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can someone fact check this for me?

Michael Tellinger - FOR MY FRIENDS IN THE USA
Watching the USA from the outside is like watching a great tragedy taking place - with the villains running freely causing more and more destruction - shifting the blame onto those who want to uphold peace and harmony and to simply live a beautiful life.
For all my friends in the USA - please be aware that your country is under full blown attack by the same Rothschild funded Zionist Bolshevik insurgent agents that caused most of the destruction and chaos in the world over the past 250 years. This is the most dangerous organized crime syndicate on Earth. They have killed presidents, started wars, over-turned governments, abducted, tortured, extorted, bribed and murdered millions of people to retain their control over most of the world's governments to date.
Among their more famous victims have been: Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, Archduke Franz Ferdinand 1914; Tsar Nikolai Romanov 1918, JFK in 1963, Hendrik Verwoerd South African Prime minister 1966, and many world leaders who defied their banking system - including Muammar Gaddafi of Libya.

Donald Trump is the first leader to have broken that control and removed them from power in the USA by taking control of the FED. This is why the attacks on him are so vicious and relentless, and they come from all sides. Since the USA was always the Rothschild's strongest territory - to control the rest of the world, with its powerful army, these global criminals have pulled out all the stops to overturn a duly elected president. They have activated and unleashed all their assets to achieve this. Since Trump controls the army and the FED, their main tool is the mainstream media, with its repeating lies and propaganda 24/7 to poison the minds of the people. They are fighting for their survival. They will lie to your face, use human tragedy and emotion in their favour against you, destroy the economy, destroy cities and monuments, bring down an entire country, kill and deceive everyone - just to achieve victory.
Please be aware of this. If they cannot destroy Trump - they will be finally destroyed after 250 years of global control.

If you live in the USA, it is very difficult to get a clear view of the situation, because most of the US media is part of the Cabal and toxic with anti Trump propaganda. Trump's victory will liberate all other countries from the Rothschild control of all central banks and bring freedom to people everywhere. Whether you like Trump or not, is not the issue - he is the only world leader who has defeated the Rothshilds by hijacking their central bank in the USA.
This happened quietly during March 2020, and without any media coverage, because the media is owned by the same of Rothschild banking empire.
TRUMP's success against the deep state and their Communist, Zionist, Bolshevik agents, is not about the USA surviving - it is about liberating the WHOLE WORLD from their bloodthirsty control.
Inform yourself - be smart - be aware. The freedom of the world depends on your next move and what happens in the USA in November 2020.
In unity - Michael Tellinger a South African author, politician, explorer.Michael Tellinger - FOR MY FRIENDS IN THE USA
Watching the USA from the outside is like watching a great tragedy taking place - with the villains running freely causing more and more destruction - shifting the blame onto those who want to uphold peace and harmony and to simply live a beautiful life.
For all my friends in the USA - please be aware that your country is under full blown attack by the same Rothschild funded Zionist Bolshevik insurgent agents that caused most of the destruction and chaos in the world over the past 250 years. This is the most dangerous organized crime syndicate on Earth. They have killed presidents, started wars, over-turned governments, abducted, tortured, extorted, bribed and murdered millions of people to retain their control over most of the world's governments to date.
Among their more famous victims have been: Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, Archduke Franz Ferdinand 1914; Tsar Nikolai Romanov 1918, JFK in 1963, Hendrik Verwoerd South African Prime minister 1966, and many world leaders who defied their banking system - including Muammar Gaddafi of Libya.

Donald Trump is the first leader to have broken that control and removed them from power in the USA by taking control of the FED. This is why the attacks on him are so vicious and relentless, and they come from all sides. Since the USA was always the Rothschild's strongest territory - to control the rest of the world, with its powerful army, these global criminals have pulled out all the stops to overturn a duly elected president. They have activated and unleashed all their assets to achieve this. Since Trump controls the army and the FED, their main tool is the mainstream media, with its repeating lies and propaganda 24/7 to poison the minds of the people. They are fighting for their survival. They will lie to your face, use human tragedy and emotion in their favour against you, destroy the economy, destroy cities and monuments, bring down an entire country, kill and deceive everyone - just to achieve victory.
Please be aware of this. If they cannot destroy Trump - they will be finally destroyed after 250 years of global control.

If you live in the USA, it is very difficult to get a clear view of the situation, because most of the US media is part of the Cabal and toxic with anti Trump propaganda. Trump's victory will liberate all other countries from the Rothschild control of all central banks and bring freedom to people everywhere. Whether you like Trump or not, is not the issue - he is the only world leader who has defeated the Rothshilds by hijacking their central bank in the USA.
This happened quietly during March 2020, and without any media coverage, because the media is owned by the same of Rothschild banking empire.
TRUMP's success against the deep state and their Communist, Zionist, Bolshevik agents, is not about the USA surviving - it is about liberating the WHOLE WORLD from their bloodthirsty control.
Inform yourself - be smart - be aware. The freedom of the world depends on your next move and what happens in the USA in November 2020.
In unity - Michael Tellinger a South African author, politician, explorer.

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last online: 01/25, 20:20
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Fact checking......

Yes. Every bit of it is true.

I've written about it and brought it up on many occasion but, people yawned.

I'll say it again -
The America we live in today is a large corporation - it does not reflect the true America the founding fathers established.

We don't look at the reflection in the mirror - we ARE the reflection.

Here is a simple explanation of what's going on but it does not explain the history which brought it about.


And here is the video that explains how America came under new ownership in the late 20's.

Jump to 34:20 to get into the core of the topic.


05ad6afe 1f85 4c4a 8680 4f73a3c1f45c
last online: 01/23, 5:07
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Some of the text there is repeated. I would edit the post for redundancy.

To respond....Factcheck eh?

