226 replies, Replies 41 to 50

How do you stop a panic attack.

My homemedics sound conditioner drowns out my friends t.v. which he watches 13 hours a day with surround sound. The t.v. would drive me to drink if it wasnt for rhe sound conditioner. I only wish it was louder.

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Nix.. in all do respects please research. Your caught up in mainstream lies . You say nothing wrong with gmo.wow....

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MONSANTO.....profit before people......owning the politicians.... pur evil illuminatti.

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Your spot on al. Also above the corporations are an evil that is beyond the belief and comprehension mostly from disbelief that most God embracing humans can grasp. Ill leave it at that because it can sound like a conspiracy theory.
We need to bring back God. Thanks al

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I have been ill for over a week now.

My suggestion for what its worth.eat a healthy diet and stop eating fast food processed food and sugar. Park your car and start walking. Stop stop stop using anti bacterial wipes. Your making your immune system weaker and weaker. Yes wash your hands. You need to get your immune system motivated to fight bacterial and viral infections. Take zinc and vitamin c every morning. Now heres the magic bullet. If you do suddenly get the sniffles take oil of oregano and osha root. Fast for a day or two. Fasting works.osha root and oil of oregano will kill the cold or flu. It even knocks out bronchitis. THIS IS NOT SNAKE OIL TREATMENTS. THIS WORKS.

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I have been ill for over a week now.

Flu shots... people in the matrix will defend the lies because there whole existence relies on the system. Unplugging would open not only the lies of bog pharma but of everything that you was taught as a child. Everything that you thought was truth growing up was a lie.

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I have been ill for over a week now.

Also the flu shot is only somewhat effective for the strain it was intended. Viruses mutate . So even if it did work it wouldnt work if the viruses mutated. If the viruses didn't mutate which is unlikely you still put your health at risk by putting in your body what big al 1 eloquently shared

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I've come to realize people aren't friendly.

Humans like to give the illusion that the're nice people. They go to church. They are polite face to face most of the time. These same people behind a wheel are monsters.when nobody sees their face.

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An interesting perspective on the whole "transgender" thing.

Bingo ralph..bingo

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I have been ill for over a week now.

Buy some osha root at a batural food store. Dont get the tincture get the root. Chew on it . Just a tiny dime size. It will knock it out. In fact it will know out bronchitis.

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