1,951 replies, Replies 441 to 450

Help please.

Briefly (and again) ๐Ÿ‘‰bipartisan๐Ÿ‘ˆ confirmation of corruption/collusion.

You ever hear of something called a figure of speech? Do me a favor and look into it - lol. Ever hear of something called allied forces? There is just more than one narrative the President has to operate in.
The perspective of the People is just one. Trump is Chief and Commander of the U.S. armed forces - he might need a translator every now and then but he doesn't need someone to define expression or meaning when it comes to that translation....

But you did it by cutting out the middle man and just electing someone who IS a special interest.

Well....yeah....that's right.
And this is a case where said special interest has more cause, care and concern for the people than these carreer politicians who have criminal activity among themselves (drain that swamp Trump) who have been living heaven high on the real lies and stabbings they give the common people.
All those politicians in seats - they have their corporations, too..... And it seems they operate influence from two chairs.
That's what's criminal in the real sense.

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Help please.

Lano wrote:

Slash wrote:

The trouble with this, Lano, is there is no "evidence" much less "proof" of anything when it comes to the accusations of the Democratic party.

This just isn't true. I know it's not true because i have seen and stated some of the evidence here. This is the frustrating thing for me...the biggest piece of evidence isn't circumstantial...it is Trump solicting a bribe (or quid pro quo, whatever you want to call it) on a call transcript. And people say there is no evidence, even though there is, so there's not much to even discuss or dispute if we're just going to decide facts aren't facts unless they don't incriminate the president.

Slash wrote:

These crimes are quasi and nebulous but very clear.

What exactly is nebulous or quasi about saying "Do us a favor though"? What exactly is unclear? There is a specific, concrete, corrupt act that the president is being accused of, supported by concrete evidence and witness testimony.

I'm sorry Lano, but you've proven my point. The best you have to offer is "soliciting a bribe," and there's nothing 'solid' about that. It's all liquifaction and nebulous - the safety and security of America is not at risk over a hazy issue.
There was stronger evidence against Bill Clinton back in the 90's and it did nothing to remove him from office. Furthermore, Whitewater and the long trail of scandles and death that have followed Hilary hasn't seemed to slow the population of airheads from supporting that murderess.... That is specific as Enron....

Don't you get it? There is a population of people who have no business entering into the arena of politics - but they have. And though they may be high functioning (ie have a job, pay some taxes and rent) they have all the maturity of spoiled children.
It takes bipartisan unity to commission an accusation. Have you never stopped to ask yourself, who has defined the Presidents actions as criminal??
The Dems.



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Help please.

Sub out race card with partisan card and it's what the republican's argument comes down too.

The trouble with this, Lano, is there is no "evidence" much less "proof" of anything when it comes to the accusations of the Democratic party. Here's an example of the tripe that has been generated -

- "Lano....we are charging you of the crimes of which you know you're guilty of. These crimes are quasi and nebulous but very clear. Yes, we're gonna talk, sing and dance over the foggy bank and it's gonna get straight to the point....."

And that's the way it has been. These people are operating from the fantasy side of imagination. There's nothing solid, nothing specific.

At least an "argument" presented by the Republican Party has some substance to it.

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by every right..

Here's a bottle of Aspirin.
Beer's in the fridge.

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Help please.

Yorick wrote:
how the hell did the people vote in a full house of representatives with democrats - which pushed the vote for impeachment?

They didn't. It's simply an act put on by the Democratic Party. They think by what they alone do (along with media hype) then "suddenly" they will get their way. It's also designed to stir a $#!t pot among the civil populous.

i wonder how the senate is gonna deal with this.. i read that they're going to have a congressional trial.. on the president and then the senate will vote to impeach or not.

Yes, but chances are, you're not going to see one Republican joining them to play their game of pretend. In the end though, the Republicans will officially have to vote once it goes to senate and that is where the hopes, dreams and wishes of the Democratic Party will hopefully die.
The Republicans haven't changed their mind and if the Democrats don't get what they want they will be forced to straighten up and fly right.
Further "whining" and repeated action by the democratic party will be looked at as insurrection, and you can be sure that after four years of proof, there will be no place a Democratic representative can run when it comes to judicial matters then.
And the first persons head on the block will be that b!tc# Nancy Pelosi.....

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My grandma, after suffering from Alzheimerโ€™s since her diagnosis in 2013, has passed away today.

First, my love and regards to you for the loss of your grandmother. Grandmothers are a blessed people to have and we don't get them for very long it seems.
I've decided that my prayer will be for you. That you may be comforted and at peace knowing that one day we will join our loved ones in the life yet to come and be united once again in the presence of our Maker.

Okay, plug in your ear-buds and turn it up.

Allow 10 seconds after pressing play -


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ur advice?

From the establishments ***POV, some people abuse their right to use facilities, and make a mess / trash it / steal things, so this doesn't encourage places allowing the public to use them.

Sadly, you hit the nail on the head. People lack respect for public facilities and it ruins it for those who do.

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Help please.

BuckingFastard(JN) wrote:
I love your explanation, Al.
That's pretty much exactly how it sounds to an outsider.

BuckingFastard(JN) wrote:
I love your explanation, Al.
That's pretty much exactly how it sounds to an outsider.

Thank you, J.N. A few short years ago I just chalked it up to media hype (and there is a lot of that). But, as time has moved on, I'm personally beginning to experience what I've seen on T.V. and I'm blown away.

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My roomate is crazy.

All I can say is, the world we live in is becoming more apparent -

Things (attitudes) are really speeding up.

Bottom line....it really has grown to Biblical proportions. Brace yourself.

I was recently thrown out from where I was staying - accused of being "rude" and "embarrassing."

Hahaha.....really? Well, as much as I would like to tell that story, I'm just not in a mood for all the typing - plus, I'm not yet ready to relive the experience.

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i would like every long time member of this site to go un-anonymous an re introduce themselves for the year 2020 should bring new beginnings.

BuckingFastard(JN) wrote:
Slash, as much as I love slash, you will always be big Al to me.

It weirdly bothers me that people are using different usernames on here than they did on the old site.

Aww - love you lots J.N. It won't be long, and I'll be back to my usual name and Avatar.๐Ÿ’‹

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