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Any IT gurus in the house?

I'm sure you can guess why i would need this but i want to figure out how to set up a VPN for myself. i thought Tor would do the trick on the sites im trying to use but its still flashing that ts trackable etc and not letting me download stuff i want to download. ive found may pay for VPN providers but im a poor student and dont want to pay for it if i can help it!

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pay, poor, student, download, vpn
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What I know about VPNs can be written on the head of a pin....

With a Sharpie. But I still hope this helps.

26177036 10215274775811609 2093060189 n
(54 minutes after post)
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that opera solution seems to be working ^.^ though hopefully ill find a more longterm solution as using multipul browers can be frustrating but thank you!!!

(3 hours after post)
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TOR should work fine. Where is it flashing that you're trackable and what is it you're trying to download? fb me if you want

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(9 hours after post)
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There's some free VPN's out there but they're a bit ****shit, if you're trying to watch netflix or something like that while on a vpn even the paid stuff might not work. TOR shoudl work for your regular run-of-the-mill privacy issues.

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