1,951 replies, Replies 451 to 460

Help please.

It's simple. Donald Trump became President. When that happened, the extreme left liberal democrats threw a hissy fit with the maturity of a 5-year-old having a tantrum.
Time didn't mature these people and they still could not accept that Trump was here to stay.
The mentality of the liberal left works like this; we don't like him, so let's impeach him.
With the proof there was never any "Russian collusion" to begin with, the liberal left kept whining, just like the stunted children they are.
Let's get this straight, there is no amount of American goodness that can make a liberal happy because they are all about government hand-outs.
Republicans, on the other hand, are tired of paying for the lazy, video gamming libs who don't work. America was founded as a Constitutional Republic and the Democracy which was supposed to keep certain checks and balances, morphidited into a "thing," that is unrecognizable when it come to the human mentality.
With that said, the Democratic party sheepishly went forward with unfounded non claims of the impeachment process. And like everything they touch, they managed to smudge a vital part of the American system, leaving a $#!t stain with it.
Got news. In 2016, the responsible people of America voted for Donald Trump and he isn't going anywhere. Further, in 2020, Donald IS going to get re-elected for another term. No amount of winning or crying is going to change that and until people (who are physically mature) actually grow up, I forsee Republican control for a very long time.
The cival wars are just about to begin.

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i would like every long time member of this site to go un-anonymous an re introduce themselves for the year 2020 should bring new beginnings.

Well, Yorick, I'm pretty impressed by your turnout. I don't remember you being as outspoken in the past as you have recently been.
It's good to see you relaxed.

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My roomate is crazy.

Anonymous wrote:
Ok bro. Will do

Hey....try not to throw the baby out with the bath-water.
Do your best NOT to be homeless.

- written
My roomate is crazy.

Anonymous wrote:
Ok... Slash am I right. Are they crazy

It's worse than crazy - what you're experiencing are the inner workings of a maternal and fraternal co-dependency that's become rather sick.
It's an unholy trinity alliance of mother/son/landlord.

And, after reading the above, I see you have some concern over legal matters, etc.
I got news, people generally don't like Red Tape and these jerks aren't litigious - fux the "contract" and zoom out.

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My roomate is crazy.

Craigslist, newspapers, fellow employees, friends, family -
What ever it takes.

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ur advice?

soco wrote:
Glad to see I'm still among friends.

I got your back, babe... With a friend like me, you'll never need another enemy ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜™๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜ƒ

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i would like every long time member of this site to go un-anonymous an re introduce themselves for the year 2020 should bring new beginnings.

I would assume this would include yourself....?

But, that's just it - even at the old Help site, I've always been my REAL self. In REAL life my name is Al and I've been often referred to as "Big Al."

In the earlier years of the original Help site, I tried opening an account as "Big Al," but the system told me there was already an account made with that name(sadder still probably by someone who didn't give a $#!t and abandoned the site for fuxboog).
So, I was faced with adding an extension to my name - "One." Then it was decided that my Avatar name would be "Big Al One."

One of the things that I noticed with the original site was that Avatars that were animated got quite a bit of attention. So, I learned about GIF images and used my Photoshop to custom build animated Avatars.
Three or four revisions later, I had created something that I could settle with on a long-term basis.
In the same tradition as my name, the Avatar was a genuine photo of me - the added bling didn't matter - the photo was really me.

And through the years, I built animated Avatars and gifted them to my friends and people who may have needed to dress-up their profile - several are still here today. Yet, other people have let theirs go.
In the past, some people kept comming back to me to make them a new one, over and over - as if it was as easy as changing a pair of underwear - not so. They are works of art which requires an undertaking at bare minimum.
Many were grateful, others not so much, but in any case I felt good when people were pleased.

But, very few people were actually themselves back then.....or even today.

Good luck with trying to bring people out of their fantasy character.

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by every right..

Lol! I remember that tune when it was 80's fresh.

As for the site and what it reminds me of....well....probably would go to this effect -


- written
ur advice?

Anonymous wrote:
Soco can be an ase wipe .
Ignore him/ her

Hey now....that's my title you're giving away.

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Sometimes I wonder if this site was a plant.

There were also plenty of members with multiple accounts who were pushing the drama button.
Those members who you thought were real, genuine and honest....not by a long shot.

After discovering her lies, one member told me; "Everybody lies." !LOL! She said it with NO APOLOGY, no care or concern for the damage she done - as if doing wrong was okay because everybody else was doing it. A sad excuse from a sad individual.

Yeah....most of you know me as rip-roaring a$$#0!#, but, I'm not gonna lie and who I am here is who I am where ever I go.

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