1,951 replies, Replies 551 to 560

I think people think I'm trans.

Jetmoo wrote:
I think you can always tell when someone singing on the radio is black. They got better singing voices. N can always tell when they're white.

I think the radio is one of the first places that we get tricked into believing an artist is black (or not).




- written
Why do republicans keep wanting shady crooked pieces of sh*t to lead them?


In order to answer the beginning of your reply, I will start with the last of it.

And for US to stop the whole patriotic stuff cos every country and person has good and bad points. The payriotic stuff divides people too into a sort of arrogance. But no person is better than another.

No, sweetheart, it doesn't entirily work like that.
There are trashy government systems that run third and fourth world countries. People of the world aren't looking to move there anytime soon.
I know where you live. Look at what you're going through just for basic health care and you're in a first world nation.
People as a whole do not act better when going to these lesser countries - they act worse. Human life means nothing. It's cheap and abundant.
A country is founded on certain issues by a majority of people. Issues such as life, liberty and the right to own and possess property. The right to defend yourself.
And more. The fact that you can (generally) come and go without being molested and make a reasonable life for yourself is something the individual should be grateful for. It's not like that in many other countries...
And we show our thanks and return loyalty to the very country that help supports God-given freedoms and rights. Being a patriot isn't something you do, it's something you are.

Now....all murder is killing but not all killing is murder.

There is a certain amount of riches that every country has. And by appointment a certain amount is paid to those people we call "Servicemen." Soldiers. At all times a soldier will defend his country. But there are a few times a soldier must be the aggressor by the word of his country.

I wish we could live in a world without war - I really do....but it's not going to happen anytime soon.

And since you mention God, of course I believe in Him. He has always had the largest armies of history. People have killed for Him and people have died for Him.

The necessity of war us something you understand or don't. I wish I was a better teacher.

- written
Hey all!

Unless you just don't like this guy, I don't think everything is so grim.

The question (in my opinion) is; Is this a guy you could like?

I agree with Aeolian that he wants you for himself but when he said you were lying about having a boyfriend he was only trying to reassure himself.

- written
more work bs lol

For me, it goes to this effect -

I like someone who maintains levity. "Hey, can you help me with this before it gets a lot worse?"

And I will. As opposed to the all familiar sound of - "Help me! Help me! It's outta control!"

Because once a victim is made the begging never stops.

- written
Hey, I have received an email of my removal from the QA web page and i feel like i would have been removed wrongly and i have done a good job.

Yep. As Padre said go back to your E-Mail and find the first page that Help sent you.
Carefully read and look for a link.
That's your validation link. Click onto it and it will send you here again.
And that's it. You'll be an official member.

- written
Hey, I have received an email of my removal from the QA web page and i feel like i would have been removed wrongly and i have done a good job.

I think the problem is you didn't verify your account when you entered.
All unverified accounts are temporary.

- written
I'm feeling numbed to hope and love.

Women want a man

- that is very, very rich.

- has a giant kock.

- is tall, but yet can vary in height.

- can support her emotional needs, yet take her emotional abuse.

- that can cry unless she is the cause of it (then he's just a *****pussy.)

- who can let her act single indefinitely, with no real commitment to him.

- written
more work bs lol

Good luck and may the wind be at your back.

- written
more work bs lol

Perhaps you could explain to them that your kindness is a limited edition and is not a stock standard to their laziness.

Yorick wrote:
Or, when.. you offer a passenger a ride and they start telling you how to drive!

Immeadiatly stop the car and tell them how to get out and walk.

Yorick wrote:
Or, when you share your sandwich they chomp 3/4th of a bite off.

They have no foresight of tommorrow or the day after and what it brings. Invite them to lunch and eat in front of their face....slowly.

Or, order something small and quick. Momentarily excuse yourself and pay for your portion only. Eat then leave.

Teach them a lesson.

- written
Why do republicans keep wanting shady crooked pieces of sh*t to lead them?

With the exclusion of W Bush, I'd take any of the past 3 or 4 admins any day over Trumps I think. I THINK, let me think about it a little longer to make sure but this is my knee jerk response. All I actually know for a fact about past leadership is that I was born after it, and we're still alive. So that's a good thing. All that aside - I truly believe Trump got in it in the first place just because he wanted to prove he could. And that's really about it. He got insulted and went all Trump U (that's a really bad f**k you pun). But what a baby.

