Happy earth
last online: 11/26, 18:47
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Pretty sure I'm invisible.

I dyed my hair orange, and not one person noticed.

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Since writing this post smiley may have helped people, but has not within the last four (4) days.
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person, hair, orange, noticed, dyed
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(7 minutes after post)
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Oh honey, I'm sure you look beautiful in them!
Just wait a few years. It'll be a bless to be able to pass such changes unnoticed.
I don't know the reason, but guys often seem to fail at noticing such changes. Also, once I dyed my hair and people said they looked so good, they couldn't remember how it was before. So, it could be a good thing they didn't notice. Probably looks good on you.

Happy earth
(13 minutes after post)
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Actually auburn, but after I commented about it, my daughter called it "orange and red". My natural color is light brown with a beautiful silver stripe. I used to dye my hair fairly often, but hadn't since the silver came in because I like it so much. (It makes me look like a chubby middle aged version of Rogue from the X-Men.)

The silver does look rather dramatically orange now. I'm not surprised the zombies, er, I mean males didn't notice, but I was sure my daughter would.

(39 minutes after post)
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i would of noticed. i have eyes not ears ;)

User photo 22810 561248
(1 hour after post)
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i noticed but i was shy to say something :)

(1 hour after post)
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I love the silver stripe! I only have 2 white but they are both at the left of my forehead and I'm hoping for it to become a stripe! Wouldn't dye them.

198963 1008455105016 1896 n
(9 hours after post)
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Who said that ..?

Happy earth
(16 hours after post)
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Meh. I've been feeling grumpy and unappreciated all day, and I'm pretty sure I've constructed most of it in my own mind. It's hard to stay motivated when it seems that nothing you do matters. I bet if I went on strike they'd notice.

The other day I went outside to look at my grapevines while everyone else was home. My teenage son complained that I'd left the three year old "unsupervised" and I should have asked before going out into my own backyard. Am I the only adult in the house? Are other people's video games and crap more important than anything I do? If I don't cook, the big people eat junk and the little people starve. It never occurs to any of the big people to even offer the little ones something to eat. If I don't clean it up, the mess stays. If I don't wash the laundry, the teenagers just wear dirty clothes, the husband just buys himself more. I started a diet because my weight is stuck much higher than it's ever been while I'm not pregnant. In three months I've lost almost 2 lbs by eating 1100 calories a day. My husband has lost 25 lbs in the same amount of time eating Nutty Bars and Resee Cups all day long, because when he's at work he doesn't actually work but instead uses the treadmill that someone left in a storage locker at his office, then he comes home and just sits. I'd like to exercise, but I'm busy from morning until night being the only person in the house who does anything to keep this pigsty in some semblance of habitability. And if I don't do it, nobody cares - I've tried leaving things to see if someone else will take care of it - they don't! They are utterly oblivious.

Ok. Self pity rant done.

Who wants ice cream?

6ac6ec97 7651 45c5 b346 63c4b75d6c66
(19 hours after post)
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It’s hard being a Mum/Parent it’s rare we get any thanks for whatever we do.
You shouldn’t have to ask permission to tend to your own grapevines. It sounds to me like your being used and taken advantage off.
You need to toughen up more. Your not there to be there slave and your not being respected.
They wouldn’t be on this planet if it wasn’t for you.
Tell them get off their arse and do something!

Make mine a Ben &jerrys.😉

Happy earth
(21 hours after post)
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@Evansent thank you. Your words make me feel better.


6ac6ec97 7651 45c5 b346 63c4b75d6c66
(22 hours after post)
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Your ice cream also makes me feel better as well.😉

Happy earth
(23 hours after post)
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I asked my husband if he wanted to cut bamboo or make waffles.

He's making waffles. :)

I asked my son if he wanted to make fruit salad, or not have fruit salad with dinner. He made fruit salad.

Options. People need to be given options.

6ac6ec97 7651 45c5 b346 63c4b75d6c66
(23 hours after post)
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True they do need options,but that’s only if they benefit from it.

