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Google got something right....

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Since writing this post sophieshizuko may have helped people, but has not within the last four (4) days.
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last online: 01/25, 20:20
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(1 hour after post)
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Not really.
If it were true, it would have predicted it long before he became President.
Further, if it were true, the defined parameter would never change (in other words, Donald would and always will be the definition of "Idiot" -)
- Which is okay by me, but there's a problem with that; when more fierce and sensible conservatives start normalizing the planet again, the definition of "Idiot" cannot be further endorsed no matter how big and salty those liberal tears flow.

Happy earth
(12 hours after post)
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Trump is but one example. There are plenty of other idiots who get less media appreciation.

@BA1 fierce and sensible rarely occur together.

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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(17 hours after post)
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smiley wrote:
Fierce and sensible rarely occur together.

Only for the immature and emotionally undisciplined -
Generally found in abundance on the hard left.


(22 hours after post)
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dubya bush used to be the " idiot ".. green day made a whole album about him lol

(2 days after post)
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It's a fact Trump is not popular. Trump didn't win the popular vote. He's been even WAY less popular ever since. Why does anyone think he'd be popular online? There's no reason Google has to do anything to tilt the results against Trump. Trump and his gang have made the content online to search for themselves. They're the content designers.

This is just stupid.

Part of the problem is the people that want to focus on issues that may hurt their reputations rather than what might hurt the country. And lots of Americans are content to be ignorant and believe everything they say or they just simply don't know there's more to be worried bout than this. There is no easy way to separate the difference between a reputation move and a national security move anymore. Trump thinks his tweets are important smh...

But this in particular is some unimportant news to me.

Maybe if some folks would stop lying and pulling out their big cocky Russian dicks to f**k everybody's life with(I don't mean the Russians I mean Trump), we'd be lots less likely to be arguing with each other and progress could be made instead. Anyone planning a vacation? I hear there may be a great spot in Moscow soon fully endorsed, run, staffed and operated by President Trump and Putin.

DUMB to trust him or anyone attached to him in any way.

BTW I can't find any search engine that can show Trump presenting himself as respectable. They all make him out to look like an idiot. COULD IT BE THAT TRUMP IS REALLY JUST AN IDIOT? LOLOLOL

I'ma keep watching and let the world decide haha

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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(2 days after post)
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Anonymous wrote:
It's a fact Trump is not popular.

The world knows of Trump, both left, right and center. I would say that makes him pretty popular.

Trump didn't win the popular vote.

That's because our elections aren't based on popular vote....???

He's been even WAY less popular ever since.

If this were remotely true, the hard left would have cooled down by now, butt....like a burning hemroid, they're more inflamed than ever before and the Democratic Committee does fear the likelyness of a second term.

Why does anyone think he'd be popular online

....Uh....because he's awesome.

There's no reason Google has to do anything to tilt the results against Trump.

This is true - the results came in back in '16, faster than the Dems could say "Oh ****shit" and no jargon, no temper-tantrums, no salty tears since then are going to erase or rewrite that.

Trump and his gang have made the content online to search for themselves. They're the content designers.

Google was founded in 1998 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin while they were Ph.D. students at Stanford University in California. Together they own about 14 percent of its shares and control 56 percent of the stockholder voting power through supervoting stock.

These guys have the exact same sentiment about Trump as you BUT they actually have a weapon of mass destruction, just like George Sorose. It would be a mistake to believe they would never use their media clout to favor their agenda or the agenda of their left-leaning stock-holders.

Part of the problem is the people that want to focus on issues that may hurt their reputations rather than what might hurt the country. And lots of Americans are content to be ignorant and believe everything they say or they just simply don't know there's more to be worried bout than this. There is no easy way to separate the difference between a reputation move and a national security move anymore.

What do you mean? The liberal media ever care about the issues of this country - its sole focus IS about destroying the reputation of conservatives who are trying to restore this country back into what it was indented - A Constitutional Republic.

But this in particular is some unimportant news to me.

Why chose the hardest path in life to learn a simple lesson?

Maybe if some folks would stop lying and pulling out their big cocky Russian dicks to f**k everybody's life with -

๐ŸŽถ Oh the Russians, the Russians! ๐ŸŽถ I'm a 400 pound nonbinary with 1000 pronouns you must respect and provide me with safe spaces every 50 yards - respect my authority! AHHHHHHH!!!!
....Yeah....it's Trump and the Russians, sure....

(I don't mean the Russians I mean Trump), we'd be lots less likely to be arguing with each other and progress could be made instead.

That's the difference when it comes to viewpoints. If the liberal media and certain factions would just shut their mouth, progress would be made....
....if the perfect solution is just going to come along and happen (or worse, wait for a perfect solution) you're mistaken. But, until then, things like building the wall need to happen.

Anyone planning a vacation? I hear there may be a great spot in Moscow soon fully endorsed, run, staffed and operated by President Trump and Putin.

...Can I intrest you in a trip to Favela Brazil??? Or better yet, just go to Bestgore (dot) com and see what's coming to a neighborhood near you if all the dreams of the liberal Dems come true.

DUMB to trust him or anyone attached to him in any way.

But, why would anyone would trust a rapist and a mass murderer? That's what we would have got if Hilary was elected President...

BTW I can't find any search engine that can show Trump presenting himself as respectable. They all make him out to look like an idiot.

There it is. They all make him out to look like an idiot...
Because that's what "they" do....


