1,951 replies, Replies 941 to 950

Do married people fall in love with another person easily?

Some people fall in love with a fantasy and not the actual person themselves.
Being the case it could be very easy.

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NFL Superbowl Poll II

DocteurRalph wrote:
Rams and Patriots people! All together now, GO RAMS! Eat $#!+ and die Brady...

Sorry Doc...I'm so sorry...

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After nearly 20 years, 4 kids, and TONS of frustration on my part, my husband has said that we should divorce.

I've read the entire thread and, generally speaking, cannot summize why the issue of divorce has come up.
Don't get me wrong, it seems there's plenty of recycled material from the past still swirling about - but....no clear reason for bringing up the issue.
....Except one....
He's tired of his job and wants to retire early. Since you do so well with money, I can't see how you wouldn't be a necessary "component" to help make that happen - I don't think he could do it himself.
What is his current occupation?
Anyway, retiring early may be very important to him and you're the canadate he needs for that.
Just a thought.

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not my best draft but da heck

NaCtHoMaN wrote:
Excellent response Big Al nods


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I'm not sure how many of you out there make your own wine or beer, so I am going to just put this out there.

TheClue wrote:
Hey Big Al I ferment in 20 gal stainless stock pots :-) A little spendy but easy to clean.

It was my best, considering what I don't know- haha!
Actually, it's good to see a post from you after so long

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Sometimes keeping control is hard.

Maybe the stress is a control related issue - that increasing your efforts to maintain control (over what and how detailed it becomes), results in mental stress.
Learn to let go.....?

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I'm not sure how many of you out there make your own wine or beer, so I am going to just put this out there.


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Lano wrote:
I didn't read the story, but I would just say, be careful with your titles, I glanced at this and thought for sure it was a spam bot.


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not my best draft but da heck

Well, heck....
I've read this a coupl'a times.
I get the sensation it's Crazy Clown Time -
(the result of NOT getting out and going somewhere).


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Nobody else is going to start a post, looks like I'll have to talk to myself.

I would let the group leader know that focusing on the issue of "drugs" and talking about them brings on more cravings for them than just going through basic withdrawals.
Maybe bring up the other points you stated and see what their response is...
Sadly, it's probably their way or "the highway." If that's the case, be a good soldier and give them what they expect. Be outstanding, like Bill & Ted would say; "Be excellent."
.....Lie like a mo-fo.

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