1,951 replies, Replies 321 to 330

Now that there is little doubt that Trump did what he was accused of...

I think what you're refering to with Obama is a criticism of his policies which is perfectly reasonable and not a supported in fact allegation of corruption like we have with Trump.

๐Ÿ‘†I will somewhat give this to you. Obama was a great mechanic - he used the right tools to dismantle as much infrastructure of the U.S. that he could wrench out.
Simply put, his policies were agenda based - and before you go touting "conspiracy theorist," why not consider the fact that no one is going to tell you they're going to destroy your home when they come knocking at your door. They do that once you open the door and let 'em in.
A Trojan is made to corrupt the system.

Trump is an antivirus and he has been doing what should be rightfully done - no one said that it was going to be pretty every step along the way. He's not corrupt but he may have to do some corrupt things to get certain jobs done. At least he's not hiding his actions under a formal veil of process.
It is my hope that he can rewind the business end of the U.S. back to the 90's and destroy NAFTA and continue to provide incentives for companies to come back (from whence they originally sprang) when the Clinton administration scattered them to the seven winds.
Hopefully, by that point, the voting booth will elect another Republican who will continue the work of restoring this countries economic balance.
Lives depend on the freedom of individuals to flourish in the economic workplace.

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The bipolarizing of the young american women, brought to you by big pharma!!!

Women (who happen to represent and control children) are the largest targets the pharmaceutical companies hone in on.

Women, by far more then men, are far more sustible to health concerns and are generally the crowd that runs to these modern day alchemists.

Considering that women are the financial source of life for these companies, I believe you're right, they will never go unpunished for their crimes, much less die.

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Now that there is little doubt that Trump did what he was accused of...

I think you're just using the Trump issue as an excuse to vent your frustrations with the Democratic Party. I don't blame you for being disappointed and frustrated with them...a lot of people who are registered democrats are. I'm independent myself and I'm also disappointed.

The Democratic Party doesn't frustrate me more than the liberal/democratic society who gravitate to and vote these delegates in. They operate this country in a fashion that is counter to the spirit of it's founding - like a social kiosk handing out free money and resources at the cost of debt at taxpayers expense. And who are the taxpayers? Responsible people who work for a living to rightfully provide for their own as they see fit. They don't have to share, but, it's taken from them in the guise of "fair representation."

But nothing in what you just posted is a defense of Trump's actions, you didn't even mention his name once. Or anything about the case against him.


You're just repeating what I've heard dozens of republicans say, either implicitly or explicitly: Trump is corrupt but we don't like Democrats, and that counts more than what is right.

It is futile, Lano, to call Trump corrupt.... You can't call Trump corrupt when the corruption of politics transcends both time and man.
The only thing that keeps things fair and balanced is whose turn is next.... That was an issue settled 2016....
Y'all had a magical president back in '08, shaking and grooving to the funky-funky beat. He gave the bail out money, he popped the cork from the t!t of social welfare and let the cream flow like a river. Trillions of dollars in expenditures - and that was before his half time.
It was a nightmare ride that needed to an end. And the libs hate it -
๐Ÿ˜– "It's over! And now I haftah grow up and start doing things for myself!"
๐Ÿ˜•.....Or you can just moan and complain for the next four years.....
๐Ÿ˜ฆ๐Ÿ˜ฆ๐Ÿ˜ฆ๐Ÿ˜ฆ...."Uh, really? Okay."

Your "there's two kinds of people" philosophy works beautifully in that way of thinking. If trump wins, so do you. Well, he probably will, so congrats on that and it'll be fine in the short term for sure, but not in the long haul. The republicans have opened a can of worms that they can't close now.

And, what are you basing "the long haul" on, Lano? Let me help with that -

I'm gonna borrow ten million dollars in your name. This makes you responsible for it. Then, I'm gonna flush it all down the sink of ghetto laden projects and turn my homies into gangstas livin in paradise.
Now, you may not be able to repay all that money in your life time, but the best ray of sunshine you have is knowing how short your life is and looking forward to its ending day. That, plus the generations of your kids in *******bondage to repay those good times with money you never got part of.
Yes, we have very different views of short/long term ideals. Including degrees of corruption.

