1,951 replies, Replies 131 to 140


Like I said, Lano.
You can disbelieve, rationalize and reason until the whole burning house comes down around your head.

We have entered back into a very Satanic dark age.

There is no going back.

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By that logic, it must be that the toilet paper makers being forced to destroy toilet paper. Likewise with people who make bleach and hand sanitizer, etc.

We don't eat toilet paper and we don't drink bleach. Further, these items are not farmed or captured from nature - they are considered textiles and are produced from near inexhaustible resources.

It isn't as simple as just ordering more stuff...

It is that simple and since the invention of the barcode and automated stock programs, ordering has never been easier- but, that's beside the point and here's why....

- there is a supply chain and when there is a sudden stress on one end of the supply chain, shortages happen, at least in the short term.

You're under the assumption the the grocery store is the supply chain - it's not. It's a consumer outlet.

The REAL supply is at the source, Lano. It's growing in the dirt. It growing from the dirt. And from high production greenhouses. It's beef and pork on the hoof, it's poultry on the wing and scale on the fish, and other related products (like dairy and wine) - the source is the supply....

Like you say, there is overproduction at times, and that's often why farmers end up getting rid of product, not because someone is being forced to.

There seems to be a difference between what I say and the way you're defining it.

It's not like the farmers and ranchers are saying, "Oh my God there's such a demand, how are we going to keep up?"

At the same time it's not like demand is so low that the farmers and ranchers are saying, "Well boys, guess we'll just have to dump it all out and kill off what we have."

A lot of over produced items can be stored for very long periods of time. You don't take something that is venerable and throw it in the trash. You throw it when it is no longer suitable to the human OR animal kingdom.

But as you said, for the sake of argument let's assume the farmers and ranchers are over producing and they need to trash their produce and stock. Okay....that's up to them - that's their call, but that's not what is going on.

The farmers and ranchers are being instructed to destroy their production.

Now, I appreciate the link you provided to the New York Compost propaganda rag, but we have a difference of reach when it comes the source of information. My source is the very thing you flick boogers at - the farmers and the ranchers who put food on your table, like the guy in the vid. He's not the only farmer/rancher shouting about this.
Your source comes from chair-bound keyboard discjockeys that hope to make a name for themselves. And the only thing they're feeding you is a socialized, government leaning narrative.
And while you jest about the way he dresses and his accent, I'm sure your boy back at the office has a closet filled with Botany 500 suits, playing his part like a Hollywood script writer that any blind person could see when he buys the Braille edition. Go figure.

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I'll bear through this one more time. Maybe even give it a polish - or not.

When it comes to certain things, I don't mind being wrong - I WANT to be wrong. I've had a lifetime filled with living nightmares that just happen to come true - all of them, I hoped I was wrong.

With that said, I'm well tuned to the BS when I hear\see it, so it's presumptuous to assume exclusive rights to the BS radar.

Let's take a walk.
Here's a well stocked store.
Now, panic.
Here sits an empty store.

This is what you're calling a food shortage but you may as well row your boat to the middle of the ocean and try to dig a hole in the middle of the water. The hole fills back in.
The U.S. is filled with over-abundant production - we supply nations.

When the groceries run low at the store, the manager orders more from suppliers.

There's not a food shortage because the groceries were bought out - there's a food shortage because suppliers are being forced to trash their supply.

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Lano wrote:
To continue with the metaphor, cus it's fun:

I'm a skeptic. So if a fireman comes into my house and says "There's a fire get out." I'm going to say "I don't see any smoke sir. Can you show me where the fire is." and if his response is "No, I'm a fireman, trust me." Then I'm going to ask him to leave. And if my house DOES end up burning down around my head, I'm not going to feel bad about not believing him because he didn't give me a good reason to believe him. It's not my fault he wasn't convincing enough, I did the best I could, and maybe the fireman was right all along but I'm not going to abandon my house just cus he told me to.

The smoke represents signs of the fire which you chose to ignore. The fireman wouldn't be there if it weren't on fire.
Your ignorance is YOUR fault not his.
If it is your choice to burn, then burn. I fully respect your choice.

Meanwhile, my Post wasn't meant for "fun" and games.
You needn't reply here any further.

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Let me nutshell your three part novel, Lano....

I'm going back to You Tube and find a different host and import the video back in - just to shut your #u(xin# mouth.
Just what part didn't you comprehend when I said the video was hosted on multiple platforms? What part Lano didn't you get when I said the video was ALSO hosted by others at You Tube?

I'm a demanding consumer of information.

What good is that when you lack the ability to sequence the most simple things set before you?
Here's something you missed, I could have imported the video from a different source and maybe it wouldn't have been such an issue -
Although I doubt it.... I really don't find it interesting or amusing that I have to waste my time and focus my energy in picking you up after you have tripped over the legs of a gnat.
Then you have the audacity to say you're not that patient, after stretching the patients of others - that's not amusing, that's ironic and sad at the same time.

I shouldn't have to ask for sources or do my own research to check to see if what you're saying is true.

But then -

Poster replied saying that some guy tried that and the next night his farm mysteriously burned down (how the hell would he know that)

How would he know? That's not what's important. It wouldn't matter if the answer were served to you on a gold plate.

Like GEEZ he looks TOO much like a farmer, that's one of the reasons why I don't trust him. Like he literally looks like someone decided to go to a halloween party as a farmer.

Fireman breaks through Lano's door: "!Hey man your house is burning down!"

Lano: "You don't know what you're talking about, this room isn't on fire...."

Fireman: "It will be in less than 5 minutes!"

Lano: "You look too much like a fireman, like is it Hallow -"

Fireman: "- !ARE YOU SERIOUS!"

I don't have to waste my time supplying basic information or advanced information or detailed information to you or anyone who won't receive it.
Really what's the point?
I said it several times already - have it your way.

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Help me figure this out.


Are you not entertained....?

It's not a question of what more but how...how are you able to say anything and everything, except that which you should.

[Original Link]

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From Frampton comes alive.

aeolians.revenge wrote:
Hi big al.. I want to go back in time. Dont you??
I feel like a peanut lately

Boy, I sure do, Aeolian. Maybe back far enough that I could actually die in a respectable decade - lol!

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Lano wrote:
Yeah its kinda like that except instead of a fireman its some random guy on the internet.

Random neighbor breaks through Lano's door, "!Hey man, your house is burning down!"

Lano: "You don't know what you're talking about, this room isn't on fire and you're just a random neighbor, not the fireman..."

You're making better sense with every reply, but again, have it your way.

The guy in the video is a cattle rancher and farmer, Lano (effectively the fireman himself). Can't you hear the cattle in the background?

As for the person hosting the video - does it matter if he sells books? There are numerous people hosting this video across multiple platforms because it's true.

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From Frampton comes alive.

Bought the album for my dad back in '78, but he was more into country than Frampton Comes Alive.

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Lano wrote:
I don't think this guy really knows what he's talking about. To me it sounds like he heard something on the news and kinda ran crazy with it and is talking out of his butt using some real facts and making up the rest.

My source: Nothing, same as that guy.

Also I think the guy who posted the vid, who isn't the same as the guy in the vid, is trying to sell books.

Fireman breaks through Lano's door: "!Hey man your house is burning down!"

Lano: "You don't know what you're talking about, this room isn't on fire...."

Have it your way, buddy.

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