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Need some suggestions please.

I picked up this cheesy little LG Rebel 2 smartphone at Wal-Mart (for under $100 bucks) and I've been happy with it ever since.
My best comparison against an Apple product would be the Apple IPod classic 320. I used to watch movies on its tiny little screen, but heck, ever since I learned how to transfer a video file to my phone, I'm practically sitting in a High-Def drive-in with full surround sound when my ear buds are jacked in - no joke!
And yes, I use the $45 Straight Talk plan... My identity is not personally attached to my phone number or monthly plan. I like that because I visit places that I ought not to and may have to destroy this phone at any given instant. So, no love lost or tears shed.
If anybody in my real life ever knew I came here - oh $#!t, right?

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Why do republicans keep wanting shady crooked pieces of sh*t to lead them?

Do you think Trump is just the best thing since sliced bread?
Do you believe that republican presidents have been getting BETTER?
Is Trump really appearing to be on top of things as far as you can tell?
Honest question!

You ask these questions as if there is no historical contrast to compare by.

Regan brought global civility with a firm hand (see Carter administration and the Iran hostage crisis) Carter was a peanut farmer as close to a vegan you can have in office and did nothing for Americans that were terrorized and killed in many foreign countries. He was too concerned with environment and "conservation of the earth."

Had you been a working man having to live under his administration you would have experienced long lines at gas stations due to the foreign oil crisis.

Regan put an end to all that ****shit the first day he took office. Over 300 American hostages were released that day because we were going to make the entire country of Iran responsible for the actions of a few of their extremist - we don't do that anymore and that's why so many unworthy, third world ****shit-holes, can get away with what ever they want to do with us.

Why does Trump want to build the wall? Not a hard question to answer when it comes to ILLEGAL immigration.
Let's connect some dots....hmmmm.....illegal immigration is an open gateway for foreign terrorist activity within the confines of our country.

Who are these hair-dyed and painted *******fucking freaks who want to welcome that ****shit to our country? They don't work - have you checked your pay-stub since the Obama administration? That ******fucker was genuinely evil upon the U.S. but the painted freaks sure loved him for his hand outs both near and afar...
Who pays for that? You do.

I'll also raise another subject but will not discuss it's details. You (or anybody else in this world) doesn't have to like it but there will always be religion in politics AND politics in religion. One is not exclusively evil nor is the other inherently right.

It's strange to have such questions as you do, living in a world that is over-flowing in contrast.

No. Donald Trump isn't Jesus Christ or Superman but if you compare him to the past 3 or 4 administrations he may as well be.

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Why do republicans keep wanting shady crooked pieces of sh*t to lead them?

The media is like "The Truman Show."

Truman is 'onto' something and 'feels' the need to escape.

Subliminally and un-subliminally, the radio voice just tells him of a TV show where "there's no place like home," and "happiness is being surrounded by your friends and family."

All in order to keep him from breaking his prison bonds.

All media is a rag.

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Why do republicans keep wanting shady crooked pieces of sh*t to lead them?

I have seen, with my own eyes, no evidence of this only what other people are saying. Have you? I am not any of these things you assume. I'm sorry you feel I have no integrity. I do not believe I have given you cause to believe that. But cool I guess.

People here would quickly admit that I'm quite the unforgivable pit bull when it comes to certain issues and topics.

When I reply to someone, I generally quote them to present the sense of a more formal conversation. Often, I've been accused of "sifting" because of this method.

I will give qudos where they are due. I seen you break down my conversation quote by quote and answered them with circumspect formality.

Well done.

I will say there is a comprehensive mixture of things I both agree and disagree with you on.

And maybe a gray-zone where I may have misread you (but only to a small point).

I will say only this; it does seem you're political defense is still left of center but it doesn't seem you're entirily whacked - lol!

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Why do republicans keep wanting shady crooked pieces of sh*t to lead them?

And not gonna argue bout Reagan or Ford too much cause I honestly wasn't even here but...

๐Ÿ‘‰ BUT ๐Ÿ‘ˆ

- you got the Ford administration being ripped apart I've learned because of they're pardoning Nixon oh yeah Nixon.

