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dry humor and sarcasm..

soco wrote:
Don Rickles made quite a lot of money using tons of sarcasm.

I love Don! I remember "Sharkey" Boy, he had a very mean/smart mouth on him.

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I'm getting a volunteer "job" in the area of human trafficking.

Before you become too comfortable with 501c3's you should take a closer look.
It's a contract that puts your allegiance to the government above God. This means you "preach" what the government allows or you don't preach about certain things the Bible has to say. You do as directed by the government or you don't get the benefits they offer.
You will be looked at as a business and legally dealt with as such if you so much as negate one iota of their never ending compliance laws.

Think before you leap.

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dry humor and sarcasm..

What's that song by John Cougar M'Camp?

People are down and out, waiting in the welfare line.
One guy looks back at the other and says, 'Hey man, get a job.'

Sarcasam and dry humor has gotten many people through times that would be nothing but ruin and tears.

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dry humor and sarcasm..

Dry humor and sarcasm...

Why bother?

Is it a form of identifying intellect with a silent laugh?

It beats the option of being downright nasty?

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Now that there is little doubt that Trump did what he was accused of...

Cudos for the vid, Lano.
I'm actually a bit surprised that it was moving to you.
I was impressed with his proclamation of faith. That's not something that's very popular these days regardless of what side of the aisle you stand or sit.
The speech was well crafted. It gave the vibe that something had happened but said without conviction.
High crimes and mistomeners.

When he said that, my memory recalled the 2012 race after Obama had been re-elected for the second time.

I still find it funny -
Trump was accused of using a foreign body to investigate or inspect his opponent....
While it may be odd to me to go about it in that way it just makes good campaign sense to know the weaknesses of who you run against.

But, what does that have to do with the 2012 re-election of Obama???

Simple. Every U.S. vote was counted by a foreign body - in this case it was France.
According to the count of France, Obama won the election.....
Nobody, and I mean nobody that I've talked to ever heard about this. Secondly, the same people that I mention wouldn't know just how unpresidented that is.

U.S. votes counted and numbers determined, by a foreign government politic...

I really can't think of a crime of the Trump administration that is as criminal, treasonous or high compared to the vote count of 2012....

Anyway...we'll see how it looks in 2020.

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Now that there is little doubt that Trump did what he was accused of...

Lano wrote:
I don't get why my replies get flagged for approval sometimes :(

Because, Lano....the algorithm of the site is Republican - lol (jkng)

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The bipolarizing of the young american women, brought to you by big pharma!!!

When I thought of checking into the site today, I said to myself "don't reply, even if something seems like bait to debate, even if something gets you upset to the point that you feel you have to respond. This place is not the way it used to be."

I'm breaking that promise.

I think it's a good thing you have broke that promise because it shows that you have the courage to stand up for the substance of your beliefs.
Also, I believe that two (or more) people can argue, disagree, debate to high heaven on any subject and walk out not feeling personally injured.
Thanks for comming back. It's good to have you.
With that said, on with the show.

First, it was the whole "young american women" thing. Because wow, that's pretty sexist. I know men who are bi-polar. Some who are very dear to me, and who I would take a bullet for...even when NOT depressed.

The Post itself is like a fabric that is woven in a particular way - it's a little bit intricate, but to sort things out on black and white, I've gathered this much;

1. This isn't about people who are genuinely bipolar or people who suffer from other mental disorders that depend on medication.
2. This isn't even about gender, male/female/or otherwise.

This is about evil corporations. Specifically, pharmaceutical companies because their evils are located at the topmost rung of the ladder.

This world operates on a stable, business-as-usual standard. It's stable because most of the minds that operate within that construct are stable.
That means, for the most part, a majority of people are "normal," they are free of the burdens of mental entanglement.
BUT, propaganda which flows from the "health" industry would have everyone think that they lack the medication (aka pill) necessary to keep this planet on its orbital track.

The pharmaceutical companies are like bears that have really good fishing holes along the banks and do what they can to maintain their glory holes.

In the beginning, Autism was very rare. But since drug companies get substancial government funding then use Judo to bill the patients that require insurance (and maybe a mortguage) to pay for their pills; it seem they found a way to increase the base line of their clients...
Nowadays, Autism is a spectrum.... "Well, we don't know exactly where it is in the spectral range, but, by god it's there somewhere."
And now, every third kid that gets on board a school bus either has Autism or ADD.
It seems anybody can be diagnosed with one thing or the other.
Medicate, medicate, medicate.

This has nothing to do with kids that genuinely have these conditions, this is about over-diagnosing the worlds population for the sake of money and control of the masses.

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A friend asked me to lend him money...

Helper wrote:
I think the moment he asked if I had refused the friendship wouldn't have lasted until now, sad but true, still haven't heard a response

If that truly is the case, that makes you free to make new (and better) friends! Choose carefully.

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Now that there is little doubt that Trump did what he was accused of...


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maybe we should be..

Lol! You know for a minute there I thought I was back in the late 80's watching this on a giant VHS tape and glass TV.
The dance was actually pretty good.

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