1,951 replies, Replies 401 to 410

can companies legally screw with customers with false lead with their loyalty/reward systems.

There's a famous line in the movie "War Games."

"The best way to win is not to play the game in the first place."

With that said, pay close attention -


"The world is a college of corporations, inexorably determined by the immutable bye-laws of of business."

In other words....they always have an out. You take the hit.

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Nacthoman or Yorick..

I thought Nacthoman was just fine.

I've always liked my screen name, based on the decision that It should be something to last with the passing of years.

What ever you choose, make it good and make it last. Just a thought.

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I thought I was going to have a breakdown earlier.

Okay, it seems you have a good grasp on the things going on around you.
Some of the trouble could be that you're carrying on in your daily life with the assumption that these other things sorta take care of themselves(and maybe to a point they do).
However, some things need a little extra attention and if you live on in blissful ignorance, they have a way of catching up with your conscious.
So....sit down with a pen and paper and go over the things you're aware of and try to work out what it is that you're so concerned about. Doing this deliberately sure beats the red lights on the dashboard from going off in your face.
And for a time, your problems will be solved...

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I think im gonna end up having another nervous breakdown to be honest.

Thing'sll get better

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I hope the creep gets away with it.

Lano wrote:
To reword:

@ OP

Just think...what if you had a freeloading mom who won't let your totally sane dad see you....and on top of that....she LOSES you...now you're being kidnapped by a man from an Asian country.......probably being sold into a certain S word that might make this comment pending approval...eh?

Lol! Lano, you're terribly funny at times- truly.

I had a great childhood as a kid in the 70's. People weren't any different back then, there's always an element of danger but we were taught skills that are all but extinct today.
I roamed neighborhoods and had great adventures, bicycling out, ten....fifteen miles away...when I was nine.

It sickens me that parents text their own kids to see if they're okay when they're right in the next room. Imagine children growing up and never going outside.
There are no "safe spaces" and there never will be. But if you're gonna experience anything, you gotta pet your foot on the pedal and get a good grip on the bars, anyway.

@ OP
They call it...."Civic Duty."
Don't get me wrong, I don't like it anymore than you. However, in the face of socitial options, it beats getting a summons for Jury Duty just in time for Spring. (And if you know anything about those, they usually last about 3 months even if you're not on the panel.)

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Ripples never come back.

Aeolian....you're really gonna hate me for this - lol!

Yes, ripples do come back, it just depends on the circumstance.

Now, bear with me (you can actually try this yourself and see).

Get a mug full of coffee and set it on a calm surface. Use anything it takes to make a drop of coffee fall in the middle of the mug.

Here's what you should see -

The ripples go out to the side and reverberates back to the center where it reverberates back out again where it reverberates to the center again.

You have to have a quick eye.

Each cycle becomes weaker and weaker until the surface is calm again.

In the bigger scheme of things....
The ripples from a stone that is cast into a lake will not return.

I would dare say you could hardly make a ripple by casting the same stone into the ocean.

Anyway, just relaying my experiences and observations.

Hope it helps.

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I hope the creep gets away with it.

Lano...always refusing to get the picture and re-directs it when you do - this is exactly why the system will only get worse.
BUT, giving the benefit of the doubt, let me clarify a few things...

Lano wrote:
I think the person you should really be mad at is the sick b****** who may or may not be doing horrible things to this child as we speak.

Yes, let's stop the entire First World nation(s) from turning at 1am over this ONE situation...

If a child is missing, does it really matter if some asian guy did it...which seems to me what you are implying...

You should know better than to assume what I mean and start accepting what I meant in the first place.
You know as well as anyone that generally Asian nations are #1 in ***sex slave markets of children and human trafficking (specifically women and little girls).
I really don't hear about profound action taken in countries such as those - where's their "Amber Alert" and why aren't the cops (or military) in a big rush to stop their world from turning at 1am? Their problem IS epidemic.

- or if some father who probably has mental health issues that makes them a danger to their child did it?

There is no "or" in this case and "probably" is another word that is based on assumption. It's no surprise to me that your default view is to demonize the mentality of the father for reasons that are 'just because,' but in real life, the courts award custody of children to the mother regardless of their mental state. Let's not mention the extension of laws and statutes that are designed to vilify perfectly normal fathers who are simply fed up with a system that abuses them and every aspect of their rights to fatherhood.

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I hope the creep gets away with it.

Lano wrote:
I think the person you should really be mad at is the sick b****** who may or may not be doing horrible things to this child as we speak.

If you really want to talk about what has been going on (since forever), we should invade every Asian nation with banners that read "For The Sake Of The Children," for obvious reasons.
With that aside, however, a majority of Amber Alerts usually turn out to be "kid-nappings" by the lesser, legally empowered, parent.
Red, yellow, black, white - if you're a man that has proliferated to an entitled female, the only joy you have as a father is being an ATM with legs for the woman who keeps their kid(s) on a yoyo string.


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I hope the creep gets away with it.

Yup. That's right. It's just like the "Opt Out" ad settings at Google.
You select "Opt Out," only to further read that you're still gonna have ads shoved down your throat.
All these smart phones are weaponized one way or other and not enough people care.
I really find it strange that a person would lose a lit stick of dynamite but won't do a *******fucking thing to get rid of their phone - as if the phone were somehow less destructive.

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Happy New Year

tricky wrote:
Happy new year :)

Thank you Tricky - nothing left here but the mess and as you can see....maid service is on the late side.
Beer's in the cooler.

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