I can ask my lads to do something till I’m blue in the face,I end up doing it myself.
Kids will also make a hash of things on purpose so they’ll know you’ll do a better job.😉

Animation2 2
(1 day after post)
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smiley wrote:
Meh. I've been feeling grumpy and unappreciated all day, and I'm pretty sure I've constructed most of it in my own mind. It's hard to stay motivated when it seems that nothing you do matters. I bet if I went on strike they'd notice.

The other day I went outside to look at my grapevines while everyone else was home. My teenage son complained that I'd left the three year old "unsupervised" and I should have asked before going out into my own backyard. Am I the only adult in the house? Are other people's video games and crap more important than anything I do? If I don't cook, the big people eat junk and the little people starve. It never occurs to any of the big people to even offer the little ones something to eat. If I don't clean it up, the mess stays. If I don't wash the laundry, the teenagers just wear dirty clothes, the husband just buys himself more. I started a diet because my weight is stuck much higher than it's ever been while I'm not pregnant. In three months I've lost almost 2 lbs by eating 1100 calories a day. My husband has lost 25 lbs in the same amount of time eating Nutty Bars and Resee Cups all day long, because when he's at work he doesn't actually work but instead uses the treadmill that someone left in a storage locker at his office, then he comes home and just sits. I'd like to exercise, but I'm busy from morning until night being the only person in the house who does anything to keep this pigsty in some semblance of habitability. And if I don't do it, nobody cares - I've tried leaving things to see if someone else will take care of it - they don't! They are utterly oblivious.

Ok. Self pity rant done.

Who wants ice cream?

Holy cow! You described my life! I'm so sorry and I feel for you!

I once left the toilet clogged to see if husb would take care of it as he promised. I was going back to school and completely overwhelmed. It sat for a month and you could smell the odor at the front door. So I took care of it...((sigh))

Animation2 2
(1 day after post)
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Evansent wrote:

You need to toughen up more. Your not there to be there slave and your not being respected.
They wouldn’t be on this planet if it wasn’t for you.
Tell them get off their arse and do something!

Make mine a Ben &jerrys.😉

^^^ Agree! Tell them to buck up and to quit being so selfish

1581744157174 1581744149313 miss bot
last online: 03/19, 3:49
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(1 day after post)
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Alright you can either wash the windows on the ISS or help me spread a mixture of vomit and blood on the doors and windows of the White House.

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
(1 day after post)
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Nah. With orange hair, you need a MAGA cap to go with it!

Happy earth
(1 day after post)
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Sherlock wrote:
Nah. With orange hair, you need a MAGA cap to go with it!

I would rather shave my head than wear one of those.

6ac6ec97 7651 45c5 b346 63c4b75d6c66
(1 day after post)
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Pep if My Hubby would’ve left the loo blocked for even a day I would not be impressed.
No offence to you ladies but how do you put up with that. I wouldn’t and couldn’t stand by and let that happen. I would blow my lid big time!
I know kids try to get out of doing chores,hell my lads did sod all and even when they they TRIED they would make a hash because they knew I would finish it off.
I live on my own now . I’m so greatful I don’t have to go through what you ladies do.

8c4b2750 eacb 4bb1 8471 bb64a37cbd76
(1 day after post)
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Maybe people don’t notice because you’re very good at being in your own bubble. You need to cause some waves for people to notice you. Start doing things differently and speaking differently and making more noise! The options is a good idea. Also repercussions for failing to complete chores.

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Hello everyone!

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
(1 day after post)
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smiley wrote:

Sherlock wrote:
Nah. With orange hair, you need a MAGA cap to go with it!

I would rather shave my head than wear one of those.

Ah, that would show off the MAGA tattoo better!

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
(1 day after post)
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Yeah you can borrow one of my Make America Great Again shirts to clean your house with tomorrow when you feel better.

Help me with:

I need help.

Happy earth
(2 days after post)
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DocteurRalph wrote:
Yeah you can borrow one of my Make America Great Again shirts to clean your house with tomorrow when you feel better.

