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Did he just ask me to hangout with him or did I misunderstand him?

Me and this coworker of mine get along great. We have a pretty great local professional team and I have been wanting to go. Ticket prices are insane. Lately, and this is where I don’t know if I’m reading him wrong, I feel like he’s been kinda flirty. We just go back and forth. It’s fun. And makes the day go by so much smoother. Well tonight like 10 minutes before we left, he said he wanted to go to the game. Then right after he said that he started telling me about this site where you could get cheap tickets for tonight’s game. And he started telling me how much it would be for two tickets. And he was naming different sections of where all they had tickets. And I’m not going to lie, I kinda thought he might have sorta been seeing if I wanted to go with him. I mean I can be completely wrong and maybe I just read it wrong. I didn’t want to say anything like “hey do you wanna go with me?” because other people were around and wonder if he wasn’t. I was just trying to feel it out asking if there were cheaper tickets. I didn’t say anything else. Then we were leaving I asked him if he was going to the game and he said “not tonight.” And I feel like his behavior seemed to change. I still didn’t want to say anything because I didn’t want to embarrass myself. Well, walking out I was still trying to figure it out and I made the comment that I would love to go but didn’t have anyone to go with and I asked him with my other coworkers and they said “not tonight.” But he didn’t say anything to me the rest of the time. When he walked to his car I said goodnight and he didn’t say anything to me. He just got in his car. But see what threw me off is that he said he wanted to go and then he started telling me how much it would be apiece for two tickets for tonight. I mean that threw me off. If he didn’t say he wanted to go and just told me I probably wouldn’t have thought much about it. Any ideas?

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wanted, started, telling, tonight, tickets
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Tim? Is that you?

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No. I’m Samantha.

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Anonymous wrote:
No. I’m Samantha.

Oh... My bad, butt I kneeded to knob. (Lol, inside joke).

Anyway, something seems amiss. When the time is right, I think you should directly confront him. Ask him why he pulled an "about face" when asked about going to the game.

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Guys don't beat around the bush. They get straight to the point. He brought up the price of game seats because he DID want to go to the game, not the opera across town. You blew it. He was handing you a "get out and enjoy life" card and you did not take it. Let him know, in private, that you won't make that mistake again and welcome the opportunity to spend some time getting to know each other.

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I feel horrible. I really like him. I wanted to go but I just didn’t know if he was inviting me or just telling me about the tickets. And I didn’t want to come out and say since our coworkers were right there. If he said no, I would have been so embarrassed. Yeah, I think I do need to speak with him if it’s not too late.

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Yeah, I think I do need to speak with him if it’s not too late.

In general, it's not too late and when I read your Post again, something caught my eye.

You asked if he was going to the game and he said "not tonight." Actually, this was good news.r

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Ok. That makes me feel a little bit better. So why do you think this is good news?

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Anonymous wrote:
Ok. That makes me feel a little bit better. So why do you think this is good news?

Because it means he's going to give you another chance some other night.
Think about it.
When you asked him if he was going to the game he could have said yes - and that means that he would have went without you....
Get it....?

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(2 days after post)
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What about asking him who he is going with? Then that might invite him to say something like, oh i was wondering if you would like to go with me.


You could say like, “I like watching the game too. Who are you going with?”

I personally think he might like you ;) I think he was lost in thought at the car wondering if he said his words right. Like, how can I ask her without asking her LOL I think he might be shy. Maybe he was thinking, maybe if I had said it this way... I guess I did it wrong..

Yeah I agree with slash. He is giving you time to think about it. So next time he sees you hoping you can talk about it again.

You could bring up in convo next time like, hey remember how you said you were going to the game the other day? Who are you going with?

And then take it from there.

Eek! Good luck I hope all goes well. How far away is the date for the game?

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Guys don't like if you hint at things. Be as direct as possible. Look directly in his eyes. Take a deep breath. Take a half step closer. Gently touch his arm. And then say these words: "Me, myself, wants to spend hours, days, years, with you, yourself; just the two of us, and I want that to start YESTERDAY!"

If he has any doubts after that he is either deaf or a Republican under FBI surveillance.

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There is a formula I'm working on to determine whether or not two people will end up dating or hanging out.

Let L = The likelihood of two people hanging out or going on a date.
Let A = Person A's interest in Person B
Let B = Person B's interest in Person A
Let I = Initiative of Person A
Let T = Initiative of Person B

So the formula goes those:

L = A(I) + B(T)

Note That if Initiative is 0, it does not matter how much either person is interested, it will contribute NOTHING to the likelihood of the two people hanging out/going on a date (L). Not only that, if Initiative is less than 1 but greater than 0, it will decrease your Interest's contribution to L.

That's what happened here, I believe. That being said, we can't solve for the person's values without asking him for more information. That's your homework! Ask him if he wants to go out on a date and then we'll have enough to solve the equation.

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I’m so confused. lol.

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Can you explain this a little more?

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Anonymous wrote:
Can you explain this a little more?

If you are referring to my post, I tried to explain my thought I had in this post into a math world problem.

Do I like math, you ask?


