1,951 replies, Replies 151 to 160

can't we just make some noise?

aeolians.revenge wrote:
I better keep quiet or Ill get banned. Carry on

If you got it, you got it.
No one on their death bed ever said, "Gee - I just had too much (of "that") in my life."

Just some inspiration.

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can't we just make some noise?

Here's some noise -

[Original Link]

Crazy, right?

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whats funny is

NacthoMan wrote:

BA1 wrote:
You know it's bad when guys are walking around wearing a mask his girlfriend made from her box of Maxipads....

i have the perfect pic for that lol - but no way to attach

No worries - just drop a link if you can, if not it's okay.
I've already seen instances of these "masks" being worn.

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Hope this lightens your mood a bit.

Anonymous wrote:
I dont read copy and paste jokes.

Right. And I don't quote stolen replies.....

That was cute Araz - thank you for the joke.

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whats funny is

You know it's bad when guys are walking around wearing a mask his girlfriend made from her box of Maxipads....

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came home bored.

NacthoMan wrote:
i read that dandelions are edible da heck?

aeolians.revenge wrote:
Bugs are also a high protein meal.

Yeah, I've heard the same. Funny thing is I have yet to see anyone in a rush to eat any of these things.

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Africa....toto cover.

Right on, Robbie. Good bullseye cover, man. A song that everyone enjoys to hear even to this day.
Including the blind....

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soco wrote:
That's why we need someone who is well liked and knowledgeable on both sides of the fence. Like a Walter Conkrite.

One would think so. I thought so too, but after a long hard study of news media history, I came to find they were all pawns from the dawn of television's existance.
It was never our (The People's) vision they were telling, it was someone else's.


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whats funny is

The sheeple are paranoid.

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Hatred Diary II - PD

Of course it's been a while since you made this Post - I'm sorry no one else has responded to it.
The links you provide say I do not have permission to view the page, so I'm assuming one must have exclusive invites to do so.
No matter.
Just so you know, it wasn't that long ago that I was sent on a ride that left me feeling the same as you.
It sucks, but what can you do? Try again? Give up altogether? Either choice is reasonable.
Better chances on your next roundabout if you decide to try again. Everyone deserves to be happy (or at least not so miserable).

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