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last online: 05/03, 21:17
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I managed to make my first blog.

Want to see? :)
Someone sorta helped me.
I'm pleased I got to do it how I wanted it to be. Massive achievement for me despite the negative content. It was do hard and sacrifices made but I got there in the end.

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Since writing this post Jetmoo may have helped people, but has not within the last four (4) days.
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work, world, sleep, torture, illness
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(40 seconds after post)
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Haha thanks helpbot. Mwah!

Jetmoo edited this post .

Anyone know how to do blogs? I tried WordPress but it won't open.... sigh.¬ ¬ Well in the mean time I'll put this here. It's to do with severe M.E awareness tomorrow:¬ ¬ Please be aware that this present ability to write this does not reflect the severest experience of M.E.¬ ¬ M.E is being dead when you're awake and alive when you're asleep. Although when you sleep you may also still be dead. And for many you are lucky when or if you sleep. ¬ ¬ Whilst M.E steals your waking and your sleeping dreams, the aching and vertigo and other symptoms continue into sleep dreams. ¬ ¬ The nightmares of sleep a¬ become your reality. You become trapped in a hell just wanting to be woken up.¬ ¬ Severest M.E is dead but breathing. Nothing exists but you and your breathing in a land of dreams where you struggle to understand the difference between awake and asleep.¬ ¬ M.E is the least supported illness with the most stigma and discrimination. It wouldn't surprise me if M.E was the physiological illness with the highest suicide rate. My friend took her life last year as obviously she didn't get the help she needed after the first two suicide attempts and the hospital staff treated her like rubbish. I wish I knew this before she died instead of after. ¬ ¬ I don't know why I assumed she would be ok.¬ ¬ It is where even thought processes can make it more difficult to breath and you are left unable to even pray to God in your own mind. You are literally alone in your own world when you struggle to remember people or their faces. You cannot visualise them. ¬ ¬ The land of no colour behind your eyelids, the blinds and curtains.¬ ¬ Severe light sensitivity tin foil can become your best friend. ¬ ¬ Noise sensitivity can dag a cold knife through your brain from the sound of your eye lashes brushing against a pillow. Your own breathing is too much and having to make serious decision whether it is better to leave ear plugs in or out for the noise they create just putting them in. The illness where you become too sick to put your own plugs in or own noise cancelling headphones on.¬ ¬ The illness where gently brushing your leg against the bed can make your world shake.¬ ¬ The gentle caress on your hand is unbareable.¬ ¬ The mess around a room is way too much visual stimuli and makes you want to scream.¬ ¬ The illness where you desperately want to cry but are physically incapable of doing so from lack of energy. ¬ ¬ Where remembering a song, a tune, some lyrics is like a rare treasure of gold. It has at times been so so beyond amazing to be able to sing inside your own mind when your own voice won't work. It is almost like you are able to sing for real. But to continue makes it harder to breath and you must rest.¬ ¬ The ability to physically talk out loud to oneself is amazing.¬ ¬ The emotional torture of the physical torture is a normal reaction to an abnormal situation. ¬ ¬ It is not an abnormal reaction to an normal situation.¬ ¬ Ignorance is a form of mental abuse which is what professionals do to us until we eventually might fit their label to justify their unjust treatment towards us.¬ ¬ M.E is being strapped to a torture bed bring strapped with leather belts, across your ankles, feet, legs, knees, chest, arms hands head.¬ ¬ It is where all muscles cease to work for unknown lengths of time when facial muscles don't work and eyes are held shut. You can't smile to indicate to fear filled family that you are "ok". ¬ ¬ It is where parts of your vision can be left missing after a conversation, as well as sound and sense of touch and vibrations make you overwhelmed and want to scream and meltdown as the world moves way too fast and wraps you in anxiety of a world that doesn't understand.¬ ¬ It is a world where it is acceptable for the professionals to torture them with abuse. It is the illness where they can get you a D.O.L.S even when you don't need one. It is the illness where they can make decisions about you without you.¬ ¬ M.E is the illness where I have considered having a DNR in place to ensure that I never have to see abusive medics or hospital staff ever again. It is the illness where almost all health care is denied to us.

