1,951 replies, Replies 191 to 200

No matter what I say on facebook, it never gets responses.

Facebook is "Fakebook."
People portray and edit their existence that is not consistent with real Reality.
This is why I never opened an account. It is the worlds largest social gossip column. If gossip were made of gold it would be 99.9% authentic lies - which is a majority of people. Should I have to say there are some that aren't? Why should I have to play that game of political correctness?
"Never judge a book by it's cover," is one of the most subjective sayings in history. Or, "You can't judge by appearances."
That's a joke - like "Karma."
People are living the dream. They are the gods of life....
Until they fart, or $#!t their pants because they ate too much greasy food the night before. They don't stink and are never dirty and if they are, they don't go to bed without showering first. On Facebook, you are the model of life.
Let's face it, people want to feel perpetually good about themselves and everything around them. They want to be popular - the want hundreds, thousands, millions of eyes on them loving them.
And to be in the fold of the masses like that is the chance of reward - to be truly elevated into the height of the heavens and rule a kingdom on your very own star....
Are ya feelin' it?
I was not put on this earth to be liked nor to make people "feel good" according to the splendor of their ego.
There are people I like, others not so much. Then there are people I flat out don't like - that's reality.
There are people that like me, and others that don't. Then, there are people that flat out don't like me - and I'm good with that. I'm not going to waste a night of sleep in a desprate attempt to walk the tightrope of wanting everybody to like me.
It boarders on an unhealthy form of neediness and high matienience.
If someone doesn't hate me, if someone isn't disgusted, disturbed or triggered, there's something wrong - not all people are going to be pleased but when in the he!! was I looking for their approval to begin with? There are those few that can appreciate my given nature and that's just fine.
In the end, if you leave life having just one friend, that has more meaning than a million fake fans.

But....in general....popularity is about exposure. Of all the people that know me (or at least aware of me), there are billions of people who do not. The question is one of exposure and (secondly) what you would do to be remembered if that moment of exposure ever came.


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Why is this happening?

NacthoMan wrote:

BA1 wrote:

NacthoMan wrote:
I thought this was funny - not gay, butt gay folks are *******fucking funny!

Yes they are and sometimes I hate them for it!๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ‘

guess what.. chris mann is not gay but a married man with a kid.. i've been fooled.. now a fan of mann

No worries!
Sometymes, I like to talk lispy with velvety textures, but I just don't want to be mistaken for something I never was or will be.

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Ozone generators can kill airborn viruses.


That's the most reasonable thing I've heard in a long while.

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Will a man of God step up and pray for humans.

It's sometimes rather difficult to iron out a proper prayer for something like this....

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Help me figure this out.

Aside from a few reservations; a fair ***POV.

But, consider this also, every President has his advisors....and some of them may not be the brightest tool in the shed. This can be said for all Presidents. It didn't make them corrupt nor did it make them liars.

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โ€œWeโ€™ve all been exposed.

soco wrote:
My first post to trigger HelpBot!
I finally made it into the exclusive club.... Thank you!


- written
Help me figure this out.

Several problems with that.
I don't believe the article, but if say it is true -
1. Good intentions mean nothing when faced with what their actions would lead to.
2. They are a senior couple in their 60's, born somewhere around the mid 50's.... Let's think about that for a moment.... How do two people defy over 60 years of life experience and turn out to be that dumb? The age of the Snake Oil salesmen was already long extinct....
As many who do not like the Boomer Generation, these weren't stupid Tide Pod eating kids...?

You may not recall the 80's so well, regarding the Tylonal deaths....? What came after that was triple packaging and WARNING labels clearly written at every corner of the box.

So, when the makers of said aquarium juice have labeled their packages: Warning, harmful if swallowed. Consumption of this product may lead to death, I'm assuming they mean it...?

Should it matter what I say after reading that?

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โ€œWeโ€™ve all been exposed.

Excellent Post Soco. Thank you for forwarding that message here.

We are all naked in the sight of God. He holds the mirror of reflection and exposes our hearts.

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Ozone generators can kill airborn viruses.

sophie wrote:
Best to stick to the medical advise from authorities and stop reading rubbish on the net.

Sophie, according to the advice of one medical authority, you should have a spray bottle full of water in one hand and a hair dryer in the other....
Since the virus "can't live long in higher tempratures," you are to inhale through the nose the over 230 degree (F) heated air and then "mist" the surrounding air, breathing that through the nose as well....

Tactics is the ability to teach people how to bray like a jackass yet make them think they're roaring like lions....

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I'm getting a volunteer "job" in the area of human trafficking.

Anonymous wrote:
Yeah. Not happening now with all the covid19 stuff. It's on a back shelf for now.....

Hang on tight, now.
Only time will tell.

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