345 replies, Replies 61 to 70

Thanks to jetmoo, I found my way back here, anyone still around?

I lurk around here every so often & pump out the odd reply.

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Can't someone tell that moron there is no such organized group as Antifa?

Antifa means what he wants it to mean, until he doesn't & then it will mean something else.

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Are you feeling lonely?

I am as I have been for decades and am content to be with my dog.

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Im glad you all got your T.P.

aeolians.revenge wrote:
That is the tip of the iceberg.
My trucker friend told me the trucks shipping the food supply are walkimg off their jobs.
They refuse to let truckers use bathrooms and restaurants at truck stops.
Its going to get a lot worse.
Im also out of food

Just get 'em to wear grampers.

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I never change my avatar.

Same here, even tho Coco is dead and I have a new dog, Miel. Maybe it's a small measure of stability and don't chicks dig stability in a guy?

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Ozone generators can kill airborn viruses.

Ozone generators are used to kill pests.. just saying. https://www.damagecontrol-911.com/killing-bugs-...

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Im glad you all got your T.P.

I didn't have to stock up since they produce it here. Funny seeing people buying up all the tp here, only to see the shelves restocked soon after. Whatever, fools will be foolish.

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How can people be on psych meds and earn a living.

Lano wrote:

Oh. I took Lexapro for a bit and it didn't really have any kind of affect like that on me, but I doubt it was the strongest thing they could have put me on. I have stayed away from such medications since.

It would be nice if I could switch to something else without suffering much worse side-effects. Still, it beats opiates and being a junky.

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How can people be on psych meds and earn a living.

Lano wrote:
I would think the kind of psych meds that put you in la la land are generally the same ones that also keep out of la la land.

Not necessarily. I'm taking (at a very low dose) an antidepressant which, strangely enough, is REALLY eff2ctive for blocking neurological pain & the deleterious mental effects are quite noticeable.

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How can people be on psych meds and earn a living.

Maybe a person NEEDS to be in la-la land to flip burgers for a living.

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