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Dolly understands

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youtu, understands, dolly
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I love dolly

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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....I remember....everything about this song and movie.
Dabney Colman - awsome actor.

Dolly Parton, Lily Tomlin, and Jane Fonda.

Yeah, a feminist movie about standing against the patrichary....but....it played fair.

Things have been very different since those times (at least here in the West).

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What is this.."work" I hear about?

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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Okay - so it takes time to soak in (because I'm thick that way).

I think Araz is feeling over-worked, under paid AND under appreciated.
I can only hope you get the recognition that increases your affluence and position.
My best regards.

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@BA1 you're probably right know n I never even thought of it

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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Jetmoo wrote:
@BA1 you're probably right know n I never even thought of it

Aww - thanks for saying so and inviting me back.
Well, I just got to looking at the title: "Dolly Understands." There was nothing else writ because the song carried all the meaning. And then the obvious dawned on me - that song IS the way she feels (and it ain't a feel-good song).

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Work is a right pain when u feel like that.

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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Jetmoo wrote:
Work is a right pain when u feel like that.

So true - but - not only that,

I find it very hypocritical that very wealthy artist sing songs of poverty and slavery and how hard life is -
I actually have a problem with that. Just who are they to do that? It's like a subliminal message that says "stay down" "don't climb" "back off" "it's gonna be so loong - don't bother".

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I don’t think that Dolly was always wealthy. Have you heard the coat of many colours? I love that one. But shows she was poor growing up

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But my friends dad was a buisiness man and he had ALOT of money. But I don’t think he had much of a happy life with it. He had multiple marriages and divorces and I think some of those people only wanted him for his money. And then he found his childhood sweetheart and they got married. She loved him for him. You could see they both truly loved each other.

But he had depression and stuff despite having money.
He went to Iraq a few years ago and he tried to help people with his money. He got caught and was tortured.
And last year he took his own life cos of PTSD.

But he was having a hard life despite his money.

But before he became a business man he was a postman and he worked his way up to the top. Maybe Dolly did that too, I’m not sure how her life has been. But all black belts start from being a white belt, unless they cheated their way up the ladder.

I don’t think that Dolly is trying to tell people to stop trying, I think the song emphasises that she knows what it’s like and says “he’s out to get me”, so she’s singing about herself but sings this as others can relate to these same feelings.

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I think that it depends on your definition of wealth too. Some measure this in money, some measure this with love. You can have no money and still be rich like it says in the song :)

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Yet you can have all the money in the world and still be “poor”.

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