1,951 replies, Replies 271 to 280

I have almost achieved a goal I have been chasing for the past 2-3 years.

First, congratulations on your present accomplishent(s). Two or three years of vested interest adds up.
And now is the time to follow through - you've come this far. The real crime would be to give up at this point.
If you fail - so what. To do nothing regarding any of your dreams or goal is worse than failure.
Secondly, you can only compare your success according to the effort you put into it. Stop comparing what you're doing with someone else's success - you're not them and they aren't you. And, yes, sad as it is, the spotlight ("fame") may be on someone else - who cares. I would rather be rich than famous, and usually if you're famous because you're rich....I would begin to question who my friends are.
Finish your project(s) one at a time. Too many projects on the table can be a problem so keep it simple where it's easier to manage. This allows you to focus on the next step. Think each step through carefully but after you're done, move on that step with firm action.
Keep up the good work. It'll pay off in the end.

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anyone ever order something from at first seems like a legit website..

- Yes, do let us know how that turns out. I never had the pleasure of being duped in the commercial sense.
The headaches involved.....

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anyone ever order something from at first seems like a legit website..

Thank you 2,000%๐Ÿ’Œ

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anyone ever order something from at first seems like a legit website..

Yeah. I dropped in and looked around.

There's no real way to contact these "people" except through e-mail? - that's the dead give-a-way.
Their "Contact Us" and "Help" tabs are a joke - they don't even recognize smoke signals or night flares.

Sorry this happened to you, bud. It really fkkn suxs.
This makes visiting a genuine clothing store, worth while.

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anyone ever order something from at first seems like a legit website..

Would you feel comfortable telling us the name of the company - or maybe even provide a link to the site you visited?

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NacthoMan wrote:
newspaper used to be a carrot .. rim shot

๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ‘Extra-extra, read all about it, come and get your paper today!

Yup. The printing press.

- written
anyone ever order something from at first seems like a legit website..

Can't say that's happened to me. @soco might have some insight.

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How can I stop being obsessed?

I consider myself to be a product of divorce. This means, as a boy of youth, my parents were married and then they divorced.
Given the general understanding of what marriage is, divorce to me meant mom and dad would no longer be together.
You may not be married on real life, but your kids may not have that view at the elementary level. They only know that "mom" and "dad have been together.
And, regardless of the idiosyncrasies of one parent or the other, no one can fill the gap of the original.
New relationships can become battle zones laden with land mines in the form of trust issues for the kids.
It works like this; someone's leaving and taking the kids with them. Though torn, the kids can adjust to this by resigning all doubts of trust to the one parent. They put their full dependency on (not two, but) one parent, based on the comfort of familiarity.....
That trust becomes compromised when the primary parent enters into a new relationship. A type of distress occurrs because one parent may have left the other, but no "betrayal" has occurred because of a person outside of the familiar.
Dad leaves mom to go to work but doesn't betray mom by seeing another woman.
Mom leaves dad to go shopping bit doesn't betray dad by seeing another man.
It is that very mentality which is extended when one parent "leaves" the other. The power structure mentally remains uncompromized.
The faith-based percentages look like this;
100% trust in the original relationship (a relationship where there is no physical abuse or mental terror).
1000% trust when the parent that has custody embarks from the house.
Down to 12% trust (or less) when the primary parent enters into a new relationship. What was sacrid completely evaporates when the relationship dynamic is no longer recognizable.

I can neither suggest you stay or go. That is decidedly up to you.

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How can I stop being obsessed?

The kind depression that is linked with screen addiction is not the same as clinical depression although it could be up to a point.

People who are high achievers set goals. Generally hard work, a go-get-'em drive and time eventually accomplishes these goals (or main goal.)
It is afterward wherein the depression - or anticlimax sets in. The pursuit of accomplishment involves the reward of pleasure(s) within the journey. Once the goal is accomplished, and the journey ended so is the pleasure and the anticipitation. The only thing left is the benefit of what the goal brings, itself.
Bear in mind, this is what happens to goal oriented, highly successful people....

The trouble with screen addiction (especially with video game addiction) is it brings a false sense of accomplishment that feels no different than what happens to highly successful people. The only difference being, there is nothing of substance to benefit by and the thought of starting a real life goal becomes mentally exhausting.
Unless a person makes it a driving point in their life to overcome the odds, people tend to remain in their zone of comfort.
The only thing required at that point, is a minimum effort to exist.

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How can I stop being obsessed?

For the example I'm using, addictions to technology began with the T.V.

People rescheduled their entire lives around it.

T.V. IS an experience of dreaming while you're awake.

While you sleep, your Alpha wave pattern drops off and the Beta waves begin.

But, when you watch T.V. it throws your brain into a Beta wave-like trance.

The chemistry involved with that is much like $#x. If it weren't for chemistry of the brain during $#xua! arousal, the reward of pleasure wouldn't really exist.

Beta waves arouse pleasure. The events on the screen determines it's intensity and there is a long standing correlation between pleasure and violence.

Then, the advent of home video game system came out in the mid 70's with Atari's Pong and Break Out. It was the thing to do - fun for friends and the whole family! But, it kept people inside and plugged in.
Other game companies quickly emerged. Nintendo. Sony PlayStation. Etc.

Later, the entire concept of what a television was changed. It was no longer an archaic ball of electricity and glass but a high resolution flat screen of tiny pixels.

It was more inviting to the retina of the eye, which also increased the the Beta wave signal in the brain.

And, the nature of video games changed with controversy with games like Doom and Duke Nuk'em.

The violence in movies, the violence in video games has maintained a status quo with each other to ensure balance.

And the chemical pleasures involved from the two are highly effective.

Who gets pleasure from going out anymore - what does reality have to offer when we live in a world where the only dream you will live is through a 52" inch high def screen and a Nintendo game cube? No sense in comming up for air.

But....THEY knew things like this would happen. Yes indeed. So they created an IV to bandage the problem and called it a smartphone.

Now, you had a reason to wake up and walk out the door. It made going out more bearable because of wireless... everything.
You can walk and talk and still live in the dreamworld that only the Beta bubble can give.

It's not "like" drug addiction, it is drug addiction.

Lots of people have done cocaine but fewer people have done crack (a smokable form of coke). But, that's all you want when you're hooked. You don't even want $ex because it brings no pleasure - it's reduced to a physical function.

The largest group of addicts are people addicted to their electronic devices. The drug dealer isn't behind the store in the alleyway - it IS the store itself.

Now, look at all the symptoms of this drug laden world. Always tired, walking zombies whose faces cast a blue screen glow, etc.

Technology is drug addiction.

And there's a lot of depression involved with that.

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