47 replies, Replies 11 to 20

I kept on smelling leather wherever I go!!

What if itโ€™s a hand bag?

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When politicians complain more than we do....

Why fix anything when they can just point the finger at the opposition!

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What Is The Difference

Araz wrote:
To me: an action is doing something - physical or verbal. Putting a plan in motion.

A reaction is a response to someone taking an action.

Exactly what I was going to say!

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How do you get a lot of hits on youtube??

Post frequently
Comment on other peoples videos
Use interesting titles
Post on social media
Post niche or relevant topics

I think posting frequently is the biggie.

Im a big youtube star, I have 5 subs, 15 videos, and 261 views!

Those 5 subs all came in the last month after I commented on someones elses videos who made content on the same topic as mine. So if your a beauty youtuber, theres no point commenting on a gaming channel, as the audience probably wont be interested in your channel.

But if you give well thought out comments on videos on the same topic, people are likely to see if you have a channel and sub you. At the time, I only had a few videos that were actually uploaded as part of coursework I was doing to get qualified and I hadnt uploaded anything for months. But I still got the subs.

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Is a 13 age relationship gap a bit too much?

Why not, if you like each other you like each other. go for it!

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I was always the same.

As a young teen girl all my friends were in love with pop stars and movie stars, I had no attraction to them. I loved the inspirational ones, the leaders and innovators.

For me now, its David Goggins, Gary Vee, Elon Musk, Simon Sinek, Will Smith.

I just find people fascinating. Their psychology, and their energy, passion. Looking back I dont think I have ever really been physically attracted to anyone. Its always their personality and aura.

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anyone ever order something from at first seems like a legit website..

On the other side of things, I have ordered from a site, received my items perfectly, but then looked at the reviews which was terrible. I had great service, but it seemed like no one else did. companies can turn things around, either way!

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Did you slowly reduce the dosage of the meds?

Most depression meds replace chemicals in the brain that are lacking, so when you come off, you have to be sure that the chemicals are being produced, otherwise you slip back.

Having suffered depression for many years too, I know that the only way to beat it is to take care of yourself.

You MUST have a good diet with all of your vitamins and minerals. Iron, Vitamin D are the biggest ones for me. You would be surprised how much lack of certain minerals and vitamins can really affect your energy and mood.

You MUST find something that makes you happy, a hobby, exercise, games night with the family, anything that you can focus and look forward to. You need down time.

And finally, you MUST have a goal in mind.

I really believe that depression can take hold when we dont have anything to work towards, whether thats changing jobs, getting paid for a job youre not currently being paid for, saving x amount of money, having a family trip. However, small it is, we all need something to work and focus on.

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anyone ever order something from at first seems like a legit website..

I have about a week ago.

My mum sent me a link to buy something for her, I was mad at her and stupidly bought it without checking the reviews of the site.

I dont think it will arrive, but I paid with paypal so I will hopefully get my money back.

I hope you do too.

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Cop: we got a call you had pot in your car.

lmao! good one!

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