Obama spent more than a trillion dollars bailing out the American automotive industry within the first 6 months if his administration. Not to include the nearly $2 thousand dollars per person for those that filed income tax - called a "stimulus." (when it was just a public pay-off to the people for voting for him).
In six months, he outspent ALL combined Presidents in U.S. history. The horror of it all is ๐Ÿ‘‰ YOU ๐Ÿ‘ˆ are under the impression that this is a normal process of politics - (when I say "you" I mean the generation you represent which is a generation that walks with their hand out instead of working for it).
Why work when it can be given to you, right? Don't you see the red flag that goes with it? Some spiders bait their traps - but no, who cares.
Obama was given the Nobel Peace Award....literally....for being black....go figure.
So before I drift too far from where I opened -
- Obama borrowed over a trillion dollars and just gave it to mis-managed auto industries....
Close your eyes and ask if you can guess where he borrowed that money from - be honest, do you know the answer BEFORE I tell you?
3.....2.....1..... -
The Fed.
Don't you understand that YOU are responsible for the success or failure of your own business? You have a dream, you have "a feeling," you crunch some numbers and then you borrow money from a bank to open a business that later fails under YOUR management....
You do not deserve 50% of MY success where you have failed!
Is someone going to bail out MY business if/when it tanks? What makes the auto industry such an exception?
I gotta tell you, bud...just because ethics and morality get caught in the cogs of politics does NOT make it less personal....
This is why I believe in guns and wielding weapons of mass destruction. I have a GOD GIVEN RIGHT to defend myself against the hoard that is at my door, who have come to steal from me all because you feel "entitled," after failure.

You said it yourself- you were born at a particular point in time which all came after such-and-such. Well....that argument only works so far because anybody of any generation can say the same thing - it's a cop-out to dodge morality in politics. Anything between morality and blood is compromise.
This sums up the beloved Obama administration.
Okay, the Clinton administration....let's just turn our head from White Water, Enron, dead bodies and ***sex scandals - look the other way or.....or just accept it as normal just like everybody else does....
Fine. But after all that compromising, I do not have to accept the fact of "mandatory auto insurance."
Imagine for a moment that you run a business that makes canned soup. Business is hit-and-miss. It's just so-so because people's taste vary. But wait! You sneak behind the proverbial veil of politics and enact a law that forces everyone to buy your canned soup.
It's a no-brainer, it's not just wrong it's inhuman.
Again, you said it yourself, you were born at a certain point and "magically" we're still here.
That's a very selfish statement - as if your generation is the only one that walks the earth - forgetting about anybody that existed before you became self-aware....
Mandatory vehicle insurance was never heard of in the 90 plus years of automobile production. The automobile solved a lot of problems when it came to the option that has existed for thousands of years.... Walk.
Do you realize there are more laws that surround what it is to own and ride a horse than there is to drive a car?
Ride a horse through any small city or town and see what happens....
Hang in there, I'm almost finished...
Back to Obama....
It was called "Cash For Clunkers." Bring in your old car or truck and get some cash back when you qualify for a new car.....
What do you think that did? Where do you think those older cars and trucks went?
Straight to the grinder. Why?
Get rid of as many vehicles as possible that a person could fix and repair by themselves. Again, back to the politics of the auto industry.
What's it all about?
It about reducing this great nation down to a third world ****shit-hole that rides bicycles in flip-flops.
Is there anything I have written that gives you the impression that I'm exaggerating?
And for those of your generation - you are loved! You are loved -
Your "knee jerk reaction" embraces this $#!t with open arms!
Wait til Wal-Mart becomes a bicycle dealership and the bike you bought now costs $5000 dollars. And you have to register and license your bicycle and pay insurance for your bicycle. Do you have a bicycle endorsement on your I.D.?
You think I'm kidding....
Wait til your social status determines the grade of boots or shoes that you wear - other wise, flip-flops....

.....In America you have the right to travel and get around and that means is not regulated or limited to your bare feet.

Part Two comming up. It's break time.

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