So why?

Because lulz.

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But like, any number multiplied by zero is zero, and any whole number multiplied by a number less than one will give you a number that is less than that number. For example:

1 million times zero is zero.
10 times .5 is 5.

therefore, if your ability to approach people with what you want (initiative) is too low, it doesn't matter how badly you want something, you won't get it. But it's more fun if you make an obscure seeming equation that actually states something quite simple.

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He likes you; keep trying

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No. I don’t think he does. We are at work right now and he’s not even trying to speak with me.

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Anonymous wrote:
No. I don’t think he does. We are at work right now and he’s not even trying to speak with me.

Stop expecting things to be a certain way. The results will still be good.
Besides, you're at work....
So work - lol!

(3 days after post)
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Could be he just wanted you to go so you'd buy the tickets and take him with you. If he wanted to take you to a game, why not say something like "Hey, I know where we can get cheap tickets to the game. Want to check it out and if we can afford it would you like to go?"

I'm really sick of the whole subtle suggestions and manipulation bullshit. And, to me personally, I think that's what this sounds like. But hey I wasn't there.

(3 days after post)
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Lano wrote:
There is a formula I'm working on to determine whether or not two people will end up dating or hanging out.

Let L = The likelihood of two people hanging out or going on a date.
Let A = Person A's interest in Person B
Let B = Person B's interest in Person A
Let I = Initiative of Person A
Let T = Initiative of Person B

So the formula goes those:

L = A(I) + B(T)

Note That if Initiative is 0, it does not matter how much either person is interested, it will contribute NOTHING to the likelihood of the two people hanging out/going on a date (L). Not only that, if Initiative is less than 1 but greater than 0, it will decrease your Interest's contribution to L.

That's what happened here, I believe. That being said, we can't solve for the person's values without asking him for more information. That's your homework! Ask him if he wants to go out on a date and then we'll have enough to solve the equation.


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Anonymous wrote:

Lano wrote:
There is a formula I'm working on to determine whether or not two people will end up dating or hanging out.

Let L = The likelihood of two people hanging out or going on a date.
Let A = Person A's interest in Person B
Let B = Person B's interest in Person A
Let I = Initiative of Person A
Let T = Initiative of Person B

So the formula goes those:

L = A(I) + B(T)

Note That if Initiative is 0, it does not matter how much either person is interested, it will contribute NOTHING to the likelihood of the two people hanging out/going on a date (L). Not only that, if Initiative is less than 1 but greater than 0, it will decrease your Interest's contribution to L.

That's what happened here, I believe. That being said, we can't solve for the person's values without asking him for more information. That's your homework! Ask him if he wants to go out on a date and then we'll have enough to solve the equation.


What? What?!

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(1 week after post)
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Any more news anon?

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(1 week after post)
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Well. A couple of different things. Friday and Saturday were completely different. Friday he was in a horrible mood. I was trying to talk to him and he seemed very distant. And honestly, he seemed rude. I just shut down and became quiet to give him some space. My boss even told him he was being rude. He waited until it was my time to go on a break to take a break. He wasn’t even supposed to have a break because he was there just a few hours. That delayed me from going. I kinda thought he was doing stuff on purpose. So I was just like I’m done. If he wants to talk to me then he can talk to me. Right before he left our boss gave him a task to do. When he was finished he told our boss that they should make me do something. And I said “what did you just say?” And he said it. And right then he was back to his regular self messing with me. Idk if he thought that was what I was wanting or if he started feeling bad for his behavior.

Saturday was completely different. It was just me, him, and one other person for a few hours. At first he seemed like he was going to act like he did the day before. And so I sat somewhere completely different. I don’t know what happened really but I left Saturday feeling so much better about everything. He became very talkative on Saturday. And I brought up the game again. He actually told me that night when he got home he actually looked to see if there were any cheaper seats available. I told him I wanted to go. I think after I told him I still wanted to go to the game, I feel like his behavior changed towards me. Idk. I feel like the rest of the night he seemed very relaxed. I know I did. And I just felt so comfortable with him. He kept talking to me the majority of the night at work. And I thought it was sweet. This person came up to me at work, a customer, and was very rude to me for no reason really. And I thought it was sweet because he came over and started talking with the customer and really taking up for me. I didn’t do anything. The person felt entitled. But then he came and sat beside of me and started saying how the person was a jerk and I just said yeah. And he said “the things he was saying to you...” but the way he said it and looked at me. I think that bothered him that this person did that to me. Idk. I just thought it was sweet. He seemed protective over me.

I feel good. A lot better than what I was last week. I don’t know still about how he feels. I do think I just need to be patient and see what happens.

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Yes. Be patient. Let thing happen naturally - of course you gotta give things a nudge in a particular direction from time to time.....
It's working out.
Keep us posted, won't you?

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Sending more good thoughts your way Anonymous. Guys have mood swings too. Hopefully he will begin to trust you and begin to open up when things bother him. Don't fail that trust.

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Thanks everyone!!! I will keep you updated.

