1,951 replies, Replies 431 to 440

My roomate is crazy.

Firt, there are certain laws when it comes to tenants and winter. You just can't kick someone out nor can you shut down their electrical source of heat. Someone bites the bullet for a while.

The only thing I can say is stay demure and complacent. Roll with the punches - stay out of the way if you can - say as little as possible.

You need to get into some form of public housing. At least the rules are general and not so personal - bound to the whimsical abuses of the homeowner.

No, the note is not extorsion.

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Help please.

Lano wrote:
The whistleblower's complaint is actually posted on the house of reps website.

Ahh. Yes. Of course. There it is. Let's see what is said before we look at the document -

“The Committee this morning will be releasing the declassified whistleblower complaint that it received late last night from the ODNI. It is a travesty that it was held up this long.

“This complaint should never have been withheld from Congress. It exposed serious wrongdoing, and was found both urgent and credible by the Inspector General.

“This complaint is a roadmap for our investigation, and provides significant information for the Committee to follow up on with other witnesses and documents. And it is corroborated by the call record released yesterday.

“I want to thank the whistleblower for having the courage to come forward, despite the reprisals they have already faced from the president and his acolytes. We will do everything in our power to protect this whistleblower, and every whistleblower, who comes forward.

“The public has a right to see the complaint and what it reveals.”

I feel today as though my cereal was packed with 8 essential minerals and vitamins - what a wholesome, resounding speech....
I wonder, who is the person that spoke those words and what party is he affiliated with.....?

- Chairman Adam Schiff.
Democratic Party of California....

And who is the Inspector General of Intelligence?
Michael Atkinson
Party Affiliation - Democratic Party

No.... There's no "collaboration or collusion" going on with the U.S. Democratic Party....at all.

You wanna know the funny thing is when it comes to reading the ingredients on a box of Rice Crispies? The main ingredient is never listed.

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Help please.

Lano wrote:

soco wrote:
Do either of you know if the Whistleblower's letter has been made public?

I havent heard anything.

Same said. Don't know.

I imagine they wouldn't release anything that could hint the identity of the whistle blower until trump is no longer president. By impeachment or other means.


Todays top impeachment story is the release of an email from a white house official to DOD requesting the hold be put on the aid two hours after the phone call.

This really make me wonder what Hilary did with all her E-Mails when she was facing indictment charges....oh yeah....she deleted them....

I don't know why (even though I do) people say, "what has that got to do with what's going on?"
Maybe it's because I have a problem with nearly 50% of voters who were supporting Hilary regardless of the broad spectrum of her crimes. Murder is no small matter. And, it's not hard to figure that her and Bill are very discreet ********swingers.
That kind of lifestyle doesn't go without its problems.
And yet, Hilary is hero to so many. What a role model.

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My roomate is crazy.

Anonymous wrote:
Is he saying Im being thwown out al

I don't think so. Seems he's just making a reason to bark.

Here's the thing with this tight-a$$, he wants to give you the impression that if you don't pay at such-and-such time that he's gonna kick you out.
....Okay....that may be true. But, what is also true is the fact he has to go through the headache of finding another tenant fast enough to secure a full $500 (plus deposit) and be gullible enough to put up with ALL of their combined $#!t....
I don't think that's happening anytime soon.
Hang in there, bud, (but start looking for another loft). Try Craigslist.

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My grandma, after suffering from Alzheimer’s since her diagnosis in 2013, has passed away today.

Araz wrote:
Thank you for the thoughts, prayers, and condolences. I’m not ready to talk about it yet, but I do appreciate it.

When ever you're ready. We love you Zara. Take all the time you need.

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Help please.

Lano wrote:

BIG-AL-ONE wrote:

Leak from the source, altered to cause incitement. Had there been anything truly substancial, the issue would have been left in the box for later use in an authentic trial (hence my comparisons to historical events of other Presidents; those which have worked, and those that have not).
For the sake of simplicity I will leave it at this.

I don't see a source being cited here...it also happens to not be true. Maybe where-ever you're getting your info from is a little bit biased?

Please remember my earlier reference(s). Again -

BA1 wrote:
(hence my comparisons to historical events of other Presidents; those which have worked, and those that have not).

When working with hints and allegations, I usually find it necessary to consider similar, historical events and their outcome to determine validity of current events. Otherwise, snags, just as you have pointed out below👇👇👇 seem to rise up.

Lano wrote:
The fact is that the White House released the transcript. Not a leak, Trump approved the release. I know that because I listened to/watched the hearings, mostly live as they were happening. Audio, written, and video recordings of the hearing are available for free on the internet, as well as written versions of at least some of the original closed-door depositions. It was declassified the same day the Impeachment inquiry officially started.

This DOES seems strange at first...it's so incriminating, so why would he publish it? But it actually makes sense if he suspected that someone who was on the call would end up testifying...if the info is going to get out anyway, he might as well release it himself to make it seem like he has nothing to hide.