1. Trump didn't "take control" of the Federal Reserve, or whatever that means. Unless he's broken another law recently that I haven't heard about.

2. Andrew Jackson wasn't assassinated, he died of natural causes.

I think that's enough to either convince you not to take this stuff seriously, or maybe enough to make you buy it wholesale, because, it's all a big conspiracy anyway, right?

Not belittling anyone's opinion, a facthcheck was requested and I responded.

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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Andrew Jackson wasn't assassinated, he died of natural causes.

The article said NOTHING of Andrew Jackson being assassinated but that of being a victim of the banking cartel during a time of his Presidency.
His last words, before dying were , "I broke the bank." Because he did.
Andrews words of war to the Central Banks went to this effect -
"You are a den of thieves and by the might of God I will route you out!"
Andrew Jackson - aka - Old Hickory.

President Lincolon and JFK were assassanited for the same reason - they began to bypass the International Bankers which printed money at a debt rate and, instead, printed debt free money.
Thus they were killed.

05ad6afe 1f85 4c4a 8680 4f73a3c1f45c
last online: 01/23, 5:07
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BA1 wrote:

The article said NOTHING of Andrew Jackson being assassinated but that of being a victim of the banking cartel during a time of his Presidency.

Ok, but it does put him in a list of other people who were all assassinated. I guess he was only a "victim" then. The others were victims because they were assassinated and he was a victim in that he "broke the bank." Thanks for clearing that up.

(2 hours after post)
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both of yall gave me great answers. just so you know i always take this step back to be aware that all proclaimed information is not what it is.

my point is .. check your information.

(3 hours after post)
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the media is relentless

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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(7 hours after post)
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. The others were victims because they were assassinated and he was a victim in that he "broke the bank." Thanks for clearing that up.

He wasn't a victim in that he broke the bank, he was a victim of what he endured from the cartel of international bankers - and that was something I made perfectly clear.

Not belittling anyone's opinion, a facthcheck was requested and I responded.

There's a difference between what was requested and what you responded to.

NacthoMan wrote:

- all proclaimed information is not what it is.

-my point is - check your information - the media is relentless.

Real information isn't always served up by the media, but by individuals who sacrifice themselves for the sake of truth.


(13 hours after post)
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Total bullshit

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last online: 01/23, 5:07
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BA1 wrote:

. The others were victims because they were assassinated and he was a victim in that he "broke the bank." Thanks for clearing that up.

He wasn't a victim in that he broke the bank, he was a victim of what he endured from the cartel of international bankers - and that was something I made perfectly clear.

You gave a possible explanation for what looks like an error on the part of the article writer.

I would say that that definitely does not come across in the article and stand by what I said.

You disagree. That's fine. I respect your opinion.

05ad6afe 1f85 4c4a 8680 4f73a3c1f45c
last online: 01/23, 5:07
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NacthoMan wrote:

my point is .. check your information.

Good rule of thumb: If it is a meme, it's probably wrong. Everytime I factchecked a politcal facebook meme, it's been wrong.

Another rule of thumb: Fact check something ESPECIALLY when you find it amusing and wanting to agree with it.

There was a meme going around that some Israeli health minister said that COVID was god's way of punishing the gays and people pro-gay rights and then he got it and haha, isn't that funny and ironic and it gave me a mirthless chuckle and for a split second I believed it...but factcheck Lano kicked in.

Turned out not to be true, some other guy had said it but someone decided the truth wasn't interesting enough and put the words in someone else's mouth.

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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(19 hours after post)
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You gave a possible explanation for what looks like an error on the part of the article writer.

The direction of the article and where the writer was going with it does not allow room for a deep, detailed, lesson in history of all the names he mentioned - that's something the reader should have walked away with in 5th grade.
Secondly, the writer didn't mention 'assassination' in his arcticle, though you assumed it by the grouping of people, an error on your part when clearly the writer was talking about the victimization of these people.

I would say that that definitely does not come across in the article and stand by what I said.

You disagree. That's fine. I respect your opinion.

Sure. And I respect that you continue to stand by your error.

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
(3 days after post)
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I just followed this Tellinger guy on FB... looks like some interesting reading to say the least.

Help me with:

I need help.

(4 days after post)
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Donald trump is no leader, sorry but you lost me there

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(2 weeks after post)
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I hate that ridiculous excuse for who/what he is, does, and says. The media has nothing to do with it.
He's going to prison for his crimes when we fire him in November!

Fb img 1591105178602
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danihatesyou wrote:
Donald trump is no leader, sorry but you lost me there

Agreed 100%

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
(3 weeks after post)
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I'm not exactly sure I want to follow some dementia addled 77 year old either. It will be another election where everyone holds their nose when they cast their vote. Same ****shit, different candidates..

Help me with:

I need help.

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This is crazy. Just the first sentence... Zionist Bolshevik? WTF? Zionist is a sort of slur for Jew, right? And Bolshevik, the party from 1917 that overthrew the Russian aristocracy and installed communism? That was only 100 years ago, not 250. The half of that which I read was like a crazy conspiracy rant from my schizophrenic uncle. Honestly I think our media is completely corrupt and fake news is everywhere and has consumed all social media, but let's be sane here...

(3 weeks after post)
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I'm a fudging Patriot. 7 years I served the us army. And I love EVERY one of you.

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((((heavy sigh....))))

I have
to say about this
Bottom line: you're right

He did NOT "take control" of the fed reserve, he merged it with the Treasury. I think it happened in March (?) He was able to do this because we've been a nation at war since 9/11. Pres Bush declared war on terror. That never ended. A president during wartime has different privileges than a president during peace time. He could have and still can declare martial law, as well. Since all 50 states signed off in a "state of emergency," and in that case, he has every right, as a war time president, to declare martial law.

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last online: 01/25, 20:20
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