(3 hours after post)
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hmm.. seems inescapable. any hope getting out of that?

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(5 hours after post)
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A little hope... my hope is quite wonky right now. All it takes is for professionals to listen. Then I could soon break free from these chains.

I'm just trying to hang on until hope comes. There is still some left but the sooner I have the reassurance of it the better.

I really don't feel like eating still. I could really do with lots of physical contact... hugs. ... maybe a dog lol

I need emotional support in physical comfort and reassurance and it's hard to find. I need more care time

(5 hours after post)
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maybe animal rescue be your mighty calling. :D

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(7 hours after post)
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My maisy has been away for about 2 years now. Maisy my rabbit.

I wish I could have her come home.

I'm struggling.

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(7 hours after post)
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Yorick wrote:
maybe animal rescue be your mighty calling. :D

Maybe a service dog? I really don't know anymore.... I feel quite down and I still don't feel like eating.

I'm tired of being the strong one. I think it'd someone else's turn. But if I lose capacity then my parents could try take me from my home.

I can't cope living at my parents. I hope they wouldn't do that.

My grandparents n auntie n parents love me but they really don't understand.. I'd hope they wouldn't try to take me from my home as I wouldn't cope. I told my mam I'd kill myself if I lost my home.

It's the only place where I can get well - with correct support.
Taking me away would take hope with it.

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(7 hours after post)
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I'm so tired of life. My Kathy should still be here. I was really looking forward to talking to her again..

Img 5499 photo full
(7 hours after post)
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I'm tired. Tired of being tired. Tired of illness and talking about it. Tired of talking about life n my life. Life revolves around illness. I'm tired of all of it. I just want it to get better.

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(7 hours after post)
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I guess I have to be almost dead before they help anyway.

Do u know they been putting 30year olds in care homes instead of trying to provide the care in their own homes?

Wow just think if they tried to put me in a home at 28. Life wouldn't be worth living. Hope of a future would be lost.

(12 hours after post)
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I'm so sorry you're going through all of that. :(

Jetmoo edited this post .

