2,101 replies, Replies 1,071 to 1,080

Update on my mom’s condition (Ilse/Aisha).

Sherlock's trip to Africa. (Ilse's last reply on OH)

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Anyone here have experience with non-verbal autism?
I’ve been stuck here for such a long time I don’t think I will ever get out.

Are you still going to therapy? A month ago you said you were making good progress. What has happened between then and now?

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Update on my mom’s condition (Ilse/Aisha).

We love you Manthy. So very sorry for you and your family's loss. Your mom was very special to many of us here at Help. I am continuing to pray for you and your sister. Please give her a hug from all of us here.

And just a thought, at your wedding ceremony in June light a candle in her memory. She will watching and smiling the whole time.

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Anyone fly fished for pike?

BuckingFastard(JN) wrote:
I have not fished for pike on the fly before but I really want to.

Fly fishing is primarily done for salmon and trout.
You can catch salmon 30lbs or above, that'd generally be on a double handed salmon rod tho.

I've had trout around and above the 20lb mark on a single handed fly rod.

Pike here can get huge as well.

Must be something in the water over there.

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Ya know what?

Was this just a sudden epiphany or have several events happened recently to reach this conclusion?

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well, just spent 3 days in the psychiatric institute of washington for trying to commit suicide again.

So glad you are alright, Jim.

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Do we know the root cause? Allergies are a very wide spectrum of illness; similar to the common cold.
Pet dander? Groom and clean pets often using hypoallergenic products such as oatmeal shampoo.
Pollen? Strip off clothes when you get home and put on clean ones.
Dust? Change your A/C filter more often and consider having a u/v light installed in your HVAC system if you have one.
Foods? You don't have to ingest something to determine if you are allergic. When I was younger I was highly allergic to raw eggs. My mom had to hard boil all eggs after bringing them home from the store or market. Cooked I could eat, but raw eggs gave off a gas (according to my allergist) that would cause terrible headaches.

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Not sure why you would put them on anything even close to resembling the Internet. But there they are, for anyone to see. Apparently. What is done is done. Accept it or deny, deny, deny.

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Update on my mom’s condition (Ilse/Aisha).

Rockster160 wrote:
First off- my deepest condolences. I’m so sorry to hear about this, Manthy. Losing a family member- especially one you’re very close to- is heart wrenching. We’re all here for you.

@soco Personally don’t see the point- I can sometimes be a little dull in these areas.
I know it’s been discussed to have a commemoration page of some sorts- in addition, we could also add an icon to the user similar to the star mods receive, if that’s the goal here?

The honor of being a Moderator is the highest and only honor we can bestow on members. There may be a few members that have regretfully passed from this life that were not moderators. However, those of us that remember Aisha/Ilse Terblanche Van Tonder on old Help recall her impact she had. It is my hope that this impact be rewarded by bestowing to her the honor of Moderator.

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