1,951 replies, Replies 281 to 290

Nature isnt planning on being so tolerant of crazy humans who are destroying mother earth anymore.

Araz wrote:

BA1 wrote:
Well.....we could nuke it like in the movie "The Core" There's something about the swirling effect...like a toilet in the process of flushing.

I never heard of this movie, so I had to google it. Aaron Eckhert? You can sign me up to watch it ๐Ÿ˜Š

That's the one. If you have a surviving DVD rental store in your area, I recommend it - it's a little cheesy but there's some think-about-it stops along the way in this movie.

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Nature isnt planning on being so tolerant of crazy humans who are destroying mother earth anymore.

NacthoMan wrote:

Araz wrote:

NacthoMan wrote:
im pretty sure we have the tech/firepower to deflect a killer asteroid

I guess we could nuke it like Deep Impact

in that movie it didnt work, but apparently with movie magic.. it ignored the aspects of physics. hmm mmm

Well.....we could nuke it like in the movie "The Core" There's something about the swirling effect...like a toilet in the process of flushing.

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How can I stop being obsessed?

You need to take a good, hard look at your life and your partner. What are the positives and negatives about your relationship? What do you each bring to the table? Bc if youโ€™re unhappy, and nothing is changing... it definitely will stay that way unless you either 1. Leave or 2. Talk to your partner.

This ๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿ‘† is a very good premise to start by. Most councilors also ask, "Where do you see yourself in 5 years."
You should talk to your partner and discuss this picture and ask if playing video games is going to get you there.
Hopefully someone will wake up.

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Anonymous wrote:
This site will likely never fully realize it's true potential because it is more of a social media/debate arena than a place to get help. I've seen a lot of posts asking for genuine help that get no replies or one or two but something ridiculous like this becomes the hot post. It's just sad to me and thats just my opinion so no need to debate on it all night or invite people to back you up. Im really not interested in going any further. It's a waste of my time.

Okay, so....are you in need of help? Are you asking for help?

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To Anonymous Repliant

I'm not going to comb back through your last reply even though it is mostly incorrect.
If you want to turn an ambiguously stated metaphors about women and the garden of eden as some form preachy form of religion - then have at.
My question is what do you say to all those people in the world who say "Oh my God!" when it comes to expression? Are they religious, are they preachy or none of the above? Go figure.

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Anonymous Repliant wrote:
- toward the end of the video he was punching the seat, not tapping, PUNCHING, like her headrest is a punching bag. It causes her head to jerk. This is violence against another person.

I've seen the video enough to know what I'm looking at.

I suppose your idea of what is fair in a pillow fight, is to load your pillowcase with bricks.

You get more violence from an airport massage chair than what's comming from him. Again, I'm not saying what he's doing is right, or endorse his actions but then, nothing is as it seems when it comes to appearances.
There are other sources which indicate the woman spilled his drink when she reclined her seat back.
There's a very brief instance we see him cleaning up the mess from the aisle BUT due to selective editing....it's hard to tell. This was the original reason he asked her to upright her seat and she refused - hence, their disagreement and the course of actions both of them took.

You can make this about women being too sensitive but it's really about a person having no respect for another person, man or woman.

It's clearly both.

She wasn't causing physical harm to him, yet he chose to take it to that level.

He did her no physical harm, either - and if you can say, "he chose to take it to that level," then I can say she chose to play the one-up game. She smiles for her camera while this goes on.

People, including men, especially when it comes to women, are quick to resort to hostility and violence and sexism. And yes Americans like their lawsuits don't they?

?Americans? Don't forget profiling and racism. This is a Western/Euopeian epidemic among "civilized" societies. Forget the statistics which show that women are far more litigous than men concerning just about everything....

I haven't heard of many women bringing assault charges when no real violence has taken place. There is a lot of he said/she said in those cases and they usually involve ****rape.

First, you know you're losing the debate when you have to escalate "seat pushing" to the level of ****rape. It's like trying to adding bricks to the pillowcase.
I'm sure the victim of a ****rape wasn't recording the event with a great big smile on her face....

This is just two people being assholes -

- and one decides to be the bigger asshole. Not surprisingly, its the male.

Really? I think if you do your research, you'll find that it wasn't he who felt the need to call the FBI and sue the airline for the trauma he suffered over a spilled drink and lunch made unenjoyable from such a polite and curtious lady...

No one said this woman was a "perfect angel" or anything regarding the garden of eden.

My remark wasn't directed to this lady but toward your reply -

I shouldn't even say "these days". In general its always been disturbing

So now, it's not about men "these days." You've expanded your parameters of "disturbing behavior" to men throughout all time.
That's a remark I felt needed answering, considering the sacrificial nature of men and the lengths they will go for the love of women.

These posts dont ALWAYS have to turn in that direction do they?

For those that can't take a metaphor the way it was intended, yes.

Honestly it is keeping people from this site who may be looking for genuine help because they dont want to be preached at.

People looking for genuine help aren't going limit their search with a trigger sensitive "feels-good" only filter.