Anyone know how to do blogs? I tried WordPress but it won't open.... sigh.¬ ¬ Well in the mean time I'll put this here. It's to do with severe M.E awareness tomorrow:¬ ¬ Please be aware that this present ability to write this does not reflect the severest experienceexperiences of M.E.¬ ¬ M.E is being dead when you're awake and alive when you're asleep. Although when you sleep you may also still be dead. And for many, you are lucky when or if you sleep. ¬ ¬ Whilst M.E steals your waking and your sleeping dreams, the aching and vertigo and other symptoms continue into sleep dreams. ¬ ¬ The nightmares of sleep¬ become your reality. You become trapped in a hell just wanting to be woken up.¬ ¬ Severest M.E is being dead but breathing. Nothing exists but you and your breathing in a land of dreams where you struggle to understand the difference between awake and asleep.¬ ¬ M.E is the least supported illness with the most stigma and discrimination. It wouldn't surprise me if M.E was the physiological illness with the highest suicide rate. My friend took her life last year as obviously she didn't get the help she needed after the first two suicide attempts and the hospital staff treated her like rubbish. I wish I knew this before she died instead of after. ¬ ¬ I don't know why I assumed she would be ok.¬ ¬ It is where even thought processes can make it more difficult to breath and you are lucky when or if you sleep. ¬ ¬ Whilst M.E steals your waking and your sleeping dreams, the aching and vertigo and other symptoms continue into sleep dreams. ¬ ¬ The nightmares of sleep a¬ become your reality. You become trapped in a hell just wanting to be woken up.¬ ¬ Severest M.E is dead but breathing. Nothing exists but you and your breathing in a land of dreams where you struggle to understand the difference between awake and asleep.¬ ¬ M.E is the least supported illness with the most stigma and discrimination. It wouldn't surprise me if M.E was the physiological illness with the highest suicide rate. My friend took her life last year as obviously she didn't get the help she needed after the first two suicide attempts and the hospital staff treated her like rubbish. I wish I knew this before she died instead of after. ¬ ¬ I don't know why I assumed she would be ok.¬ ¬ It is where even thought processes can make it more difficult to breath and you are left unable to even pray to God in your own mind. You are literally alone in your own world when you struggle to remember people or their faces and having to protect yourself from sensory stimuli of the world and people around you, including yourself. You cannot visualise, so cannot visualise those you love or happier past times. ¬ ¬ The land of no colour behind your eyelids, the blinds and curtains.¬ ¬ Severe light sensitivity, where tin foil can become your best friend. ¬ ¬ Noise sensitivity can dag a cold knife through your brain from the sound of your eye lashes brushing against a pillow. Your own breathing is too much and having to make serious decisions whether it is better to leave ear plugs in or out for the noise they create just putting them. ¬ ¬ The land of no colour behind your eyelids, the blinds and curtains.¬ ¬ Severe light sensitivity tin foil can become your best friend. ¬ ¬ Noise sensitivity can dag a cold knife through your brain from the sound of your eye lashes brushing against a pillow. Your own breathing is too much and having to make serious decision whether it is better to leave ear plugs in. The illness where you become too sick to be able to put your own plugs in or own noise cancelling headphones on.¬ ¬ The illness where someone gently brushing their leg against the bed can make your world shake.