1,951 replies, Replies 241 to 250

It was autumn, and the Indians on the remote reservation asked their new Chief if the winter was going to be cold or mild.

Brillant, Araz. You made my day.๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ‘

[Original Link]

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Update....The coronavirus has already mutated to a less aggressive strain.

Anon Repliant wrote:
They probably just want to quarantine folks to prevent the spread since there is no treatment yet. Keep in mind this has killed less people so far than the flu. A young enough person like you shouldn't be worried bout some mild cold and flu like symptoms.
Unless you die. That'll happen whether you get tested or not tho.

I'm not so young and I have debilitating respitory disease that will be my end far sooner than this supposed "pandemic virus."
My only concern is how easily this modern society of (truely) young people are so easily triggered by what they believe to be official sources that bear the official narrative. As if that writes it in stone.
And though I agree that it has killed less people than the flu, there is no justification in arbitrarily sanctioning (not 'quarantining') people.
Employers from the top, down, expect their employees to show for work.

Anon Repliant wrote:
This should of course be taken seriously though. Right now washing our hands a lot and using sanitizer is the way to go I guess lol

I use the offered hand sanitizer when I'm out in public, but then, if I miss out, I'll just wash up at home - at least I can wipe down the door knobs and handles.
I think some of the problem is that the amount of focus on this virus is unprecedented - overkill, and the media outlets are directly responsible for that.

Anon Repliant wrote:
As a fellow conspiracy theorist, however, I must conclude that since the surgeon general among others have seemed to indicate the threat is real(and real people have caught it), it may be better to lean toward taking it seriously.

๐Ÿ‘†Your statement conflicts with itself. If you are a true conspiracy theorist you would know that Hydra operates with many faces when in fact it is the same entity.
But, I'm actually not a conspiracy theorist. Hindsight is - !lol! - 20/20.
Governments and rulerships are known to kill their own people - that's the real virus.

Anon Repliant wrote:
That is not to say that it wasn't engineered. But a lie to induce panic and thwart political power? Nah. If it's a power grab, then it's some for real biological war-fare.[\quote]
It's already affected the stock market - not bad for general media hype. And it's not necessarily a power grab more than a power play - fearmongering motivates people into playing into the tentacles of the Hydra.

"Central command to Bad Guy unit, come in please."
"Bad Guy unit here, Central command."
"Yeah, you boys go in and kick some a$$ and kill a few a long the way."
"Roger, kicking a$$ and taking names, Central command."
"Central command to Bad Guy unit - are the citizens doing what we want?"
"Roger, Central command, I think they're getting the picture."
"This is Central command - don't give them any hope just yet, keep kicking in their head."
"Affirmative, Central command, applying the boot into their heads."

"Central command to Good Guy unit, come in."
"Good Guy unit here, Central command."
"Yeah, begin operation 'Pop Surprise,' Good Guy unit."
"Deploying Good Guy troops, Central command."
"Take no prisoners, Good Guy unit - destroy all Bad Guy personnel and aid the citizens.
"Roger, Central command, killing all Bad Guys and increasing your fame in a positive light."
"This is Central command to the Good Guy unit, are the citizens ready to pronounce me King Of The World?"
"Loyal Dog to Master, yes sir, the common folks are ready to bow down, except a few -"
"Accuse those few as being traitorous, give the citizens a sense of 'Justice."
"Yes, Master."

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Update....The coronavirus has already mutated to a less aggressive strain.

According to the MSN Headline Feed: "People across the U.S. say they're being denied Coronavirus test."

Really? How fukkin stupid do you have to be to buy into that $#!t.

I want my Corona test and my MTV, dammit! Ever'body knows the C-Test is an integral part of your life, and by-god they're keeping it from you!

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Update....The coronavirus has already mutated to a less aggressive strain.

It's all a matter of wait-and-see.

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Content coming soon.


Think I'll go back to bed.

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Iโ€™m always so anxious about death.

The thoughts you have about your loved ones and pets are perfectly normal.
The same thing happened to me. I stressed a lot about my mother. The fact was she was slowly dying over the years from congestive heart failure. It was horror beyond words to imagine life without her.
Then, in 2005, she died.
When I was six, she bought me a puppy. A miniature sheltie - a male. We grew up together and had great adventures. He was always there for me, even in those times when I was gone, doing my thing and being dumb. I would come back and there he was, so happy to see me.
One day, I want away...and so did he. Mom didn't tell me what happened until I got back. I was 20-years-old.

It wasn't until my mom died when "Chipper" started showing up in my dreams, usually related to the stress of still missing my mom after all these years.
And, yes - in 2010 - my dad died from cancer. I always have loved my dad but, for reasons not explained, I took his passing much better. Do I miss him? Yes, but not like mom or my four footed friend.

I suggest you make the best time you can with your folks. This will help make it easier for you when the time comes- and it will come.
Most importantly, iron out any grievances and settle any issues you have, before that time comes. This too will help.
From there...it's good to have someone who cares about you. This will get you through some hard times when you begin missing your folks.

A couple of years ago, I was thrown in the trash by someone who I thought cared about me. At my age, it was my last hope. Today has now become one less day spent in this POS world. As for tomorrow....I can only hope my time is next.

So, don't shun others that are also close to you. You'll need them and they will need you.

This is all I know.

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Update....The coronavirus has already mutated to a less aggressive strain.

sophiemuziko wrote:
Far to much rubbish on the net about this โ€ฆโ€ฆ. the who website is the best place to go for the true info on this. โ€ฆ. try the link.

According to the New York Times, which made front headlines on the MSN search engine: "W.H.O. declares Coronavirus be pandemic."

Further on down the feed-line, MSNBC announces: "Stocks plunge as Coronavirus declared pandemic."

Honestly, this is a carefully guided effort on behalf of W.H.O. and all headline news companies to induce panic through fearmongering.
It's a push to promote vaccinations.

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What would you think?

T - shirts and girl b00bz are real good friends. And, a loose T shirt has a natural sort of lay to it.

Consider the ides of March. Spring is around the corner and so is the fever that goes with it.

Edit: You mentioned twice in your story that you "caught" him looking at you. Then at the end you said:

I felt like he let me see him do it.

There was enough time for him to look away before you turned back around. And if he let you see him, you didn't "catch" him...?

Maybe he likes you.

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Hey everyone.

Good one Robbie. Makes me wish I was back in the 80's again. Back when life was paradise by the dashboard lights.

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When politicians complain more than we do....

Anonymous wrote:

BA1 wrote:
The old saying us tried and true.

"If you want something done, you have to do it yourself."

Again though, why have leaders if it's so true? I think you're right, it is true, but it seems a waste of time to have political leaders if I'm just going to have to do it myself anyway...

That's as equally stupid as having politicians complain more than we do..

In the early days of the U.S. there was a Congressional meeting to determine what the nature if the U.S. was to be.
A woman outside the doors asked Ben Franklin; Sir, what kind of a country did you give us?
He replied: "A Republic, ma'am, if you can keep it."

The trouble is the lady represented a body of Pilgrims that migrated from other lands....they didn't need to be given something they already had.
And the power to give you something that cannot be given is both illusion and trap.
If you believe I can give it to you, you'll do anything I say for hundreds of years to come, to keep it.
We never really elected officials to begin with. They are self-appointed and only serve themselves. If you get in the way of that, you could be imprisoned or executed.

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