Lano, please forgive my humor, but I have learned through humor and have found it valuable for teaching or at very least for expression when it comes to the obvious.
The White House is a building and is incapable of leaking anything but water. It doess what a building does; it houses human bodies. Surely, someone was in charge for the securities of those transcripts. Considering there was no closed door pre-trial to commission an open impeachment hearing tells me everything I need to know.
With that said, let's add in your bit (which is rather resounding). In a court of law, there is nothing that forces someone to convict themselves. The only trouble I have with your statement, Lano, is that you seem to be saying that Donald is skirting himself under the color of law "to make it seem like he has nothing to hide."
Let's examine this for a second.... He's the President of the United States, for God's sake. Other than the clothes he wears, he the most naked man on earth - there's no such thing as a private moment considering the nature of the job. What is he going to hide? Absolutely nothing because that's what happened.

Lano wrote:
You keep saying IF the call was so incriminating x, y, or z thing....have you read the transcript? You can read it for free on the internet. I think it's like three pages long. If you haven't already, you should really read it and decide for yourself.

Maybe I'll look into it, maybe I won't - I don't know.

I say this because I've had many decades looking down the road of the White House and here is the base-line - it's an East Coast program of a West Coast production. All made in a You Can't Be Here studio....
You die, and the last words you have to say are completely predictable.
I saw it on T.V.
But, I may be wrong.....

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My roomate is crazy.

Nice note - er, umm, piece of evidence. I'd keep that a while.

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Help please.

Lano wrote:
Ok...so you're saying I'm lying...there's nothing really more to talk about then. If you think I'm a liar then nothing I say can convince you.

Slow down. I neither am saying or think you are a liar. What I am saying is, there are very few (if any) of unbiased sources that one can safely rely on when it comes to these accusations.
You know only what they want you to know or any quasi supposition that any individual is willing to conclude.... That's something that makes us victims, not liars.

Lano wrote:
- but you did not even ask me where I get MY information from -

I should not have to. In the discourse of our correspondence you should have included those sources of which you find rock solid and completely reliable.
Although my nature is a bit of a Juggernaut, I may not have replied any differently. Being said, I apologize for any infraction I may have caused you.

Lano wrote:
And there is also the transcript, which you asked if I asked myself if I know how the liberal media got the transcript...I actually know exactly how they got it...and I DID find it strange at first, but after thinking about it, I came up with a good theory on that...👉 _ but I wonder if you know where they got it? _👈

Leak from the source, altered to cause incitement. Had there been anything truly substancial, the issue would have been left in the box for later use in an authentic trial (hence my comparisons to historical events of other Presidents; those which have worked, and those that have not).
For the sake of simplicity I will leave it at this.

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Help please.

* "It's the part where he refused to give bi-partisan congress-approved aid unless President Zelensky helped him smear his most likely Democratic opponent next year." *

When it comes to many things, the President doesn't need bipartisan approval to act within parameter of his job.

"None of this has anything to do with whether or not President Trump is guilty."

No, but it does describe a mob of pouty, childish imbicels who STILL refuse to accept Trump as President and the lengths they are willing to go to search and jump on any tiny speck they think will get him outed - that's the real crime. That mentality was old and worn out a long time ago. And now, it's like dealing with high maintenance children - it's tiresome and exhausting.
Further, the good nature of those that voted him in are done playing babysitter to those who are supposed to be adults.

" I'm not sure what you mean by this...are you agreeing it's not a hoax?"

I'm saying the number one ingredient to a box of Rice Crispies isn't listed on the box.... There is a biast quality when it comes liberal journalism and this is why I would sooner say the call is a hoax and a fantasy. Much like Rice Crispies, it's chalked full of Democratic air. And that is the problem. You assume if I admit to a call that I acknowledge a criminal act. And this is why the power of the pen should not be allowed in the hands of many.

"On the impeachment issue I have not been taking my cues from the liberal (or conservative) media. I listened to the hearings...the witnesses...read testimony...I read the transcript which is a direct recording of Trump's wrongdoing."

No you haven't. Considering that President Nixon was caught in a criminal situation that was called Watergate, the transcription of those recordings have never been released to the public and likely never will.
If there was any real criminality of his phone call, Donald would be offered the chance to resign.
You're watching liberal journalism and you know it.

"I'm referring to polling that shows that about half of americans are in support of impeachment...and I am presuming that at least some of the people polled have done due diligence to the issue. Granted, of course, polls can be deceiving."

Lano....(yet again) the polling results you see is liberal media generated and flavored. Keep squeezing your eyes tighter and tighter, hopes and wishes, hopes and wishes. I will digress only so much based on the fact that you at least admitted that polls can be deceiving.

"I don't really understand the metaphor here...and the stuff about Clinton is irrelevant because he's not the one being impeached right now."

Sorry Lano, just because you don't understand the Clinton comparison (not metaphor), does not make my point irrelevant. It's going to take you time to catch up to that one - my freebies are about gone, You'll have to figure it out on your own.

"The transcript wasn't invented by the liberal media."

.....Provided there was a transcript....No. It wasn't invented by the liberal media.....but try NOT to find it strange how it got into their hands.....?

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Help please.