But, in case you have forgotten, I'll remind you the nature of this Post -

Post wrote:
Woman reclines airplane seat, guy behind her stops popping her chair.

Who is right?

This Post doesn't contain subject matter of someone crying out for help, but more of incidence.

But I guess as long as the same 2 or 3 dozen are here regularly, it doesn't matter?

I never feel the need to beat around the bush. Why do you?

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Anonymous Poster wrote:
A small detail in the print clarifies that the "punching" is what prompted her to turn the camera on.

Just wanted to point that out in case it got missed. You're not expected to see punching take place during the actual video because it happened just before it started recording.

Her claims before she began videoing, is a matter of supposition. She could illustrate the narrative anyway she sees fit because it's undocumented.

But, as you put it, a small detail in the print also tells us she was perturbed at the airline steward for "reprimanding" her. For what? She gives no detail about it, which leads the reader to believe the steward is also villain that is siding (and maybe even collaberating), with the other villain. She mentions him offering the "Puncher" rum in an effort to darken his persona. How many more villains are yet to come?
By reasonable deduction, she fails to mention that some of her own behavior might not have been so savory which may have caused the attendant to say something, but fails to say the same attendant offered her vodka for the martini she was drinking....
It was refreshment time and the steward was walking down the aisle offering everyone beverages.

The video clearly shows him being a jerk, but if his actions were any more violent and he was "punching" as "HARD" as she claims beforehand, she would be more en'guard and vigilant especially with her back turned. What caused her to calm down to near serinity?

- at which point I began videoing him, and he resigned to this behavior.

But, her behavior changed at that point too....

She's laid way back and deliberately comfortable (grinding it in). The camera's running and she has a deep sense of security. She feels empowered.

I just don't think the punching was any harder before, than what we actually see happening.

These two needed to rent a room and fฮฉ<X each others' lights out and be on their merry way.

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I'm sorry, did you say -

Anonymous wrote:
- I find most male behavior disturbing these days when it comes to women. It is so quick to turn to hostility and violence. He should be charged with assault.

Not that I agree with his behavior, but, I'm no longer surprised at the behavior of women toward men who are willing to turn a mere annoyance into an charge of assault, when no real violence ever took place.

Anonymous wrote:

I shouldn't even say "these days". In general its always been disturbing.

Historically, the only time I found women to be perfect little angels, was back in the garden of eden, but it seems even that came to an end.

soco wrote:
The facts are this. She reclined her seat back while he was eating his meal. He politely asked her if she would not recline it until he had finished eating. she AGREED and moved the seat back back to it's original position. After he finished and the tray was removed she reclined it again. He has no where to go because he is in the very last row and his seat back does not recline. They were both adults until he decided to get nasty about it. IMHO he is at fault.

Agreed๐Ÿ‘† Even though his seat may not recline further back, I think his armrest can fold back and given that his seat is on the aisle, he should be able to move around a little more than the 500lb person seated in the middle.
Yaron Steinbuch wrote

Airplane passenger caught on video shaking womanโ€™s reclined seat.

An airline passenger has sparked a conversation online about the etiquette involved in reclining oneโ€™s seat โ€” after posting video of a man ๐Ÿ‘‰ punching ๐Ÿ‘ˆ and pushing the back of hers in economy.

Wendi Williams was traveling from New Orleans to Charlotte, North Carolina, on an American Eagle flight operated by Republic Airways on Jan. 31 when the episode occurred.

โ€œHereโ€™s a great jackhole! He was angry that I reclined my seat and ๐Ÿ‘‰ punched ๐Ÿ‘ˆ it about 9 times โ€“ ???HARD???, at which point I began videoing him, and he resigned to this behavior,โ€ Williams wrote on Twitter.

โ€œThe other jackhole is the @AmericanAir flight attendant who reprimanded me and offered him rum!โ€ ๐Ÿ‘‰ she added, calling the manโ€™s actions an โ€œassault.โ€ ๐Ÿ‘ˆ

I don't think Williams, however, understands the definition of "punch," much less "punching hard."

The video shows the man clearly using the flat of his knuckles to TAP annoyingly at the back of her seat, but hardly anything more than what could be constituited as "punching."

Now, for example, if I were to punch hard the back of someone's seat, someone's going to wake up a few hours later with a bit of a headache.
But, that's just me and I would never do such a thing to begin with.

She blames the flight attendant for taking his side, but.....should I accuse the journalist who wrote the article as to taking hers?

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Why do young people like socialism so much?

As much as I would like to claim exclusive rights to unnecessary roughness when it comes to certian debates, it does our modest Help family no good to "gang up."
Much of what Lano says has a place, even though I don't fully agree with the premise.
I can only hope that the passing of time, events and experience would make more clear the things I've mentioned. Other than that, I did the best I could with what meager ability I have.
It's the weekend folks. Let's all enjoy it.

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Why do young people like socialism so much?

Have a good day, Lano.
Best of luck.


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