Now that sounds more like it! The toilet is looking a little scummy, I think those shirts will make the job much more pleasant.

Happy earth
(2 days after post)
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Sherlock wrote:

Ah, that would show off the MAGA tattoo better!

Actually, I'm offended by the phrase. It says that America is not great, and that is an offensive sentiment to any patriotic American. If it were simply MAG: Make America Greater, I could get on board, but I lack the requisite self loathing to condone MAGA anything.

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
(2 days after post)
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PepperJ wrote:

smiley wrote:
Meh. I've been feeling grumpy and unappreciated all day, and I'm pretty sure I've constructed most of it in my own mind. It's hard to stay motivated when it seems that nothing you do matters. I bet if I went on strike they'd notice.

The other day I went outside to look at my grapevines while everyone else was home. My teenage son complained that I'd left the three year old "unsupervised" and I should have asked before going out into my own backyard. Am I the only adult in the house? Are other people's video games and crap more important than anything I do? If I don't cook, the big people eat junk and the little people starve. It never occurs to any of the big people to even offer the little ones something to eat. If I don't clean it up, the mess stays. If I don't wash the laundry, the teenagers just wear dirty clothes, the husband just buys himself more. I started a diet because my weight is stuck much higher than it's ever been while I'm not pregnant. In three months I've lost almost 2 lbs by eating 1100 calories a day. My husband has lost 25 lbs in the same amount of time eating Nutty Bars and Resee Cups all day long, because when he's at work he doesn't actually work but instead uses the treadmill that someone left in a storage locker at his office, then he comes home and just sits. I'd like to exercise, but I'm busy from morning until night being the only person in the house who does anything to keep this pigsty in some semblance of habitability. And if I don't do it, nobody cares - I've tried leaving things to see if someone else will take care of it - they don't! They are utterly oblivious.

Ok. Self pity rant done.

Who wants ice cream?

Holy cow! You described my life! I'm so sorry and I feel for you!

I once left the toilet clogged to see if husb would take care of it as he promised. I was going back to school and completely overwhelmed. It sat for a month and you could smell the odor at the front door. So I took care of it...((sigh))

I can see my wife as the slave in this same scenario too. She had 5 kids in 6 years but she's never had a job.. so she's never worked, right? pffft

Help me with:

I need help.

Animation2 2
(3 days after post)
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Yeah, I sometimes feel guilty that I don't have a real job. But over the years, I HAVE worked, but it's usually temporary and part time. When I did have a FT job, my husb hated it and asked me to quit.

I sell mary kay, mystery shop, manage our properties, and babysit, along with developing curriculum for homeschool (that I might be able to sell at some point....dunno).

Thing is: husb is 15 years older than me, so soon I will be working FT and taking care of him as he ages

Happy earth
(3 days after post)
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Taking care of people is the most underpaid, unappreciated work there is.

6ac6ec97 7651 45c5 b346 63c4b75d6c66
(3 days after post)
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I wouldn’t say all of them, some can actually be rewarding if they respect you back.

Happy earth
(3 days after post)
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Evansent wrote:
I wouldn’t say all of them, some can actually be rewarding if they respect you back.

True, but it seems the more you do, the less it is appreciated.

1581744157174 1581744149313 miss bot
last online: 03/19, 3:49
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(4 days after post)
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Dont look to others for praise. After awhile that becomes narcissistic. Case in point, POTUS round table with his early picks for his Cabinet. The 1st 55 minutes of that meeting were spent going around the table as each person just lauded praise upon praise as if DJT was the new King of a monarchy.

6ac6ec97 7651 45c5 b346 63c4b75d6c66
(5 days after post)
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smiley wrote:

Evansent wrote:
I wouldn’t say all of them, some can actually be rewarding if they respect you back.

True, but it seems the more you do, the less it is appreciated.

Yep I couldn’t agree with you more. Well you know what to do(or at least try) Do less and see if that gets you noticed.
Being a Housewife and Mother is a 24/7 Thankless job. If only we could earn money for the love we lavish on our kids we would be millionaires...

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