624 replies, Replies 601 to 610

Bloody Mary time.

Red1263 wrote:
I'm more of a crown royal guy, myself clears throat and fiddles with monocle -_O

I got quite a liking for that while in USA.

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I'm watching Godzilla for the first time in a while...

I can pretty much always tell if they haven't used real dinosaurs in a film.

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I am so clumsy on my phone...

I have in and got glasses.

Only wear them for reading.

Realized how bad my eyes were getting when I couldn't see to tie hooks onto fishing line, and when I'm reading a book tired I end up with one eye shut and the book an arm length away!

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I just started renting a room.

Start practicing trumpet playing.

Don't take lessons, just guess your way through it.
Get amplifiers so it can be heard over his noise.

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I'm so glad to see this site I thought it was gone forever !!!!

I have become gradually more and more antisocial since the last site died.
Practically a hermit.
Now I'm going to have to gradually try to become a little less antisocial.....

I have my work cut out due to this site coming back....

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I feel agitated.

It might have technically been out for a while, but it was far from warm!!

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I feel agitated.

aeolian wrote:
Go hiking. Best anedote for stress. Get sun.

Good idea, and I agree, although myself and Nixx are in the UK and it's bloody cold now!!

The sun won't be out in these parts for 6 months now.

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I really am grateful to be in this place surrounded by old friends.

I think pepper Jelly's idea to meet up would be great.

For the other part - I imagine a lot of people would be wary about giving their home address to people on a website.

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I used to masturbate onto birds at a local park.

HelpBot wrote:
<div style="float: right; height: 125px;">
<a href="http://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/">
<img alt="Suicide Prevention Lifeline" src="/assets/suicide_prevention-8bed280c45a535f82a2896bb1d93..." />
<strong>If you are contemplating suicide, hurting yourself, or you are seriously depressed: please, seek professional help!</strong>
Call this hotline (1-800-273-8255) operated by our friends at the <a class="underline nowrap" href="http://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/">Suicide Prevention Lifeline</a>, anytime, for free, professional, and confidential assistance. While other Helpers are likely to reply to your post, please make sure you understand that your use of Help-QA.com falls under or <a class="underline" href="/terms-of-service">TOS</a>.
<i>Note: I'm a robot that the Help-QA creators programmed. If this response is in error, I apologize, please ignore it.</i>

The first outing of helpbot

He clearly thinks it's a serious issue

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Hello Again!

When I was setting my account up I set it to not sensor, yet it's still censored

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