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I just wanted to send something real quick. I think my coworkers are suspicious of something. lol. Today my boss was talking about dress code. Well she started telling me about how I am always dressed up. And another boss made the comment “are you dressing up for someone or???” And I didn’t say anything. I know what she was doing. I think she was wanting me to say something about him. I mean when I dress up, I usually dress up for myself because it makes me feel good. Now I’m not going to lie I might tend to dress a little nicer when he’s there lol. I think they have noticed or trying to figure things out themselves.

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Smile and don't say a word. Trust me; it will blow their minds!

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I haven’t had a lot to say these past few weeks because our schedules have been so different this month. Starting in December they are back to normal. Today we actually worked together. I didn’t get to sit by him because there was more staff today. But I’m kinda wondering about my coworkers. And here’s why. I really don’t get what they’re doing at work. So, I had to sit in another area today. I ended up sitting close to the door that leads back to the office part. Well three women, all management, were talking and I heard my name mentioned. My guy friend was sitting at the first computer in the back and I leaned over to look in the door to ask about what they were talking about since they said something about me. I heard my name. Well when I leaned around the door a lady over my manager said said to me in front of everyone “every time I’m down here it seems like you are sitting closer and closer to him.” Talking about him. And she started laughing. I said nope and leaned back to my desk laughing. I don’t get what they’re doing. One she said it right in front of me and him so it made me feel super awkward. I think we, me and him, both got quiet after that. I just don’t get what they’re doing or why they would do that. Do they know something that I don’t know or do they see something that me and him won’t admit yet?

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It's called gossiping. Strange for upper management to be involved in it. Same advice as above. Stay cordial and professional on the job. The first chance you get to meet elsewhere other than work, jump on it.

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What Soco said, although it's no surprise that upper managers play their games based on rumor and gossip.
Hence, keep all appearances of your interest in this guy away from them....

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Dont tell them anything. Nosey people

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I just have to add something else. My coworkers are going to drive me crazy. I had the holiday off and the past few days off work. I went in tonight for a few hours. My sister dropped my off tonight. I didn’t drive. Long story short, I hurt my back over the holiday. Not sure what happened. Anyways, we usually all walk together. My sister couldn’t find a parking spot out front so she had to park down a little ways. So we walked outside and my coworkers went to walk one way and I told them I was going another way. My manager was like “what? You party animal. Where are you going?” And I said “just down here.” And I I told them goodbye and started walking. Do you know my manager followed me. And when I got to my sister’s car I said “I’m just going here.” And she said “oh.” I honestly believe she followed me to see if I were meeting someone she knows...aka...the guy I work with. I feel like they think something is going on. I mean I still don’t know what’s going on and here they are saying and doing things. And it’s management. Like was she hoping she would catch me and him together? What is going on?

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What others think, say, or do you have absolute zero control of. Nada. Zip. Nyet. Just be yourself. And smile.

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Just a little update. Ok. So me and this guy. I feel at times all warm and fuzzy around him and then other time I don’t know. On Saturday it was just me, him, and one other person at work. And it was so nice on Saturday. We were talking about our boss and how she is horrible and how they want us to do a review on her. I told him that I hope she didn’t ask me about it. And my guy told me she can’t ask us if we do them and I said I bet she will ask me. I know how my boss is. She was threatening us that she will be able to tell by the comments who wrote what. And do you know he said “well, if she says anything to you I will tell her she can’t.” He’s been pretty protective of me lately. And it just made me feel nice for the time being that he has my back.

Yesterday, I had to sit in another location. And he walked out there a few times to talk to me. Once he walked out there and when I looked at him I just couldn’t help but smile. And he smiled too. I don’t know. I just thought that was so cute and felt nice.

But I have noticed something about him. He acts completely different around me depending on who’s around. For instance, on Saturday it was me, him, and and one other person and he was really talkative. Also, when we were walking to the car he stayed right with us. Right next to me. The past couple of days he has been kinda quiet. Tho, I have been sitting in another location because of a few things. I’ve noticed he will walk out there when it’s just me and say a few things to me. But mostly he’s quiet. Tonight another lady, who’s over my boss, walked with us to the garage and he liked walked way away from us and was quiet. I don’t get it. Does he not want to be seen talking to me? Or have they said something to him and he wants to avoid me while management is around? I feel he’s hot and cold a lot. But I do feel like we are getting a little closer.

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The time has come. You need to give him a reason to ask you out - or vice versa.
So ask.
Interact for a change, away from work.

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Would it be weird if I added him on social media? I have been thinking about it and I keep going back and forth on it.

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Anonymous wrote:
Would it be weird if I added him on social media? I have been thinking about it and I keep going back and forth on it.

That's up to you, but does it bring you two together? When is the date?

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Do not chat using a public social media platform. It will get to your other coworkers and ultimately your bosses too. Find a private way, preferably just over the telephone. The more you can talk in private the better you get to know each other. Do not talk about politics or religion. Change the subject quickly if he tries to go there. It's just not that important right now.

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That is such good thinking @soco and its not something id have thought of either!

Its good to learn from other people sometimes

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Awww anon i think he likes youuuu 😆 hehe

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