338 replies, Replies 321 to 330

What can I do on the internet?

How about writing reviews for religious movies? ๐Ÿคก

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I just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Easter!

Kalinihta wrote:
Oh! Is it Easter Sunday for you? We'll be celebrating ours next week. Happy Easter everybody!!!

I'm hoping to celebrate next week with my Greek Orthodox acquaintances also. I like attending their Easter liturgy; very moving.

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We should make this a secular site.

Cham wrote:
But religion is fiction. To live in a real world believing in fiction is recipe for disaster.

Ehm, how about Easter bunny, or Santa, for example?!

What is a real world according to Cham? Define. Thank you.

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We should make this a secular site.

Cham wrote:
But by giving religious people freedom we give them the chance to introduce their toxic beliefs to others. They make more people fear hell fire and brimstone and silly stuff like that which only ruins lives. A huge part of my life was ruined by Christianity. Wasted.

I am really so sorry that you had such negative experience of Christianity, Cham.

I had been through some bad stuff from many people, both secular and religious. Some I also have to exclude from my life - like social workers, and police. They caused me so much harm and distress by their negligence and malicious actions. Every time I see a police officer or their car, I relive the whole hell all over again. I get so distressed that I struggle to drive (if I am in my car when encountering police). So, I understand that you would wish to eliminate religion from this site just to make yourself better. I wish I could wipe out police and my trauma would be gone..

However, that is neither realistic nor right. There is a better way of overcoming our past trauma. I haven't overcome mine yet, and do wish you will find a positive way to deal with yours.

I have recently left a mental health site on which religion was banned. The owner of the site stated the same reason for not allowing religion as you have - a bad experience with religious people in the past.

I have also recently left a church where they were not able and/or willing to accept people with metnal health issue.

When I discovered this site yesterday, I read the FAQ page first if I will be harassed, or excluded for either of these on here. I hope that like in the past, it will be able to accommodate all - seculars, religious, helahty and not so healthy people who need help. xx

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People i need your help urgent thank you.

Yes, it would be better for you to look at some homeless shelters or church food banks. Hope you will find the right help, all the best.

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We should make this a secular site.

So, secular beliefs are not silly as proven by whom/what?

Amongs many things on this site, I like that it allows people to freely express even their beliefs - regardless whether they are scientific or religious. I do hope that it will stay that way.

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I canโ€™t believe this site is back!

I was also at a bad place when I joined the old site. And it was a lifeline! Got not only support, but made friends and managed to grow and heal. Been missing the site and so glad it is back. Warm welcome to everyone. Looking forward to your posts and friendships xx

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Rockster's post reminded me of this.

Max wrote:
I recently wrote Agrape but didn't receive a reply.

Oh, shame. :( Thanks, Max. I have her on my fb page, but I don't think she uses it.

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PepperJ wrote:
Welcome back, Mya

Thank you, PepperJ :)

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I hope everyone makes their way back!

I remember and miss littlenick's jokes. Has anyone been in touch with livingforyou or agapelove? So glad the site is back. Hello everyone! :)

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