¬ ¬ The gentle caress on your hand is unbareable.¬ ¬ The mess around a room is way too much visual stimuli and makes you want to scream.¬ ¬ The illness where you desperately want to cry but are physically incapable of expressing any emotions through any method, from lack of energy. There is no outlet for your emotions to go.¬ ¬ Where remembering a song, a tune, some lyrics is like a rare treasure of gold. It has at times been so so beyond amazing to be able to sing inside your own mind when your own voice won't work. It is almost like you are able to sing for real. But to continue makes it harder to breath and you must stop.¬ ¬ The ability to physically talk out for the noise they create just putting them in. The illness where you become too sick to put your own plugs in or own noise cancelling headphones on.¬ ¬ The illness where gently brushing your leg against the bed can make your world shake.¬ ¬ The gentle caress on your hand is unbareable.¬ ¬ The mess around a room is way too much visual stimuli and makes you want to scream.¬ ¬ The illness where you desperately want to cry but are physically incapable of doing so from lack of energy. ¬ ¬ Where remembering a song, a tune, some lyrics is like a rare treasure of gold. It has at times been so so beyond amazing to be able to sing inside your own mind when your own voice won't work. It is almost like you are able to sing for real. But to continue makes it harder to breath and you must rest.¬ ¬ The ability to physically talk out loud to oneself is amazing.¬ ¬ The emotional torture of the physical torture is a normal reaction to an abnormal situation. ¬ ¬ It is not an abnormal reaction to an normal situation.¬ ¬ Ignorance is a form of mental abuse, which which is whathow professionals dotreat us until we eventually might fit their label and full fill the self fulling prophecy, to justify their unjust treatment towards us until we eventually might fit their label to justify their unjust treatment towards us.¬ ¬ M.E is being strapped to a torture bed bringbeing strapped with leather belts all the way up your body, across your ankles, feet, legs, knees, chest, arms, hands hands head and even the throat can feel somewhat restricted.¬ ¬ It is where all muscles cease to work for unknown lengths of time when facial muscles don't work and eyes are held shut. You can't smile to indicate to fear filled family that you are "ok". ¬ ¬ It is where parts of your vision can be left missing after a conversation, as well as sound and sense of touch and vibrations make you overwhelmed and want to scream and meltdown as the world moves way too fast and wraps you in anxiety of a world that doesn't understand.¬ ¬ It is a world where it is acceptable for the professionals to torture them with abuse. It is the illness where they can get you a D.O.L.S even facial muscles wont work and eyes are held shut. You can't smile to indicate to fear filled family that you are "ok". ¬ ¬ It is where parts of your vision can be left missing after a conversation, as well as sound and sense of touch and vibrations make you overwhelmed and want to scream and meltdown as the world moves way too fast and wraps you in anxiety of a world that doesn't understand.¬ ¬ It is a world where it is acceptable for the professionals to torture them with abuse. It is the illness where they can get you a D.O.L.S even when you don't need one. It is the illness where they can make decisions about you without you.¬ ¬ M.E is the illness where I have considered having a DNR in place to ensure that I never have to see abusive medics or hospital staff ever again. It is the illness where almost all health care is denied to us.

