1,951 replies, Replies 141 to 150

can't we just make some noise?

You might remember him from Police Academy....

[Original Link]

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crazy shit ive found on the internet

Maybe I'm old fashioned.
I like to see things for how they are. Perhaps I'm a bit "religious," but....I actually believe the claims these people make.
Don't get me wrong, it's a real problem....
....Demon possession usually is, and these people are possessed.

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My first haiku ever:

Araz wrote:
I feel dumb but I donโ€™t get it lol!

No worries - it's just a little something before your time.
Feel-good corporate propaganda of the late 70's but the jingle is forever etched into the minds of several generations of people who would risk a lobotomy to truly get it out of their heads. Lol!

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Again, more corporate propaganda of the late 70's and early 80's.
The horror of "Beatrice."
A global cartel of investors that were truly buying up well established and well known companies that (generally) produced food/snack items.
The real scare being; they put themselves out there then one day....went dead silent.
How big is big?

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Just hit play and the ads will roll. All products by "Beatrice."

Great commercial jingles and limericks all the same.

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And as Paul Harvey would say-

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Need relationship advice?

Thanks for Posting Anon.
It's more appreciated than you know;)

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My first haiku ever:

I can't wait for tomorrow and neither can Alcola. Alcola can't wait!
(We are Beatrice).

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can't we just make some noise?

holy crap i totally forgot about that music video!!!

Thanks boss, I take it I can clock out now? Lol!

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Araz wrote:
I know a lot about financing and contracts but not a whole lot about cars. I wish someone would just tell me what to buy lol.

Ford Focus
Toyota Camery
Dodge Dart
Honda Accord (or Civvic)
Subaru WRX (but not likely)
Chevy Impala

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can't we just make some noise?

Aria wrote:
Go for it, though, I must warn you, if it's a negative criticism....I may not agree, due to opinions or bias, I'm not sure. It really all depends with me, I'm "Middle of the Road".

Robbie's a performer, so I think he was asking what Beatles song you would like to hear from him.
(Maybe I'm wrong).

[Original Link]

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He's too busy for you!

How many ladies want a flat broke, busted man - they don't.
I have no understanding of what this brother's talking about - the statistics are the other way around.

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Hope this lightens your mood a bit.

Jim went to the doctor -

Doc: I'm afraid it's bad news, Jim.

Jim: Tell me Doc, I need to know.

Doc: You need to stop ma$turยฟating.

Jim: OMG Doc, why???

Doc: Because....I'm talking to you....

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