This post left anonymously

The bipolarizing of the young american women, brought to you by big pharma!!!

Their mission is to convince everyone, especially young women, they have bipolar 1 -3.
"EVEN IF YOU ONLY HAVE SYMPTOMS ONCE A YEAR, You could be bipolar" lies.
Big pharma is making 100 of billions of dollars on selling dangerous drugs to the public. Doctors are totally in on it. Doctors get huge kickbacks from big pharma to push this crap on the public. I don't know what else to say.
It is a crime. It will never go punished.
There simply isnt enough backlash from the other side. Sad..very very sad.
Thoughts please.
Please note that this isnt about those of you who genuinely have bipolar.
Its a post about pushing dangerous drugs on the public who don't have it and are being convinced they do........

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Since writing this post Anonymous may have helped people, but has not within the last four (4) days.
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women, big, public, bipolar, pharma
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(3 hours after post)
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What makes you think they're just pushing pills to women? They're pushing it to anyone that'll try them! My biggest issue with it, is they don't have any way to know what works up front. They want to try all these different type of psycho pills just to see which one works and if they work the way they want them too. That's not even an educated guess. It's just totally guessing. There should be enough science understood behind these drugs to know what drug will work best for each patient, rather than just sticking someone on a drug and seeing if it is the right choice, it's certainly not understood enough to delve them out to the masses.

The whole process of diagnosing the proper drug for the proper illness is totally f***** up!

Original Poster
(3 hours after post)
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Totally agree.I know they are pushing their poisons on everyone . Simple mood swings is not bipolar. But big pharma wants you to believe it is.
Real manic depression is very rare.
It seems to be a cool thing for people to come out and proclaim the're bipopar. That in itself is its own mental illness

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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(4 hours after post)
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Women (who happen to represent and control children) are the largest targets the pharmaceutical companies hone in on.

Women, by far more then men, are far more sustible to health concerns and are generally the crowd that runs to these modern day alchemists.

Considering that women are the financial source of life for these companies, I believe you're right, they will never go unpunished for their crimes, much less die.

Original Poster
(12 hours after post)
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Amen al amen

(12 hours after post)
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say it like it is!

last online: 03/16, 22:34
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When I thought of checking into the site today, I said to myself "don't reply, even if something seems like bait to debate, even if something gets you upset to the point that you feel you have to respond. This place is not the way it used to be."

I'm breaking that promise.

First, it was the whole "young american women" thing. Because wow, that's pretty sexist. I know men who are bi-polar. Some who are very dear to me, and who I would take a bullet for...even when NOT depressed.

Then, it's the first Anonymous reply who said this;

"My biggest issue with it, is they don't have any way to know what works up front. They want to try all these different type of psycho pills just to see which one works and if they work the way they want them too. That's not even an educated guess. It's just totally guessing. There should be enough science understood behind these drugs to know what drug will work best for each patient, rather than just sticking someone on a drug and seeing if it is the right choice"

I'd have put the above in a quote block, but I cannot remember how do do so at this point in time.

Just because two or more people have the same diagnosis, does not mean the same medications will work. No matter what science is done, there will always be variations and exceptions. That is why it is important for a patient to remain in contact with their general practitioner and/or psychiatrist at all times. Some just by a few different factors. A medicine can work for a time, and then suddenly STOP working because the body itself has become immune, or unchanged from the induced chemicals. This could be after five YEARS of it functioning.

Some patients have adverse effects from a medication that are actually dangerous. For instance my mother, who has Schizo-effective Disorder, (a combination of Bi-Polar and Schizophrenia) has found success in mirtazapine. The drug itself, is an anti-depressant that has properties of treating anxiety.

After one dose of it (only a mere quarter of one tablet) I actually became psychotic less than 24 hours later due to it's sedative effects. It turned out, that shockingly, it tends to have an adverse affect on those with a family history of Bi-Polar. Of which my mother has and it worked for. Of which I do NOT have, and it actually made me worse.

My cousin has Bi-Polar, and anorexia. She has tried medications from Seroquel, to Solian, to Lithium (which in this country, is often considered a "last resort" when a person seems to exhausted other options.

When my mother was diagnosed almost 40 years ago, she was only given one diagnosis in the beginning. Mental heath and brain chemical imbalances have come a LONG way since then. Not until I was almost an adult, was it further understood that she had the combination of illnesses. And through the breakthrough of a new medication on the market, it worked.

I spent My infancy, my childhood and my teenage years watching my mom spiral up and down and go in and out of hospital, or self-harming herself. And yes, sometimes only ONCE A YEAR. There were years that there was barely an issue.

She has been well now for almost 20 years because of updated research, understanding and medical advances.

Myself, I have Major Depressive Disorder, C-PTSD (more advanced than PTSD - a rare diagnosis that is mostly reserved for those who are war veterans, or severe child abuse victims) Anxiety Disorder two Cluster C Personality Disorders. I was very very lucky, fortunate and a unique case where it was only the third medication I had tried that actually worked for me, and has continued to do so for the last 4 years.

