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Everyday I want to crawl into a hole and be alone.

Everyday is a battle to get up and function like a normal human.

Eat. Make money. Sleep. Repeat.

Iโ€™m just tired of life. Iโ€™m too sensitive to everything. The slightest criticism and I melt. If someone says something slightly mean I over think it and retreat for days.

I wish I wasnโ€™t like this. Who made me like this? Itโ€™s just cruel torture.

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last online: 01/25, 20:20
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Just try to remember that other people have just as many, if not worse, problems than yourself.
I'm not saying this to dismiss the way you feel, but if you think about it, you can't take what other people say too personally - they're screwed up too. Lol!
I've had people get mad and blow up in my face - other people calling me names; I don't take it personally because I assume they're having a worse time than myself.

last online: 05/14, 23:04
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I dont know why, but women in their 50s absolutly hate me.
Something about that age group.
Life is tuff. You have to roll with the punches and stay on your own coarse no matter what.
I tend to laugh out load at anyone who has a meltdown towards me. Literally.
Its just not worth getting upset.
This is called the small stuff.
The big stuff like cancer is a different story or losing a loved one.

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last online: 01/23, 5:07
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I've felt the same way, about being over sensitive. I have gotten quite upset over people's honest telling me of certain flaws I have before. I would just get very confused and disassociate. Last night a friend told me something blunt, not in a mean way, but in a concerned way, and I was able to take the criticism mostly gracefully, and I am proud of myself for that.

(1 day after post)
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I think the "secret" is to always be the most kind person in the world to yourself. Others will be critical, so that's a role you don't have to play. Instead, just always think of yourself as your own favorite child, and think kind things.

(3 days after post)
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i think years and years ago i was somewhere in a situation like you are now. My attitude then was persistent for so long nearly lasted almost a decade... then BAM i just got sick n tired of it.. .. tired of that outlook on everything. and when i finally turned the page and saw things in a different way i was sorta pissed how i didnt see it sooner. but thats just me.

i guess truth is everyone fights their own battles. theres no secret sauce to fixing a problem unless they find their own way to turn it all around. Advice is just a guide.. not a solution.

Original Poster
(3 days after post)
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SassyMonkey wrote:
i think years and years ago i was somewhere in a situation like you are now. My attitude then was persistent for so long nearly lasted almost a decade... then BAM i just got sick n tired of it.. .. tired of that outlook on everything. and when i finally turned the page and saw things in a different way i was sorta pissed how i didnt see it sooner. but thats just me.

i guess truth is everyone fights their own battles. theres no secret sauce to fixing a problem unless they find their own way to turn it all around. Advice is just a guide.. not a solution.

Thats the thing, I too have felt like this before and pulled myself out of it. I think I'm frustrated now because I can't remember how I did it. Like you said, there seems to be a switch that just flicks on one day.

Van morrison
(2 weeks after post)
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DragonLady wrote:
I think the "secret" is to always be the most kind person in the world to yourself. Others will be critical, so that's a role you don't have to play. Instead, just always think of yourself as your own favorite child, and think kind things.

I think this is a nice way to look at yourself but it can be destructive to others as well. I was in a relationship where it didnt seem to matter what the other person did, how bad in the relationship they were, as long as they felt good about themselves. He was always his own best friend, his own greatest advocate, so he was never wrong. It was maddening and left me feeling like the guilty party in most situations, even if I wasn't. So although I agree with this idea, there is a lot to be said for being able to take personal responsiblity also and seeing yourself in a more realistic way, as others see you.

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