You see, when you and the land of liberal socialists were enjoying the Democratic mosh pit for eight years, I (and a country full of people that I represent), was getting slammed from head to toe.
Who held Obama accountable then? You? The Dems? The Libs? The Socialists?

How do you justify asking of me something of which you never did when the time came?

I like Trumphs corruption.
It IS the lesser of two evils.

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maybe we should be..


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maybe we should be..

NacthoMan wrote:
how bout stop that flashing bs gif u crammin in our face? lol

Lol! Aw, $#!t. I knew somebody was gonna spaz.
...I'll turn down the glare.

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maybe we should be..

Crazy is the new fresh.
Whadda ya got?

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Now that there is little doubt that Trump did what he was accused of...

So this alone kinda displays a deep seated bias within yourself that I think would be good for you to work on, for the sake of the intellectual part of your life.

Uhh, I'll let you know when you're qualified to couch me. In the meantime -
Seriously? I seem to recall not long ago that you wanted nothing to do with the historical facts of anything I brought up because your stiff neck only insisted on looking at what was presently going on (and that's all good and well). However, you seem to be a shame to those great men who said things like; "Those who ignore history are bound to repeat its mistakes."
What good does mentioning 'biasism' to me, do any good for the intellect of your life, considering your very stance?
And, it is the mindset of a socially inclined politician (Dem) that is generally corrupt. That is a historical fact.

It's one thing to disagree on policy, it's another thing to say "any democratic president elected will be corrupt."

Policy is THE very thing I listen for when it comes to voting for a candidate. This is why I did not vote for Obama in '08 nor in '12. Because his policies stank to high heaven AND (regardless of what you think), his seat was nothing less than evil as he also served a position on the UN council PLUS a host of other factors that are too far spun to delve into here - I just clarifying my view when it comes to policy.
That is the concern, isn't it? To know what kind of country you live in and it's spirit. The U.S. was founded as a Constitutional Republic. A REPUBLIC.
And, when it comes to policy there are two kinds of people -

a) A People who wants a country that serves the best interest of the People.

b) People who want to get out of it what they can through social means.

a) = A Republican's veiw.
b) = A Democratic view.

If you want socialism, there's a planet full of countries to choose from. Go.

We all have biases, but we need to really challenge ourselves not to just shut our ears every time someone of a different point of view opens their mouth. Being open to listen to others and possibly change your view is not a sign of weakness, but of strength.

Well, it delights me to HEAR that you are starting to see things from a sensible Republican's point of view. Yes - there's no shame to admit ones awakening, it takes strength indeed....
No? No change of view?
Didn't think so.
Dems usually speak in one lane terms, for others, yet exceptionalize themselves when it comes to drinking their own prescriptions.


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Now that there is little doubt that Trump did what he was accused of...

Lano wrote:
I think they really need to pass specific laws saying that what trump did is illegal, so that this maybe has a smaller chance of happening again.

Really? I don't think so. After four years of hearing the liberals and Dems moan and groan, I'm just not looking forward to hearing another four years of the same thing IF a Democrat happens to be voted President -
"๐ŸŽถ Oh, the laws are too strict and candid, our President may as well be bound and gagged! Damm those Conservitives and Republicans, look at how harsh they've made the laws!
It's not fair!๐ŸŽถ"
.....Because, as we all know, the truly high and mighty crimes will begin (once again), the instant a Dem is voted in.

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Why is the saying no good deed goes unpunished.

aeolians.revenge wrote:
Thanks for your response.
Im just wondering if I should continue doing good deeds if the end result is punishment.
It happens all the time. Its not worth it

It didn't stop Jesus.
It cost him His life.

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Now that there is little doubt that Trump did what he was accused of...


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