1,951 replies, Replies 211 to 220

I always feel so alone here.

Horse pucky, LN - you gotta show up more often...
And since you're on the "Almighty Facebook," (apparently the best social site to exist in all of human existance), maybe you can get a few of your friends to come by here and make an account.
It'd be nice to see you around more often - I never did fakebook and never will.
See ya, bud.

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I never change my avatar.

I don't often change my Avatar either. As you can tell, it's the same one I've had for nearly ten years (if not more).

The thing with your Avatar Little Nick, is it's broken. And if you were the real Little Nick, you would know what I'm talking about.
But, I don't have a crystal ball and I can't see past the internet curtain - so I can't be 100% certain.
If I wrong....I'm wrong.
You should fix your Avatar.

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UPDATE.UPDATE.Guns and ammo are about to have a proposed 50 percent tax and a new federal licence .this includes guns you already own..because of the coronavirus.

And predictable.

Seems a virus can kill a gun. Better get your guns vaccinated. Just drop them off at any UN "Peace Keeping" stations located through out your neighborhood.

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Ozone generators can kill airborn viruses.

NacthoMan wrote:
so if you tan regularly - you good?

Can't hurt, but I wouldn't consider it 100%.

Just good clean living is best.

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Ozone generators can kill airborn viruses.

Personally, I like ozone generators. Honestly don't know how they could be a lung irratant though.

Lightening storms are excellent purifiers of air - electrically generated ionization also generates more oxygen.

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Im glad you all got your T.P.

Araz wrote:

aeolians.revenge wrote:
That is the tip of the iceberg.
My trucker friend told me the trucks shipping the food supply are walkimg off their jobs.
They refuse to let truckers use bathrooms and restaurants at truck stops.
Its going to get a lot worse.
Im also out of food

Oh man, dude, that's awful. I'm sorry :(

Yeah. While everyone was at the store on a major horde, I couldn't find a cheap package of Cup O Noodles.

Had a small flat of berries yesterday but nothing substantial or the day before. No food here, also.

With the lock-down, some news agencies are now focusing their attention on the number of people at the grocery store...because it seems to be the focal point in which you could contract the virus...
I bet the fuckers making these reports has plenty stocked up.

Yep. Everything is going just as I said. Here come the mandatory vaccines.

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Help me figure this out.

Here. Drink this, it's poison....

What you do from there determines the answer to your question.

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Why is this happening?


Thank you for your support, and though it means a lot, I wish to clarify the record;

I believe that people should think before they act.

If people do things without thinking them through, then in all reality, it is a reaction.

There is a big difference between the two.

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Why is this happening?

aeolians.revenge wrote:
Big al. Do you feel it may be a manipulation to bring in the new world order? Has the congruent use of 5G had anything to do with this?

This is a much larger issue than 5G.

The New World Order has been here since the early 1930's. The problem with bringing it into full effect has been the Sovereignty of nations and the freedom of independent people.
That is over now much to the relief and applaud of the stupid - and that's putting it kindly. See now how "the world" is united to fight this big bad bug!
If you can't see this as unprecedented in the entire history of man then you are broken without remedy....
Down through the ages, God works with man on a massive and individual scale. There is a way that seems right to man but they invariably lead to death. God will give a person the facts and spiritual discernment it takes to see the way things ought to be seen if only the person can put aside his stumbling block.
BUT, when that does not happen, there is something that God does. He gives them over to their thoughts and ways, making virtually impossible for that person to change even if they wanted to. Effectively, it is judgement that seals ones fate in this life AND the one yet to come. Broken, without remedy, period.

We have been living in the end days for quite some time, and this marks the period where things are going to wrap up. It's called the end-game.
Do you know how it's going to play out? You should. It's Biblical.

Do you really think we're going back to business-as-usual when this "crisis" is over? No.

You're not going back to work without the Mark of the Beast. You're not getting into a grocery store without it either. And chances are, if you don't take the vaccine, you won't be allowed to circulate in society - "You're not supposed to be here."
Then, vaccines against "the virus" will be mandatory and enforced with a biometric receipt.
And because large corporations have pushed credit cards and banks have pushed plastic, people have made themselves helpless where cash is concerned.
It's sickens me that people know how to operate debt-inducing plastic, but don't know how to spend (or save) a dollar in cash.
Therefore, it won't be of any concern to many when the banks start shredding billions of dollars in cash because it may circulate the "virus," among society.

For those of you who are parrots and love mimicking social labels from "official sources" "social distancing" is the new catch phrase to the already misguided word of 'quarantine,' when in fwct, it is neither.
This is Human Sanctioning. Got it? Start using it for what it really is. Sanctioning.

Lano wrote:
Social distancing


is temporary.
As is the natural course of this, most people are more affected by the social distancing than by the virus at this point and many will reap the benefits of social distancing while complaining about it the whole time and after its all said and done will insist that it was really nothing. Because social distancing made it less bad than it could have been. Sigh.

No. The social distancing has only begun. This is a censored topic on You Tube already and there's no telling how many more platforms that have the same mentality...
Do you honestly believe that "social distancing" will end when everybody can get back together again? Is that how you think it works?
Not when public security measures are put in place to control the way you interact with others. If it even looks like you're about to say something that is contrary to the State View, you will instantly become a thought criminal.
"After all is said and done -" that's funny. You have NO idea of what "after all is said and done," looks like. What are you talking about?

There has been very few people that has been more "anti-social" than me in all the years I've lived in Alaska. "Self quarantined," "socially distant." I loved it. I loved my millions or so acres of space between me and the wretched society I just made camp into last year. You're not talking about people like me, you're talking to make yourself feel better from the events which are in the works right now.
Good luck, you'll see how that works out for ya.

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Why is this happening?

This has nothing to do with a virus.

This is about biometric implantation by use of so-called vaccines.

It is about creating a cashless society where every last digital penny is micomanaged.

This is about the Mark of the Beast and how willing you are to be an owned product.

This is about you being ruled out of society if you don't have proof of your vaccine.

It's about you being taken by force to an undisclosed FEMA camp of which you will never escape with your life.

The military of the Beast will kill far more healthier people than this supposed virus.

If you think shutting down the people of the world, over a *******fucking sniffle (deadly or not), is okay - you need to find yourself in a line so far back that you can't be heard.

There's nothing worse than sheep in a human society.

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