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The great alien turd conspiracy.

Actually laughed out loud reading this, great

Anonymous wrote:
It is true. Doctors and biologists have known for years that humans don't excrete solid waste. These doctors are bought and paid for by big TP toilet paper companies, Pampers, Depends undergarments CEOs are run by aliens - they are laughing all the way to the bank. It is how they control the masses and keep a leg up on our species. Their slogan is "control their species with the feces". If they deem you a threat to expose this vicious scheme you will wake up next day with terrible diarrhea. Pepto Bismo is run by aliens think about it. Think of the hours of our lives wasted sitting on a toilet - we are prisoners to our evil turd-injecting overlords. You are a hero for making it known to others and knowing you will pay dearly for your actions as you experience severe colon blow assquake for next several days. Keep up the good fight my friend.

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Life a game of F**K


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can someone fact check this for me?

I'm a fudging Patriot. 7 years I served the us army. And I love EVERY one of you.

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The great alien turd conspiracy.

I have the last money tree seeds

verge wrote:
Where do money trees grow? I'm getting bored of work.

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The great alien turd conspiracy.

Shhhh, it's a secret

verge wrote:
Where do money trees grow? I'm getting bored of work.

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The great alien turd conspiracy.

Someone asked me the difference between jogging and running, I said; I'll put it to you this way, when a lion is coming after you, you're not jogging...

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The great alien turd conspiracy.

"The day is coming when a single carrot, freshly observed, will set off a revolution."

Paul Cezanne

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The great alien turd conspiracy.

Money tree's don't grow on money tree's, you gotta buy a money tree from a legitimate money tree dealer see, officially I'm the only money tree dealer on the the internet so 200 dollars, PayPal, MoneyGram heck even cocaine and marijuana accepted and I will mail your bonafide money tree directly to you. 200 dollars shipping and handling not included.

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The great alien turd conspiracy.

I used to be a World Traveller, now I'm just a Whirled Traveller.

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The great alien turd conspiracy.

Remember give up on your dreams now while you're still young, or don't wtf do I care?

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