Ummm....a businessman and multibillionaire isn't exactly an idiot. How much money do you have? What's in your wallet? Do you even have a job? Okay, Do you do volunteer work? Do you own a car? Do you pay taxes? Do you run a business? How far reaching is your civic resume? Do you own land? A house? How far in debt are you? How much real cash runs past your hands vs plastic?

I'ma keep watching and let the world decide haha

- sure. Stay safe. Keep clear.

(2 days after post)
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Hey Al,

I appreciate your seemingly emotional attempts to dissect everything I shared from my point of view in what could appear to be an effort to negate my opinion as if you might think I shouldn't have one at all.

Lots of your replies however are frankly off topic and I couldn't make it through the entirety of your rant. Which is all it became, a rant.

You started to lose me when you began to attack talking points that I never even made at all. I didn't bring up the topic of conservative or liberal media AT ALL for example, nor was there ever any relevance about the 2016 election in the topic. I don't know how to talk to people when they attack my point of view when I haven't even offered it and I find it absolutely ridiculous.

You seem to have just made some of this up to just suit the talking points you wanted to bring up. Why include them in a response to me? o.O

I don't understand why you felt the need to reply in this way, I never personally attacked anything you had to say in your response to the OP for any reason certainly not just because I didn't agree with you. I offered my opinion in a single succinct post and was going to leave it at that. Really I think you should back off - it's just an opinion anyway.

Scanning to the bottom I see you end your reply by making fun that I used "LOL" in my reply and I find this and your adolescent twisting of my responses incredibly immature.

Happy earth
(2 days after post)
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"a self-made multibillionaire isn't exactly an idiot. "

Self made? So his father was not a multimillionaire who paid for Donald's education and then "loaned" him a million dollars to start his career? Oh what I could have accomplished if only I were so "self made"! I mean, I've never even had one bankruptcy.

Happy earth
(2 days after post)
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" the hard left would have cooled down by now, butt....like a burning hemroid, they're more inflamed than ever before and the Democratic Committee does fear the likelyness of a second term."

I like this analogy. The left might be a bunch of sore assholes, but if it's the right making them sore, the right must be a load of crap. I can't disagree with any that.

(3 days after post)
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I really miss the days when i didnt know a thing or 2 about politics (mostly mid 90s). during that time i ONLY cared about music, enjoying my time and actually focused on what i wanted to do. Ever since i "started" paying attention.. its been nothing but a headache. thank god im slowly shaving off the whole BS.. the News does nothing but.. cry outstanding havoc with outrage.

some people live off it and find it self empowering how they "support" what should be. what i've learned that the reality with politics.. politicians are only in it for themselves. I once said this nearly 10 yrs ago.. Politicians - they lie, conform, and seal the deal all for Mass appeal.

i had my run with that for a short time, i learned that.. if you have enough air in your lungs you will belt out all your opinions all day long and feel like you won, when infact you're really just not letting others have a voice.

my solution is.. play catch, throw it back with pleasure. talk out rational points. nobody likes the player who hogs the ball and walks out of the game or throws 100 fast balls at you.

Trump is a clever son of a *****bitch, so was Obama.. but unlike obama .. is he easy on the ears .. obviously not.. he's like the pissed off uncle who bashes out about all the crap he deals with.

does anyone remember what jon stewart said about CNN's horrible attempt at a pundit war program called crossfire?


last online: 01/25, 20:20
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(3 days after post)
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Hey Al,

I appreciate your seemingly emotional attempts to dissect everything I shared from my point of view in what could appear to be an effort to negate my opinion as if you might think I shouldn't have one at all.
(And all the etc.)

In life, you put nothing forward without risk of review or criticism. Be offended or learn from it, simple.

smiley wrote:
"a self-made multibillionaire isn't exactly an idiot. "

Self made? So his father was not a multimillionaire who paid for Donald's education and then "loaned" him a million dollars to start his career? Oh what I could have accomplished if only I were so "self made"! I mean, I've never even had one bankruptcy.

I'll meet you half way on this one, based on two reasons; I've never had a bankruptcy either and your witty coudegras (sp!).
As for the inbetween part, you have to know "business" to keep from going broke (at minimum). Look at destitute lottery winners....
So....who cares if the old mans money was the initial start.

smiley wrote:
" the hard left would have cooled down by now, butt....like a burning hemroid, they're more inflamed than ever before and the Democratic Committee does fear the likelyness of a second term."

I like this analogy. The left might be a bunch of sore assholes, but if it's the right making them sore, the right must be a load of crap. I can't disagree with any that.

Now....let's slow down....
During the college years, why do so many hard right student dress conservitavely and keep such tight schedules? Why do they dress, in school, as close to the profession they hope to acquire?
Why, in the past, have I seen so many hard liberals walking college hallways, literally wearing nothing but diapers and sucking on pacifiers?

I like this analogy. The left might be a bunch of sore assholes, but if it's the right making them sore, the right must be a load of crap. I can't disagree with any that.

I like the wit and tactic of your statement, here, but it just doesn't fit in real life - the final results of the left do not fail to fail, you know this so why invest?

(3 days after post)
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Ya know Mr Al? You should make a run for President. I'm serious, you're clearly the *******fucking expert on everything LOLz

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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Anonymous wrote:
Ya know Mr Al? You should make a run for President. I'm serious, you're clearly the *******fucking expert on everything LOLz

Perhaps. Knowing I would have your vote, warms my campaign.๐Ÿ˜‰

(3 days after post)
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they came together like i wasnt here

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
(5 days after post)
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They get lots of things right if you know which buttons to push...

Help me with:

I need help.

(5 days after post)
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DocteurRalph wrote:
They get lots of things right if you know which buttons to push...

Yah the Russian ones...

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