Wait - wait..... You won't argue Regan or Ford because they were before your time but you'll throw your 2 cents in when it comes to the former Nixon administration???

Nixon's administration was fukn great other than Watergate - but heck, Magic Man Obama totally lifted all sanctions on Cuba.

Naw - get out of the political gripe, Anon - you don't have what it takes to bring any meat to the table.

Who cares that Nixon opened China to one of the greatest involvements regarding commerce.

Who cares that Cuba allied with the USSR to strategically place nuclear weapons less than 500 miles within our country.

Who cares that John F. Kennedy put an INDEFINANT sanction on their a$$ for a g0d#%m good reason.

Who cares as for the blood on Hilary's hands and White Water and the kock-dicing Lewinsky scandal staring Ken Star and Linda Tripp.

Yeah, just keep touting Russian collision where there is none, keep on lovin Pizzagate, and every act Obama pulled to kill off the U.S. from the inside.

Oh yeah....and after you're done, don't forget to post under Anonymous because what you say has very little integrity.

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I think people think I'm trans.

soco wrote:
Sorry Slash... Mariska Veres was born a female and died a female.

That's my point. I've listened to this song for decades, over the radio. I always thought it was a guy who sang that song because she really does command a guy's voice.

Let's move closer to what I was originally taking about. Tell me, after listening to Kim Carnes "Bette Davis Eyes" are you really going to think that Nick Gilder has a dude's voice?
And by the way, a "nick" is a type of cut and gildings are horses that have been castrated. Look carefully at what this person's wearing. Is that a blouse?!
Let's talk trans.....


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I think people think I'm trans.

I took piano lessons when i was a kid and have been tinkering with it all my life. I feel I have a basic understanding of the piano.

I do not feel I have a basic understanding of Slashes piano analogy however.

The whole music comparison has really lost me -

I just don't get the music analogies and so I don't understand anything you just said -

I'm not sure why we're even talking about anything auditory.

You didn't pay attention.
And I don't think I made it too complicated.

I'll try to make this easier.
Everyone of us has heard that one voice on the radio or phone that we mistakenly thought was either a guy or a gal - but it turned out to be the other.

Unlike the distant past, we live in an age where we are more likely to assume that someone is trans based on the way they sound.

Listen to this dude sing -


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Did he just ask me to hangout with him or did I misunderstand him?

Yes. Be patient. Let thing happen naturally - of course you gotta give things a nudge in a particular direction from time to time.....
It's working out.
Keep us posted, won't you?

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best subtitling software for mac

Quick - Shift, Alt, Delete!

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I think people think I'm trans.

Our memory relies on mostly what we see. Not so much with hearing.
With that said, "tone" is locked into anything that makes sound.

Pay attention.

The key furthist on the left of the piano will have the deepest sound.
Think strong male.
As you ascend to the right, key by key, the pitch climbs higher and higher.
At this point you may be thinking you are heading into (more or less) female territory, yes but consider the following; nature has produced male's with a range of characteristics from strong to weak.
So, as you go higher to the right of the piano keys, the "weaker" the male characteristics.

But, if you started totally on the right side of the piano, you begin with (and no insult intended), the tone of a common female.
Referring back to what nature produces, there have been plenty of "strong women" with voices you could not tell apart from that of a man. This becomes more obvious as you move back to the left on the the keys.

The sound that something makes is as only good as it is heard. The most important part when it comes to the components of hearing is an organ called the cochli. Or "the snail." It's arranged a lot like the strings of a piano - from very short strings to very long strings.
A very gentle sound will not affect the long string but may not the shortest ones either. There is a middle ground to which these strings become sensitive to incoming sound and there are tens of thousands of them. Without so many, we would not experience the quality of sound the way we do.
Every one of those strings in this case has a nerve attached to it and the gathering of the nerves is called, the "auditory nerve."

This concludes the science lesson for the day. I had to come up with some sort of understanding why I thought the morning television reporter was a female until I actually looked at the T.V. and saw it was a dude the entire time.

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