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Hope this lightens your mood a bit.

A German Shepherd, Doberman and a cat have died.

All three are faced with God who wants to know what they believe in.

The German shepherd says: "I believe in discipline training and loyalty to my master."

"Good," says God. "Then sit down on my right side. Doberman, what do you believe in?"

The Doberman answers: "I believe in the love, care and protection of my master."

Ah," said God. "You may sit to my left."

Then he looks at the cat and asks, "And what do you believe in?"

The cat answers: "I believe you're sitting in my seat."

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Lol that was a good one.

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cats are too clever

(9 hours after post)
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ive often wondered how small cats get along with big cats.. .. oy that reminds me anyone watch tiger king? what a messed up show smh

(21 hours after post)
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I dont read copy and paste jokes

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NacthoMan wrote:
ive often wondered how small cats get along with big cats.. .. oy that reminds me anyone watch tiger king? what a messed up show smh

I keep meaning to but haven’t gotten around to it yet! Feels like everyone I know has already seen it lol.

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Tiger king looks way too silly and im not really interesrted.

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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Anonymous wrote:
I dont read copy and paste jokes.

Right. And I don't quote stolen replies.....

That was cute Araz - thank you for the joke.

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I like cats.

Taste a lot like chicken...

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Lano wrote:
Tiger king looks way too silly and im not really interesrted.

I can’t seem to bring myself to watch it. Everyone keeps telling me to, I just wound up bingeing Community on Netflix instead.

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BA1 wrote:

Anonymous wrote:
I dont read copy and paste jokes.

Right. And I don't quote stolen replies.....

That was cute Araz - thank you for the joke.

I’m glad you liked it Al! 😄

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soco wrote:
I like cats.

Taste a lot like chicken...

Is that you, Alf?

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Jim went to the doctor -

Doc: I'm afraid it's bad news, Jim.

Jim: Tell me Doc, I need to know.

Doc: You need to stop ma$tur¿ating.

Jim: OMG Doc, why???

Doc: Because....I'm talking to you....

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BA1 wrote:
Jim went to the doctor -

Doc: I'm afraid it's bad news, Jim.

Jim: Tell me Doc, I need to know.

Doc: You need to stop ma$tur¿ating.

Jim: OMG Doc, why???

Doc: Because....I'm talking to you....

Lol nice! 😂

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wheres a straight jacket when you need one

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4be8c2d8 78e3 4f52 8977 21b6cc47a3ee
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Aww that’s cute @Cregyn

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