That does not mean it always will. Nor does it mean that if it ever does stop improving my condition, it means that it was a sham all along, and quite frankly, I am rather appalled and offended by that notion.

I have sacrificed a LOT in the last few years. More than most would understand, in order to find a solution. I found one. And it's one that I am grateful for despite of what it effects in my life. It may actually prevent me from having more children...which I crave more than almost anything.

It's not a "guessing" game.

"The whole process of diagnosing the proper drug for the proper illness is totally f***** up!"

You ever met a cancer patient who has reacted the same way to chemotherapy or radiation therapy as another? Have you ever met a person who's physical (not mental illness related) pain hasn't responded to one or more drugs, but does to a another particular one?

You know what I think? I think that in the more recent times, mental illness and mental disorders have become less of a stigma and more of an everyday talking point, that others just don't want to accept or believe it, because they WANT to believe that "crazy people" should shut up and be invisible like they used to be. And when we're makes you others uncomfortable.

Well you know what? Tough ****shit. We're here, we're dealing with what we can, and we are seeking help to cope and manage everyday as best we can.

Original Poster
(1 day after post)
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You get a grade A for being politically correct. Im sure your collegs professor will be proud.
Now put on your reading glasses.
No ones putting women down.
In fact the opposite.
They are being victimized once again by the greedy big pharma.
These drugs are ruining lives and its no joke. Not just women but everyone who falls prey to their lies and manipulations.

last online: 03/16, 22:34
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College professor? You're joking right? I'm a high school drop-out, and it seems through example, I still have more of a grasp of grammar compared to you. But even if I did have a college education, and if I was so inclined to pick apart everything you have said in your original statement/observance, I'm rather tempted to point out that my country has socialized health insurance. Y'know, the one that most USians tremble in fear of because it must be a pre-communist scheme...

Yet for some reason, I often hear that many from the USA are fascinated of where I live and would love to visit. Funny that...considering we seem to have a commie way of doing things.

Political correctness has ****fuck all to do with what I said. In fact, I don't even know what I allegedly said that was even considered politically correct - I didn't even try. Could you point me out to what you noticed? Because I'm genuinely wondering with how to become more self-aware.

I didn't say you were putting women down, I said I was alarmed that I saw "young American women" and sorry to have to point this out; but it is based on an ingrained sexist observation when you seem to think that women are more vulnerable than men. Us women are apparently the victims, but men are genuinely suffering from Bi-Polar? What? That doesn't even make sense unless you're eluding to the idea that women are more naive, gullible or susceptible than male patients.

If you meant "everyone who falls prey", then why did you single out "young American women?"

Original Poster
(1 day after post)
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I think we are on the same side.
You dont have to agree.
I see much more proclamations of bipolar from young women.
Let it be. The enemy is big pharma. They are the drug cartel who will do anything to make a dollar. Anything. Anything....

. Its not you or I.
Ive seen women fall prey to thease criminals. Only to become the very disorder they were meant to treat.
The only thing we can do is raise awareness. Even if that means some young teenager is going to his doctor. He or she has mood swings. He she is a teenager. This is normal. Maybe we can save that child from thease horrendous drugs that will really ..uck them up.
My voice may be small but if enough of us start making noise we may be able to make a dent.Id ratherBe the backlash..
Btw.. Im typing on a broken phone screen and its hard to get commas periods and hyphens. If I had a full scteen computer I would edit.

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last online: 01/25, 20:20
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(1 day after post)
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When I thought of checking into the site today, I said to myself "don't reply, even if something seems like bait to debate, even if something gets you upset to the point that you feel you have to respond. This place is not the way it used to be."

I'm breaking that promise.

I think it's a good thing you have broke that promise because it shows that you have the courage to stand up for the substance of your beliefs.
Also, I believe that two (or more) people can argue, disagree, debate to high heaven on any subject and walk out not feeling personally injured.
Thanks for comming back. It's good to have you.
With that said, on with the show.

First, it was the whole "young american women" thing. Because wow, that's pretty sexist. I know men who are bi-polar. Some who are very dear to me, and who I would take a bullet for...even when NOT depressed.

The Post itself is like a fabric that is woven in a particular way - it's a little bit intricate, but to sort things out on black and white, I've gathered this much;

1. This isn't about people who are genuinely bipolar or people who suffer from other mental disorders that depend on medication.
2. This isn't even about gender, male/female/or otherwise.

This is about evil corporations. Specifically, pharmaceutical companies because their evils are located at the topmost rung of the ladder.

This world operates on a stable, business-as-usual standard. It's stable because most of the minds that operate within that construct are stable.
That means, for the most part, a majority of people are "normal," they are free of the burdens of mental entanglement.
BUT, propaganda which flows from the "health" industry would have everyone think that they lack the medication (aka pill) necessary to keep this planet on its orbital track.

The pharmaceutical companies are like bears that have really good fishing holes along the banks and do what they can to maintain their glory holes.

