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Another English summer walk.


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tried to listen to the current alt.

also i want to point out how in the old days.. radio jockeys had a good ear for taste in music.. and would play the and what was catchy. and all of us would pick up on that.

nowadays... i dunno where to begin with.. it seems like air time and videos are pushed n bought by the music industry. what gives? with this insane "disco-uation" of crap thats being sold as popular music.

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tried to listen to the current alt.

ralph ..i totally dig the music.. lyrics could use more work tho

the alt i was looking into before were on the billboard 100 for alt. bleh


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I was going to kill myself tomorrow.

life sucks.. but im still here

big woop

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tried to listen to the current alt.


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tried to listen to the current alt.

oh to touch up with the one of the few greatest alt song i know ..


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tried to listen to the current alt.

done did it, apparently i didnt bother to put in my dob when i signed up back to this site.. and it looks like i missed a load of a lot.. shame on me.

guess i'll be busy tonight backtracking the missed postings.

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tried to listen to the current alt.

oh so im pinned as under aged. allow me to correct that.

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tried to listen to the current alt.


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tried to listen to the current alt.

out of curiosity.. wondering why this post is not listed on the homepage? i noticed it was labeled as NSFW.. im confused.

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