Lano wrote:
Thank you....you're now engaging the EVIDENCE that exists instead of claiming that there is none. You're defending the legitimate accusation that the Democrats have against the President on the ground of reason and logic and not just pretending the evidence doesn't exist, like so many Republicans. If you disagree that they are pretending the evidence doesn't exists, try listening to the impeachment debate if there is a recording out there yet.

....Don't thank me quite yet. You do understand that the representing icon of the Democratic party is a braying, buck-toothed jackass.... Donkeys aren't known for their "reason" or "logic." No one in their right mind strives for the attributes.....of a donkey.
But there are those who assess themselves as special. Who assume they are flying higher in altitude than they really are and can't quite read into the meaning as it was originally intended.
Evidence of what? A phone call? Spoken words whether good or poorly put? Where is the crime so heinous that it calls for impeachment?
(Again) There is none.
The Democrats have had a nice long run - nearly 16 years worth for the spoiling of a complete generation.
But in 2016, they lost. The real adults are back in control, making America great again after countless nights spent in tears wondering where the goodness of America went.
The Dems couldn't even lose with dignity - they sit at home, on campus, in the workplace braying. Unless it's in the form of some sort of activism, dems and liberals are some of the lowest producing, highest liability people that demand the most accommodations.

Like I said...I don't blame people for defending the President...it's that they're saying things like "hoax" when this is NOT a hoax, it's not a joke. SO many americans have seen the evidence and come to the same conclusion I have, of all political and ideological stripes. We're not all just blindly listening to what people of telling us. Some ARE, to be sure, but that's happening on both sides.

We all should get along with our fellow citizen. Calling this a hoax, at very least, gives our fellow dems and libs a doorway out of the collective insanity their groups have occulted.

-We're not all just blindly listening to what people are telling us.-

- No, you're listening only to yourselves, that or the liberal media news agencies that pulp out such rhetoric.
It's like - hmm, Trump bashing, I believe it, don't turn that dial.

Many people are convinced by the evidence they have seen, and they aren't stupid for thinking that there is something fishy going on here.

Who are these "many" who have "seen" and when? What liberal media news network did they get their Intel from AND just how unimportant is the office of attorney general anyway?
Remember kids, never get your information straight from the horses mouth. You can't trust the one that directly experienced the event....

To address your argument directly...I don't think it's a strong defense. It sounds to me, if I am understanding, that you're saying that the word "favor" is a figure of speech here. There's no partucular reason to believe it is, but fine. Take out the word.

"I want you to do something, THOUGH." Right after Zelenksy asked for aid. So, unless the President just responded with a complete non-sequitur when zelensky says this...it looks bad. Not only does he follow with an immediate request...he uses the word THOUGH. This means conditionality.

All truth is strong, Lano. But assuming truth varies in strength, this is a case where only enough strength is needed to swat buzzing mosquitos.
Donald isn't going anywhere and he's going to be around for sometime yet to come.
And this game over the word "THOUGH." Lol! This really takes me back to the good 'ol Clinton days when Bill was on trial - damn well knowing his guilt, his entire defense hung on the word "IS."
You, or anybody else is welcome to believe what they want - no matter how tightly you squeeze your eyes and wish, it doesn't make it true and it isn't going to get rid of Trump. Period.
When it comes to foreign affairs regarding aid, the President can make as many conditions as he wants as long it's in the best interest of the U.S. If that's a crime then all Presidents are guilty - time to get the indictments rolling and make the children pay for the sins of the fathers....
And would Donald finally free of "charges" if he spoke over the phone using sign-language?

That being said....you're right...it's possible that the President didn't mean it quite like that. Maybe he mispoke. Even though what's said on these calls is planned out beforehand, and he deliberately avoided the talking points that his staff gave him for the call. Maybe he just worded, whatever he really meant, really terrible, which still means he really botched the call by not being clear to Zelensky what he meant.

The call isn't perfect. It's horrible and inappropriate, even in the most lenient of interpretations. That isn't even the only thing about the call that looks horrible for Trump. There are other parts where he refers to a former Ukranian prosecutor who was FIRED FOR CORRUPTION as "really good" and laments that he was fired (look up Viktor Shokin). He also obliquely THREATENS his former ambassador that he fired after she was wrongfully smeared by Rudy Giuliani FOR DOING HER JOB WELL.

If the President at least admitted that the call could have gone alot better, I'd give him a lot more credit. If he at least said, "Sorry, I wasn't doing anything corrupt, I can see how you would say that though, I just REALLY botched this call." It's still a weak defense. He's still probably guilty, but at least he would be defending himself on the grounds of logic and not on magic fairy clouds. To act as irrationally as he's reacted in the face of the legitimate accusation shows poor leadership and it reeks of cover-up.

So much eye strain over a gnat phone call. Meanwhile, none of the Hilary supporters are grateful that thousands of E-Mail transcriptions that directly led to her guilt, went missing.....

I say this because the life of reality is not looked at in the same way from those who live in fantasy.

Let's get some perspective; if that call had ****tits they would have already been milked to death.

For better or worse, it was a phone call at most (if that.)

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