1,951 replies, Replies 231 to 240

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

Corned beef and cabbage day.
And usually, I buy two of em because after 12 hours in the crock pot, it's much like liquid meat (sooooo goood!)

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Update....The coronavirus has already mutated to a less aggressive strain.

aeolians.revenge wrote:
Im secretly amused by how crazed humanity has become.
Im so glad Im not the one hoarding toilet paper and canned food.

Same said. I find it funny for those people who bought so much toilet paper - how can you wipe your a$$ when you have nothing to $#!t because you don't have any food?
Hahahahaha! Fools!

I don't mind saying this -
This is a push for the Mark of the Beast.

Hope I'm wrong.

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It was autumn, and the Indians on the remote reservation asked their new Chief if the winter was going to be cold or mild.

Araz wrote:
. My clothes got rejected for being "out of date". Oh well...



I'll let a secret out of the bag - I have loved Indian girls/women since I was 8 or 9 years old. And the clothes they wear seems like great works of art - the detail so incredibly breath taking.
My mother had bought a pair of silk slacks and a halter top while touring India in the late 60's. Turquoise Blue with gold leaf emblems (rather hard to describe). I remember how soft they were and made her look so beautiful. The detail. She was very photogenic - but then, so many beautiful girls in the markets (and so many with their faces covered, too!)

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Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

Hahahaha! Very nice!
Happy St. Patrick's Day to you, also.๐Ÿ€

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It was autumn, and the Indians on the remote reservation asked their new Chief if the winter was going to be cold or mild.

I have to admit, some of India's poorest seems, at times, to have some of the most beautiful clothes.
Like royalty.

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How can people be on psych meds and earn a living.

I wonder the same thing.
Not to mention how strict work regulations are when it comes to street drugs.
It's all hypocritical because not all drugs (legal or not) induce "haze," or placation.
Some amp you up. Make you highly alert and energetic. But, it doesn't last. The crash invariably comes and then you're down....hard.
All I know is I never could get away with it. One summer, I smoked a couple joints over a weekend. Two months later I was declined a job that I applied for (and drug tested for). The results were positive. Their method of detecting measured the presence of substances down to the NANOGRAM.
Absolutely ridiculous when compared to things like cocaine that are virtually undetectable in less than a week.
There's always a trick to make an honest person suffer.

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Okay --- who is still missing?

Crogence wrote:
Holy cow this community is still alive?
I doubt anyone would remember me, I was a bit more of a lurker and posted anon when I needed help most of the time.
I had an image of a armored knight with a sword in clouds for the longest time.
Danihatesyou, xenodragon and Mas1st were the folks who I remember the most I think......
I just wanted to say Thank You to you all. Even if no one had all the answers or any of them lol. You guys legitimately helped me not go off the deep end after high school and through college, and I appreciate you for taking time out of your lives to help me with mine.
There are dozens of names I've forgotten but to anyone reading this.
Thanks = )

You're welcome Crogence - although this Post is well over 2-years-old, it's good to see former members roll back in.
Come visit again when you get the chance and don't forget to tell your friends about us too.
We still have our boots on and we're still kicking.

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Anonymous wrote:
Well, it certainly brought me to this post full of enlightenment tonight, where I would have otherwise been ignorant of it's wise insights.

Maybe you're right...

Perhaps you already know these things, but for those that do not, it should be made aware to them.

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Why is the saying no good deed goes unpunished.

+ Anonymous Repliant -

First: of course there are going to be those FEW who will try to take advantage of your good intentions.
It's wrong and people like that must be directly dealt with.
However, it is excuseless to forego all help to anyone truly in a moment of need.

Anonymous Repliant wrote:

- And you can be a smart ***ass about it if you want I think it's kind of funny. But blowing my answers out of proportion isn't helping you to understand my point of view.

Telling me that I can be a smart ***ass about it if I want IS BEING SMART ***ASS. You'll find I have zero humor or patients with mentalities such as that.

Secondly, the idea of including a third case scene to my first two examples is a sad attempt to redefine my original intent....AND miss the point.

Anonymous Repliant wrote:
Besides, I'd rather err on the side of having my time mean something, than have it abused and wasted by a bunch of time wasting bullshit artists. So excuse me if I don't understand your lack of self respecting your own time. It's your life though. Waste it on time-wasters intending to find a push-over if you want!

Considering how self-important and conceited you are, the liberty is yours to determine how valuable your time and efforts are - great.
BUT, you have absolutely no place to judge the time of others and what they believe is important to them.

Just remember 'ol boy, your opinion is great until someone takes it and starts measuring you by your own standard.

As for me...I'd rather err doing something for others rather than live in a meaningless, hollow shell of self.

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I did some Angel Dust and popped some Purple Microdot in the mid 60's....it was a hell'a experience!


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