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poem of a string of thought

I'm trying to remember what love is
And I remember loving myself
And I remember loving my world

Now all I can think of is how to destroy it
How healing it would be to fade
Like a drama with the wrong ending
Or a garden that just keeps dying in your hands

I count every day before the demolition
Of this foundation I remember building
But the pieces stopped fitting
And I'm watching the Janga tower wobble

And I'm watching my past life, a vision right before my eyes
Of cherished moments and mistakes
I hold them up to my heart and keep whispering goodbyes
Because I want to be lost in another world

Yes I remember this feeling
I know how the story ends
My hands are already Skimming through the chapters
And I just can't seem to keep the farewell from my lips..

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world, remember, watching, loving, lips
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savanna.017 edited this post .

poem of a string of thought ¬ ¬ I'm trying to remember what love is¬ And I remember loving myself ¬ And I remember loving my world ¬ ¬ Now all I can think of is how to destroy it¬ How healing it would be to fade ¬ Like a drama with the wringwrong ending¬ Or a garden that just keeps dying in your hands ¬ ¬ I count every day before the demolition¬ Of this foundation I remember building¬ But the pieces stopped fitting ¬ And I'm watching the Janga tower wobble ¬ ¬ And I'm watching my past life, a vision right before my eyes¬ Of cherished moments and mistakes ¬ I hold them up to my heart and keep whispering goodbyes ¬ Because I want to be lost in another world ¬ ¬ Yes I remember this feeling¬ I know how the story ends ¬ And I just can't seem to keep the farewell from my lips..

savanna.017 edited this post .

poem of a string of thought ¬ ¬ I'm trying to remember what love is¬ And I remember loving myself ¬ And I remember loving my world ¬ ¬ Now all I can think of is how to destroy it¬ How healing it would be to fade ¬ Like a drama with the wrong ending¬ Or a garden that just keeps dying in your hands ¬ ¬ I count every day before the demolition¬ Of this foundation I remember building¬ But the pieces stopped fitting ¬ And I'm watching the Janga tower wobble ¬ ¬ And I'm watching my past life, a vision right before my eyes¬ Of cherished moments and mistakes ¬ I hold them up to my heart and keep whispering goodbyes ¬ Because I want to be lost in another world ¬ ¬ Yes I remember this feeling¬ I know how the story ends¬ My hands are already Skimming through the chapters ¬ And I just can't seem to keep the farewell from my lips..

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It sounds like you need a change of scenery.

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Sad and beautiful at the same time. May I ask where abouts do you live?

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