Jetmoo edited this post .

Anyone know how to do blogs? I tried WordPress but it won't open.... sigh.¬ ¬ Well in the mean time I'll put this here. It's to do with severe M.E awareness tomorrow:¬ ¬ Please be aware that this present ability to write this does not reflect the severest experiences of M.E.¬ ¬ M.E is being dead when you're awake and alive when you're asleep. Although when you sleep you may also still be dead. And for many, you are lucky when or if you sleep. ¬ ¬ Whilst M.E steals your waking and your sleeping dreams, the aching and vertigo and other symptoms continue into sleep dreams. ¬ ¬ The nightmares of sleep¬ become your reality. You become trapped in a hell just wanting to be woken up.¬ ¬ Severest M.E is being dead but breathing. Nothing exists but you and your breathing in a land of dreams where you struggle to understand the difference between awake and asleep.¬ ¬ M.E is the least supported illness with the most stigma and discrimination. It wouldn't surprise me if M.E was the physiological illness with the highest suicide rate. My friend took her life last year as obviously she didn't get the help she needed after the first two suicide attempts when the hospital staff treated her like rubbish, according to the note shs left behind. I wish I knew this before she died instead of after. ¬ ¬ I don't know why I assumed she would be ok.¬ ¬ It is where even thought processes can make it more difficult to breath and you are left unable to even pray to God in your own mind. You are literally alone in your own world when you struggle to remember people or their faces and having to protect yourself from sensory stimuli of the hospital staff treated her like rubbish. I wish I knew this before she died instead of after. ¬ ¬ I don't know why I assumed she would be ok.¬ ¬ It is where even thought processes can make it more difficult to breath and you are left unable to even pray to God in your own mind. You are literally alone in your own world and people around you and even yourself. You cannot visualise, so cannot visualise those you love or happier past times or drems of a better future. ¬ ¬ The land of no colour behind your eyelids, the blinds and curtains.¬ ¬ Severe light sensitivity, where tin foil can become your best friend. ¬ ¬ Noise sensitivity can dag a cold knife through your brain from the sound of your eye lashes brushing against a pillow. Your own breathing is too much and having to make serious decisions whether it is better to leave ear plugs in or out for the noise they create just putting them in. The illness where you become too sick to be able to put your own plugs in or own noise cancelling headphones on.¬ ¬ The illness where someone gently brushing their leg against the bed can make your world shake.¬ ¬ Another's gentle caress upon your hand is unbareable.¬ ¬ The mess around a room is way too much visual stimuli and makes you want to scream.¬ ¬ The illness where you desperately want to cry but are physically incapable of expressing any emotions through any method, from lack of energy. There is no outlet for your emotions to go. The desperation for a release through some form of expression is almost too much to bare, but there is nothing you can do, except keep holding on. ¬ ¬ Where remembering a song, a tune, some lyrics is like a rare treasure of gold. It has at times been so so beyond amazing to be able to sing inside your own mind when you struggle to remember people or their faces and having to protect yourself from sensory stimuli of the world and people around you, including yourself. You cannot visualise, so cannot visualise those you love or happier past times. ¬ ¬ The land of no colour behind your eyelids, the blinds and curtains.¬ ¬ Severe light sensitivity, where tin foil can become your best friend. ¬ ¬ Noise sensitivity can dag a cold knife through your brain from the sound of your eye lashes brushing against a pillow. Your own breathing is too much and having to make serious decisions whether it is better to leave ear plugs in or out for the noise they create just putting them in. The illness where you become too sick to be able to put your own plugs in or own noise cancelling headphones on.¬ ¬ The illness where someone gently brushing their leg against the bed can make your world shake.¬ ¬ The gentle caress on your hand is unbareable.¬ ¬ The mess around a room is way too much visual stimuli and makes you want to scream.¬ ¬ The illness where you desperately want to cry but are physically incapable of expressing any emotions through any method, from lack of energy. There is no outlet for your emotions to go.¬ ¬ Where remembering a song, a tune, some lyrics is like a rare treasure of gold. It has at times been so so beyond amazing to be able to sing inside your own mind when your own voice won't work. It is almost like you are able to sing for real. But to continue makes it harder to breath and you must stop.¬ ¬ The ability to physically talk out loud to oneself is amazing.¬ ¬ The emotional torture of the physical torture is a normal reaction to an abnormal situation. ¬ ¬ It is not an abnormal reaction to an normal situation.¬ ¬ Ignorance is a form of mental abuse, which is how almost all professionals treat us until we eventually might fit their label and full fill the self fulling prophecy that they have set out for us, to justify their unjust treatment towards us.¬ ¬ M.E is being strapped to a torture bed being strapped with leather belts all the way up your body, across your ankles, feet, legs, knees, chest, arms, hands head and even the throat can feel somewhat restricted.¬ ¬ It is where all muscles cease to work for unknown lengths of time when even facial muscles wont work and eyes are held shut. You can't smile to indicate to fear filled family that you are "ok". ¬ ¬ It is where parts of your vision can be left missing after a conversation, as well as sound, sense of touch and sense of touch and vibrations make you overwhelmed and want to scream and meltdown as the world moves way too fast and wraps you in anxiety of a world that doesn't understand.¬ ¬ The fear and reality of the inability to alert others the alarming symptoms you exerience, especially the ones caused by themselves and your environment.¬ ¬ It is a world where it is acceptable for the professionals to torture them with abuse. It is the illness where they can get you a D.O.L.S even when you don't need one. It is the illness where they can make decisions about you without you.¬ ¬ M.E is the illness where I have considered having a DNR in place to ensure that I never have to see abusive medics or hospital staff ever again. It is the illness where almost all health care is denied to us with abuse. It is the illness where they can get you a D.O.L.S even when you don't need one. And perhaps even your family too. It is the illness where they can make decisions about you without you.¬ ¬ M.E is the illness where I have considered having a DNR in place to ensure that I never have to see abusive medics or hospital staff ever again. It is the illness where almost all health care is denied to us. Any health care is a war to fight.

