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Since writing this post BA1 may have helped people, but has not within the last four (4) days.
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20181121 142229
(46 minutes after post)
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i don't understand politics.. but if it is true, then it does not look good.. :/

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I only watched the first two minutes or so but they got one thing right: Trump doesn't like the Constitution.

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Cregyn wrote:
i don't understand politics.. but if it is true, then it does not look good.. :/

No. It doesn't look good at all. This stems from something called The Strawman.

In a nutshell; America borrowed money at the turn of the century (1800's to 1900'), and defaulted on it's payment.
Since America was the collateral, itself, it secretly came into the hands of new owners (the richest people in the world - mainly those in banking).
These guys literally renamed the U.S., it's 50 States AND everyone who was born.
They did this in such a way that it would be very difficult to detect what the differences were.
So, what were the differences? Simple, everything that is generated and owned by the elite are in all capital letters.
The United States of America became THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. The State of Colorado became COLORADO STATE.....and "John Doe" became "JOHN DOE."
Your CERTIFICATE OF LIVE BIRTH is NOT a "Birth Certificate." It is a document that indicates that money has been borrowed against this fake person with all capital letters.
This fake person (or STRAWMAN) is called a "Corporate Sole."
Since the day you were born, you never got to live your life as a natural person. You aren't "free" to do as you wish without payment to the masters.
Since you and many more don't understand politics and business, you just accepted that "this is the way it is." In doing so, you began to represent the fake person who was made for you. You consented to laws, rules and regulations that never had anything to do with you in the natural sense.
You signed a contract for a Social Security number, you signed a contract for a Drivers License and or ID. You signed a contract when it came to your marriage, you signed a contract when it came to owning property.
.....The rich elite are responsible for The social structure of society and you're in their operating system.
These people own the STRAWMAN and they can do what ever they want with it including destroying it. This means, if you are representing the STRAWMAN when they decide to destroy it....it is very likely they will destroy you along with it.
You can kick and scream but they possess all the military power to accomplish their goal of the New World Order.
It's all about what they want, not what you thought the way things have been.
The Dragon is awake and the Beast is on the move.
Hope I'm wrong.

(1 day after post)
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My money's on the Campfire Marshmallow Man...

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Sorry guys.
My humor has left me.
Campfire marshmallows are great around the campfire. Not in a house of loved ones burning down around our heads.
As said before, hope I'm wrong.

(1 day after post)
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Listen if someone wanted to kill us, they wouldn't use a virus that has a 99.6 survival rate lol.

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Jebus-Zeus wrote:
Listen if someone wanted to kill us, they wouldn't use a virus that has a 99.6 survival rate lol.

I understand that, Jebus - I really do. I'm just saying that they are using it as an excuse for more nefarious reasons.
Assuming the virus casualty numbers weren't bent AND assuming the virus is as deadly as they are saying, the plans they have and the actions they are taking are far worse than the issue of the virus itself.

Went it comes to "quarantine" you generally quarantine those who are ill (if it's that bad). Not the entire fuxing world and it's entire inhabitants.
This is human sanctioning, not a quarantine.

They're calling this a "pandemic." No one seems to understand how deadly of a label that really is.
If you have a virus or disease that is spreading like wildfire, that is called an "outbreak."
But, the reason they're calling this a "pandemic" is to indicate there is massive "pandemonium." That means rioting, looting, pillaging, anarchy - and so on.
It's a misused label that gives them the excuse to dispatch military forces and enforce martial law.
I want to be wrong - I really do, I welcome it.

20181121 142229
(2 days after post)
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Phew, I'm glad Im in Wales then.. ;) x


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Cregyn wrote:
Phew, I'm glad Im in Wales then.. ;) x

Would that be in the place where the Rothschilds had their way with your country nearly a century earlier?
You must not be in lockdown. I'm happy to hear this, and glad you're in Wales too.

20181121 142229
(4 days after post)
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BA1 wrote:

Would that be in the place where the Rothschilds had their way with your country nearly a century earlier?
You must not be in lockdown. I'm happy to hear this, and glad you're in Wales too.

I don't remember what I did yesterday, not what Rothschilds did a century earlier! (But looked online, apparently they were from Frankfurt..)

Of course we have a lockdown in Wales, although the country being mostly rural, we don't have as many coronavirus cases as in England.

Cheer up, BA1; things will turn out fine x There have always been evil/messed up rulers who exploited people, and that will not stop, sadly.. No 'democracy' will stop people like that.. They always find their way into the power. Bless you x

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Cregyn wrote:

BA1 wrote:

Would that be in the place where the Rothschilds had their way with your country nearly a century earlier?
You must not be in lockdown. I'm happy to hear this, and glad you're in Wales too.

I don't remember what I did yesterday, not what Rothschilds did a century earlier! (But looked online, apparently they were from Frankfurt..)

Of course we have a lockdown in Wales, although the country being mostly rural, we don't have as many coronavirus cases as in England.

Cheer up, BA1; things will turn out fine x There have always been evil/messed up rulers who exploited people, and that will not stop, sadly.. No 'democracy' will stop people like that.. They always find their way into the power. Bless you x

Thanks Cregyn, I appreciate your encouragement. History is filled with evil rulers.
I just wish (someday) a good guy or two can hold power without becoming ruined.

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That's why we need someone who is well liked and knowledgeable on both sides of the fence. Like a Walter Conkrite.

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soco wrote:
That's why we need someone who is well liked and knowledgeable on both sides of the fence. Like a Walter Conkrite.

One would think so. I thought so too, but after a long hard study of news media history, I came to find they were all pawns from the dawn of television's existance.
It was never our (The People's) vision they were telling, it was someone else's.


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