360 replies, Replies 41 to 50

Are you still being affected by covid19?

Cregyn wrote:

I am really sorry to learn that @BigWilly!! I do hope that she will get the right support.

Sadly, I doubt she will.

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Are you still being affected by covid19?

Cregyn wrote:

BigWilly! wrote:
My friend Joni suffered from long covid & she ended up getting kicked out of assisted living (old folks home) because of it. Lucky for her that she had some money & some coming from disability to rent a hotel room or she would have been just another dying old woman kicked out onto the streets.

My goodness, that is awful! :((

Yup, & right now she's applying for MAID because of her severe & unrelenting pain. The medical system (& the government in general) failed her here in Canada, as it does many who are disabled.

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Are you still being affected by covid19?

My friend Joni suffered from long covid & she ended up getting kicked out of assisted living (old folks home) because of it. Lucky for her that she had some money & some coming from disability to rent a hotel room or she would have been just another dying old woman kicked out onto the streets.

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I dunno if its me

I do believe that headlights ARE getting brighter, which is why I try not to drive at night.

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Do any of you work remotely and own a puppy/rambunctious dog?

I don't work any more, but have 2 rambunctious dogs.

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Hello, HelpQA~~I was a member of the original Help.com years ago and a member of the QA as well.

I'm still around too, & often pop by to see what's up. ..Willy.

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So i like beans.


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Question about lottery Pools


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Let me be Frank.

Maybe just a coy Frank-N-Furter?

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Feeling like I need large amounts of morphine right now...

pinocchiothepuppet2 wrote:

I had to Google Osoyoos because I'm stupid I guess, and I didn't know wth a rubber tramp is either. I do now though thanks to you and Google!

How is that by the way? I've wondered before what it'd be like to be able to just put your house in drive and drive away whenever you feel like it. It has to feel a little more free?

I've been living this lifestyle for abt 30 yrs & find it much better than being in the rat race & throwing away my money on rent. There's a LOT less stress to deal with & have million dollar views for the price of gas to get there. Over the years, especially during/after covid, I've seen more & more people hitting the road & living like I do. The freedom IS there &, unlike living in a stix n brix, if I don't like my neighbors it's a simple matter to fire up the pig n go somewhere else.

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