequently enough they have to do something. And if your recordings show zero aggression on your part they deal with him, not you.

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I cant decide whether to buy a caravan or rent a room to get away from my abusive brother.

Which is why I said you need to be the adult here, cause she's obviously not. Call the police and have him removed until he calms down.
Repeat as often as necessary.

Mum cannot be your body guard. If I was extremely wealthy I'd buy you a personal body guard. Six foot ten and built like a Mack truck.

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I cant decide whether to buy a caravan or rent a room to get away from my abusive brother.

You should not be reacting. Turn around and start recording video on your phone. If you need to prevent a physical attack buy some pepper spray.

But say nothing. He is trying to provoke a reaction from you. When you say anything back in your defense he wins. And he is not listening to you anyhow.

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I got fired for "missing money" when I didn't lose any money.

Sherlock wrote:
Hint: whoever you told about the $60 loan is a suspect.

True dat!

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I cant decide whether to buy a caravan or rent a room to get away from my abusive brother.

Also, your mum is an enabler. She does not like his behavior any more than you do. She just is unwilling to parent. So that means you have to assume that role. Is there a father-figure anywhere in the picture? I'm not trying to pry, just want the whole picture.

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I cant decide whether to buy a caravan or rent a room to get away from my abusive brother.

By the way, do you live here in the US or across the pond...?

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I cant decide whether to buy a caravan or rent a room to get away from my abusive brother.

You need to have an ally in your corner. Is there someone you trust that you can go to? Someone that you can talk to face to face, not over the phone? I also would reach out to a lawyer that is familiar with disability benefits. Ask them questions. You want to gain knowledge. What you can or cannot do, including what threats you can report to the police.

There is an underlying reason your brother behaves this way. If it is from his own disability or a result of medication he takes, it needs to be recorded per event. Do not engage him. Simply record and track these outbursts. He obviously is trying to get under your skin. If you leave, he will take that as a win. I would not give him that satisfaction. When he crosses the line report it to the police. Every single time. If that means he spends a night in jail, so be it.

Bottom line, YOU have as much right to live there as he does. Don't give up that right. Fight with knowledge and wisdom. You are extremely bright. Stand your ground and have your supporters with you. We are...

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i hate humanity

People are often unreasonable, illogical and self centered;
Forgive them anyway.

If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives;
Be kind anyway.

If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies;
Succeed anyway.

If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you;
Be honest and frank anyway.

What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight;
Build anyway.

If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous;
Be happy anyway.

The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow;
Do good anyway.

Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough;
Give the world the best you've got anyway.

You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and your God;
It was never between you and them anyway.

[written by Kent M. Keith.]

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Pretty sure I'm invisible.

Dont look to others for praise. After awhile that becomes narcissistic. Case in point, POTUS round table with his early picks for his Cabinet. The 1st 55 minutes of that meeting were spent going around the table as each person just lauded praise upon praise as if DJT was the new King of a monarchy.

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