1,951 replies, Replies 361 to 370

Ugh...i'm going to get all mushy :rmfe:

i'm the most antisocial person i know. There's worse out there. But i never knew them. i'm repelled by people more than anyone else i've ever met.

Okay, let's think about this- just how do antisocial people meet to compare their levels of antisociability?
Your statement is nonsensical other than your declaration of antisocial behavior.

Life's been a bi*ch. And it's made me bitter and angry. i am not in a good place emotionally. i've been described as an albatross in the past. Not the bird literally of course. The metaphor -

- yeah-yeah, most of us here wear adult clothes and understand metaphorical terms. What you should do is tone down the narcisism a notch or two and expect a few of us to understand what you're talking about.

i'm not bubbly. i'm not nice, beyond social obligation and feeling socially obligated makes me even more grumpy. i don't want to be nice but feel like i should because everybody says you should but i don't want to. i'm not pleasant to be around.

Okay, I get the ceremony of "being nice" when it comes to social interaction and most of it is energy draining BS BUT does that mean your polarity must go the exact opposite? Do you have to be a cactus-lined narrow hallway?

i feel like most people are a waste of time (not judging anyone for their personality except it feels like people intentionally try to waste my time is what i mean). Always trying to sell something or take advantage of you...

๐Ÿ‘†Three thing going on with this statement.
1.People are a waste of time.
2.People are wasting your time.
3.People are trying to sell you something, 3b. or take advantage of you.

Okay, some examples of situations that you have experienced would greatly help rather than boiling things off down to an element.

i'm depressed. i'm miserable most of the time. The profundity that i feel is totally disturbing.

You don't want to hang out with me. i'm not exciting. i won't make you feel good. i'm not a good friend. And i don't blame anyone for avoiding me. i would avoid me if i met myself on the street. And if you were stupid enough to try to get close to me i would make dam* sure to push you away.

๐Ÿ‘† I started to read this and you had my attention, but in the end I was rather disappointed and felt rather cheated. Wouldn't it have been easier to say, "I'm depressed and I want to stay that way?"

How is it i have ended up hating the world this much. What happened to me to make me hate almost everything about it?

I don't know....that's the kind of story you're going to need to discover. I think once you find it, it may solve (or rather) relieve you of many stress forms.
Plus it might make for a very interesting rant!

But having said all of these things, and as much as i think most people really only passed the tests to be diagnosed as mentally healthy human beings has been by some form of deception... somehow, for some reason, even though i'm the biggest misanthrope i know....

You might consider what you just said before your psychologists bills get too expensive. No telling who they paid off to get their degree.

i'm lonely.


i miss my ex. But we tried that for 7 years. Now i'm having trouble doing anything new. i haven't met anyone new in at least over a year and i'm worried it is becoming a solid trend.

i don't go out. Chatting on dating sites only turns me into a flake because i never actually go meet anyone anymore(more generally speaking, i was never a social butterfly and was never into meeting lots of new people anyway, but dating sites are more about hooking up for ***sex anyway).

It was a one off, spur of the moment bout of spontaneity that i even went to go meet my ex.

It's not that hard to figure out and I'm sure you already know the sad truth. People begin to "couple-up" as early as their school years. From there, it becomes progressively harder and harder as the years (even decades) roll by. Most people who missed the boat are so dumbfounded that they've been beached that...they could still enjoy being single for what remains of their life, if only they accept it.
But most die at the shore-line, neither on land or in the sea.

Not being vein, i really think people were jealous of what we had. And he's a good guy. But it just didn't work.

Wrong. No one, and I mean no one is jealous of something that doesn't work, regardless of the reason it didn't work. The final results are a flat line.

Too much pressure to keep the money/our lives sorted out, and never enough money to do it. Whether we still care for each other or not we couldn't be together anymore.

The issue of money has ended more relationships than cheaters.

It is a huge cause of my pain.
One: i'm scared to do it again.
Two: If i did, why not with my ex? If it can work with someone else why shouldn't it have worked with my ex?

A leopard doesn't change it's spots. The very first things to question the relationship will be the very last issues that brought it to an end, to begin with.

i am just not seeing much point to this bullsh*t life we all lead. i mean maybe if i were a bubbly, bouncy, childlike hyper energy like you. But not like this...

Like me?
I don't know how you walk without tripping over yourself. You pack assumptions like getting ready for a day at Space Camp. Higher and mightier than thou.

You don't need to be all bubbly. You just need to come down to earth concerning certain things.

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Content coming soon.

Hey! Hey, @soco wake up! Wake up!๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


- written
Everyday I want to crawl into a hole and be alone.

Just try to remember that other people have just as many, if not worse, problems than yourself.
I'm not saying this to dismiss the way you feel, but if you think about it, you can't take what other people say too personally - they're screwed up too. Lol!
I've had people get mad and blow up in my face - other people calling me names; I don't take it personally because I assume they're having a worse time than myself.

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Someone stole my debit card information.

soco wrote:
I would think you would need about 600 building permits and environmental/traffic studies.

....Or you could just grab a teaspoon and head into the basement....?

- written
Someone stole my debit card information.

soco wrote:
What I want yo know is how do you get a gas pump/station INSIDE your home?

Well, the first thing you need to do is......

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Content coming soon.

soco wrote:
Popcorn with Truffle Oil I hope. That's the best!

Truffle oil? Sure! I'll give it a go. Fancy. I would have never known.

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Content coming soon.

(Plops into the sofa).
This should be interesting...
(Grabs the popcorn).

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Someone stole my debit card information.

Araz wrote:
I know you're right but cash is so inconvenient.

Not true. It depends on the amount that you physically possess.

I usually keep on hand about $5k at my house and I travel with about a grand when I go out.
There is no inconvienence when it comes to cash (and if it is, consider ALL the inconveniences of plastic).

Just saying.

Lecture over - hahaha!

- written
Someone stole my debit card information.

This is my "Ca$h Is King" lecture....

Cash is king.

When you spend cash, you are impervious to the contagions of plastic including the interest which drains 1/3 of your earnings over the course of your life.

This is chain-breaking wisdom, but very few live according to the rule. There is only one rule, Cash Is King. All others are slaves, enslaved to the never-ending bylaws of business.

So, make it easy on yourself. Keep things on a cash only basis - always remain debt free.

If you don't have cash, you can't afford it. Therefore, wait, plan and work until you have cash.

Hope this helps.

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Someone stole my debit card information.

Well, that sucks - any idea how that happened?

From what I hear you can buy card scanning devices on Amazon and they can gather card/chip/Reid info as little as three feet away.
....and transfer money...?

All the same, sorry to hear about this.

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