Jetmoo edited this post .

Anyone know how to do blogs? I tried WordPress but it won't open.... sigh.¬ ¬ Well in the mean time I'll put this here. It's to do with severe M.E awareness tomorrow:¬ ¬ Please be aware that this present ability to write this does not reflect the severest experiences of M.E.¬ ¬ M.E is being dead when you're awake and alive when you're asleep. Although when you sleep you may also still be dead. And for many, you are lucky when or if you sleep. ¬ ¬ Whilst M.E steals your waking and your sleeping dreams, the aching and vertigo and other symptoms continue into sleep dreams. ¬ ¬ The nightmares of sleep¬ become your reality. You become trapped in a hell just wanting to be woken up.¬ ¬ Severest M.E is being dead but breathing. Nothing exists but you and your breathing in a land of dreams where you struggle to understand the difference between awake and asleep.¬ ¬ M.E is the least supported illness with the most stigma and discrimination. It wouldn't surprise me if M.E was the physiological illness with the highest suicide rate. My friend took her life last year as obviously she didn't get the help she needed after the first two suicide attempts when the hospital staff treated her like rubbish, according to the note shs left behind. I wish I knew this before she died instead of after. ¬ ¬ I don't know why I assumed she would be ok.¬ ¬ It is where even thought processes can make it more difficult to breath and you are left unable to even pray to God in your own mind. You are literally alone in your own world when you struggle to remember people or their faces and having to protect yourself from sensory stimuli of the world and people around you and even yourself. You cannot visualise, so cannot visualise those you love or happier past times or drems of a better future. ¬ ¬ The land of no colour behind your eyelids, the blinds and curtains.¬ ¬ Severe light sensitivity, where tin foil can become your best friend. ¬ ¬ Noise sensitivity can dag a cold knife through your brain from the sound of your eye lashes brushing against a pillow. Your own breathing is too much and having to make serious decisions whether it is better to leave ear plugs in or out for the noise they create just putting them in. The illness where you become too sick to be able to put your own plugs in or own noise cancelling headphones on.¬ ¬ The illness where someone gently brushing their leg against the bed can make your world shake.¬ ¬ Another's gentle caress upon your hand is unbareable.¬ ¬ The mess around a room is way too much visual stimuli and makes you want to scream.¬ ¬ The illness where you desperately want to cry but are physically incapable of expressing any emotions through any method, from lack of energy. There is no outlet for your emotions to go. The desperation for a release through some form of expression is almost too much to bare, but there is nothing you can do, except keep holding on. ¬ ¬ Where remembering a song, a tune, some lyrics is like a rare treasure of gold. It has at times been so so beyond amazing to be able to sing inside your own mind when your own voice won't work. It is almost like you are able to sing for real. But to continue makes it harder to breath and you must stop.¬ ¬ The ability to physically talk out loud to oneself is amazing.¬ ¬ The emotional torture of the physical torture is a normal reaction to an abnormal situation. ¬ ¬ It is not an abnormal reaction to an normal situation.¬ ¬ Ignorance is a form of mental abuse, which is how almost all professionals treat us until we eventually might fit their label and full fill the self fulling prophecy that they have set out for us, to justify their unjust treatment towards us.¬ ¬ M.E is being strapped to a torture bed being strapped with leather belts all the way up your body, across your ankles, feet, legs, knees, chest, arms, hands head and even the throat can feel somewhat restricted.¬ ¬ It is where all muscles cease to work for unknown lengths of time when even facial muscles wont work and eyes are held shut. You can't smile to indicate to fear filled family that you are "ok". ¬ ¬ It is where parts of your vision can be left missing after a conversation, as well as sound, sense of touch and vibrations make you overwhelmed and want to scream and meltdown as the world moves way too fast and wraps you in anxiety of a world that doesn't understand.¬ ¬ The fear and reality of the inability to alert others the alarming symptoms you exerience, especially the ones caused by themselves and your environment.¬ ¬ It is a world where it is acceptable for the professionals to torture us with abuse. It is the illness where they can get you a D.O.L.S even when you don't need one. And perhaps even your family too. It is the illness where they can make decisions about you without you.¬ ¬ M.E is the illness where I have considered having a DNR in place to ensure that I never have to see abusive medics or hospital staff ever again. It is the illness where almost all health care is denied to us. Any health care is a war to fight.¬ ¬ Without the ability to afford the physiological evidence of our physioligcal illness means textreme difficulties in a getting benefits and accessing social care to ensure survival.

Jetmoo edited this post .