In the beginning, Autism was very rare. But since drug companies get substancial government funding then use Judo to bill the patients that require insurance (and maybe a mortguage) to pay for their pills; it seem they found a way to increase the base line of their clients...
Nowadays, Autism is a spectrum.... "Well, we don't know exactly where it is in the spectral range, but, by god it's there somewhere."
And now, every third kid that gets on board a school bus either has Autism or ADD.
It seems anybody can be diagnosed with one thing or the other.
Medicate, medicate, medicate.

This has nothing to do with kids that genuinely have these conditions, this is about over-diagnosing the worlds population for the sake of money and control of the masses.

Original Poster
(1 day after post)
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Exactly big al. Are you aware that bipolar now has a number spectrum and as stated earlier " "even if you have symptoms only once a year, you can still have bipolar"
Insidious discusting lies.

Original Poster
(1 day after post)
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This post is not about people who genuinely have bipolar.
For those folks you have my prayers and support.

Anonymous edited this post .

The bipolarizing of the young american women, brought brought to you by big pharma!!!ยฌ Their mission is to convince everyone, especially young women, they have bipolar 1 -3.ยฌ "EVEN IF YOU ONLY HAVE SYMPTOMS ONCE A YEAR, You could be bipolar" lies. ยฌ Big pharma is making 100 of billions of dollars on selling dangerous drugs to the public. Doctors are totally in on it. Doctors get huge kickbacks from big pharma to push this crap on the public. I don't know what else to say. ยฌ It is a crime. It will never go punished. ยฌ There simply isnt enough backlash from the other side. Sad..very very sad.ยฌ TheirThoughts missionplease.ยฌ Please isnote tothat convince everyone especially young women they have bipolar 1 -3.ยฌ "EVEN IF YOU ONLY HAVE SYMPTOMS ONCE A YEAR, You could be bipolar"ยฌ Big pharma is making billions on selling dangerous drugs to the public and doctors are totally in on it. Doctors get huge kickbacks from big pharma to push this crap on the public. I dont know what else to say. ยฌ Its a crime. It will never go punished. ยฌ There simply isnt enoughabout backlashthose fromof you who genuinely have bipolar.ยฌ Its a post about pushing dangerous drugs on the otherpublic side. Sad..who don't have it.

Anonymous edited this post .

The bipolarizing of the young american women, brought to you by big pharma!!!ยฌ Their mission is to convince everyone, especially young women, they have bipolar 1 -3.ยฌ "EVEN IF YOU ONLY HAVE SYMPTOMS ONCE A YEAR, You could be bipolar" lies. ยฌ Big pharma is making 100 of billions of dollars on selling dangerous drugs to the public. Doctors are totally in on it. Doctors get huge kickbacks from big pharma to push this crap on the public. I don't know what else to say. ยฌ It is a crime. It will never go punished. ยฌ There simply isnt enough backlash from the other side. Sad..very very sad.ยฌ Thoughts please.ยฌ Please note that this isnt about those of you who genuinely have bipolar.ยฌ Its a post about pushing dangerous drugs on the public who don't have it. and are being convinced you do........

Anonymous edited this post .

The bipolarizing of the young american women, brought to you by big pharma!!!ยฌ Their mission is to convince everyone, especially young women, they have bipolar 1 -3.ยฌ "EVEN IF YOU ONLY HAVE SYMPTOMS ONCE A YEAR, You could be bipolar" lies. ยฌ Big pharma is making 100 of billions of dollars on selling dangerous drugs to the public. Doctors are totally in on it. Doctors get huge kickbacks from big pharma to push this crap on the public. I don't know what else to say. ยฌ It is a crime. It will never go punished. ยฌ There simply isnt enough backlash from the other side. Sad..very very sad.ยฌ Thoughts please.ยฌ Please note that this isnt about those of you who genuinely have bipolar.ยฌ Its a post about pushing dangerous drugs on the public who don't have it and are being convinced youthey do........

Original Poster
(2 days after post)
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Greed is killing us

Original Poster
(2 days after post)
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Keeping it real

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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(2 days after post)
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Anonymous wrote:
Exactly big al. Are you aware that bipolar now has a number spectrum and as stated earlier " "even if you have symptoms only once a year, you can still have bipolar"
Insidious discusting lies.

Right. And, to be honest, I think it was AA that really kicked it all off. Their perspective of alcohol is; if you have one drink a year, you're an alcoholic.
Hahaha! I don't consider myself a drinker at all, but I manage to have a little something around certain holidays - should I confess to being an alcoholic and prepare to unload my entire financial world into the accounts of these fkkrs who are laughing all the way to the bank?
And when does it stop?
"Well, Mr. Al, we'll have to determine that after a few zillion more sessions."
(Let's not mention that some of those sessions are court appointed)......
The hand feeds the pencil into the grinder and it doesn't stop - who cares how sharp the pencil is.

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(2 days after post)
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I think guys are less inclined to go to the drs anyway. But yeah big pharma want everyone to believe theyee mentally ill for the money. Its so they can pretend that physicsl symptoms are caused by mental health so they can save money treating the cause of physical illness

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