47 replies, Replies 21 to 30


Araz wrote:
Is it bad etiquette to recline on a flight? I just don’t understand why they would have the option to recline if you’re not supposed to use it. For the most part, I’ve only been on international flights so everyone is reclined and sleeping.

Thats exactly what I was going to say.

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Why do young people like socialism so much?

Anonymous wrote:

BananaLlama wrote:

On the other hand, America hates the thought of universal health care.

It’s probably to do with culture and people don’t like things changing, or can’t see how we could be better off.

Actually it's probably because a lot of Americans are stupid. Let me say it cause I'm an American. A lot of Americans are just unbelievably STUPID. Not even ignorant. Ignorance can be fixed with education. I mean STUUUUUPPPPPIIIIIIIIIIIIIID

Something may have been in their drinking water and messed them up maybe. I dunno. smh It's sad.

The funny thing is that our healthcare really isn’t that different. We still pay for it in monthly deductions from wages. It’s like insurance but as a tax. The good thing is if you’re not working you still get healthcare. At least we don’t have to worry about being in debt if we break a leg!

Apparently the UK also pays less for The same medication than US do.

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Why is the saying no good deed goes unpunished.

Anonymous wrote:
Really if you think about it though, what could you possibly doing for anyone that's so advanced that they can't get off their lazy ***ass and do it themselves?

Unless you're doing some kind of specialized work, like building a friend a website for his garage band for example, then they really probably don't need your help in the first place and that they're asking for it probably just means that they'd rather let someone else do it simply because they don't want to.

Stop letting them be lazy pieces of crap and make them get off their lazy worthless ***ass and do it themselves!

And if you are doing something for someone that is a specialized skill that they really can't do, YOU SHOULD BE CHARGING THEM!

I disagree with that. My dad is a builder, his friend and electrician. They always had this mural agreement that if one needs work doing that the other can do then they do it.

My dad built walls and did plastering for him. And he fit showers and refitted the kitchen electrics for my dad. At the end of the day they sat down and drank beer.

Why can’t people work together?

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Why do young people like socialism so much?

Anonymous wrote:

BananaLlama wrote:
Because they have never paid taxes and still live in an idealistic world.


Unless they're too young to work then they've paid taxes and if they haven't then they're too young to vote too. So they don't apply to the question lol

I was very much thinking of uni students. Who are able to work if they want to.

In the UK it’s very much uni students who want socialism.

However, like lano said, most countries do have some aspects of socialism.

Again in the UK we would defend our NHS Til death, people support the NHS more than the monarchy. And it’s very much socialist. However as the last general election proved, it can go to far. People didn’t want free WiFi and nationalised transport.

On the other hand, America hates the thought of universal health care.

It’s probably to do with culture and people don’t like things changing, or can’t see how we could be better off.

People want more without paying more. And we don’t trust the government to give more without taxing us more.

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The coronavirus is only 45 miles away.

It is concerning. I have actually had a version of it. It was hell and took me months to get over. Ruined my lungs for over a year and 3 years later it still has a slight effect on me. I worry for my parents and grandparents, even my sister in law who are all not exactly tip top condition.

I dont think regular flu is more infectious. The rates of infection are increasing, the reports say that not everyone can be tested in china, some people isolate themselves and do not report the illness, and deaths are being reported as other things like organ failure and pneumonia.

They say face masks dont work but I don't believe that either. They dont want a shortage and you dont see medical professionals without a mask on ever. I was only 20 miles from the first diagnosed cases in my country. My dad works in the city is was diagnosed in.

I am very concerned.

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Why do young people like socialism so much?

Because they have never paid taxes and still live in an idealistic world.

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Why is the saying no good deed goes unpunished.

NacthoMan wrote:

aeolians.revenge wrote:
Thanks for your response.
Im just wondering if I should continue doing good deeds if the end result is punishment.
It happens all the time. Its not worth it

only worth doing good deeds to those who return the deed

But then who does the first good deed? Someone has to go first!

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Why is the saying no good deed goes unpunished.

Being truly altruistic always ends in a cost (or punishment) for the altruism.

When you give, give without expectation. Otherwise it’s not a good deed. It’s a self serving one

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Why is the saying no good deed goes unpunished.

NacthoMan wrote:
i say it all the time..

and yes its very true when it comes to my personal experience.. its like the saying you can do 99 things right and when you do one wrong.. they come after you.

do you have any recollection of my old post?


And no one remembers what you do until you stop doing it.

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Now that there is little doubt that Trump did what he was accused of...

Yep, it sets a dangerous precedence for the future.

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