Anyone know how to do blogs? I tried WordPress but it won't open.... sigh.¬ ¬ Well in the mean time I'll put this here. It's to do with severe M.E awareness tomorrow:¬ ¬ Please be aware that this present ability to write this does not reflect the severest experiences of M.E.¬ ¬ M.E is being dead when you're awake and alive when you're asleep. Although when you sleep you may also still be dead. And for many, you are lucky when or if you sleep. ¬ ¬ Whilst M.E steals your waking and your sleeping dreams, the aching and vertigo and other symptoms continue into sleep dreams. ¬ ¬ The nightmares of sleep¬ become your reality. You become trapped in a hell just wanting to be woken up.¬ ¬ Severest M.E is being dead but breathing. Nothing exists but you and your breathing in a land of dreams where you struggle to understand the difference between awake and asleep.¬ ¬ M.E is the least supported illness with the most stigma and discrimination. It wouldn't surprise me if M.E was the physiological illness with the highest suicide rate. My friend took her life last year as obviously she didn't get the help she needed after the first two suicide attempts when the hospital staff treated her like rubbish, according to the note shs left behind. I wish I knew this before she died instead of after. ¬ ¬ I don't know why I assumed she would be ok.¬ ¬ It is where even thought processes can make it more difficult to breath and you are left unable to even pray to God in your own mind. You are literally alone in your own world when you struggle to remember people or their faces and having to protect yourself from sensory stimuli of the world and people around you and even yourself. You cannot visualise, so cannot visualise those you love or happier past times or drems of a better future. ¬ ¬ The land of no colour behind your eyelids, the blinds and curtains.¬ ¬ Severe light sensitivity, where tin foil can become your best friend. ¬ ¬ Noise sensitivity can dag a cold knife through your brain from the sound of your eye lashes brushing against a pillow. Your own breathing is too much and having to make serious decisions whether it is better to leave ear plugs in or out for the noise they create just putting them in. The illness where you become too sick to be able to put your own plugs in or own noise cancelling headphones on.¬ ¬ The illness where someone gently brushing their leg against the bed can make your world shake.¬ ¬ Another's gentle caress upon your hand is unbareable.¬ ¬ The mess around a room is way too much visual stimuli and makes you want to scream.¬ ¬ The illness where you desperately want to cry but are physically incapable of expressing any emotions through any method, from lack of energy. There is no outlet for your emotions to go. The desperation for a release through some form of expression is almost too much to bare, but there is nothing you can do, except keep holding on. ¬ ¬ Where remembering a song, a tune, some lyrics is like a rare treasure of gold. It has at times been so so beyond amazing to be able to sing inside your own mind when your own voice won't work. It is almost like you are able to sing for real. But to continue makes it harder to breath and you must stop.¬ ¬ The ability to physically talk out loud to oneself is amazing.¬ ¬ The emotional torture of the physical torture is a normal reaction to an abnormal situation. ¬ ¬ It is not an abnormal reaction to an normal situation.¬ ¬ Ignorance is a form of mental abuse, which is how almost all professionals treat us until we eventually might fit their label and full fill the self fulling prophecy that they have set out for us, to justify their unjust treatment towards us.¬ ¬ M.E is being strapped to a torture bed being strapped with leather belts all the way up your body, across your ankles, feet, legs, knees, chest, arms, hands head and even the throat can feel somewhat restricted.¬ ¬ It is where all muscles cease to work for unknown lengths of time when even facial muscles wont work and eyes are held shut. You can't smile to indicate to fear filled family that you are "ok". ¬ ¬ It is where parts of your vision can be left missing after a conversation, as well as sound, sense of touch and vibrations make you overwhelmed and want to scream and meltdown as the world moves way too fast and wraps you in anxiety of a world that doesn't understand.¬ ¬ The fear and reality of the inability to alert others the alarming symptoms you exerience, especially the ones caused by themselves and your environment.¬ ¬ It is a world where it is acceptable for the professionals to torture us with abuse. It is the illness where they can get you a D.O.L.S even when you don't need one. And perhaps even your family too. It is the illness where they can make decisions about you without you.¬ ¬ M.E is the illness where I have considered having a DNR in place to ensure that I never have to see abusive medics or hospital staff ever again. It is the illness where almost all health care is denied to us. Any health care is a war to fight.¬ ¬ Without the abilitymoney to afford the physiological evidence of our physioligcalphysiological illness means textremeextreme difficulties in a getting benefits and accessing social care to ensure survival.¬ ¬ Rest in peace to my friend. She did not have the severest form of M.E. yet the sheer lack of support and hope from professionals as well as her everyday struggles and pain was enough for her to leave the world.

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(1 day after post)
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@Yorick @DragonLady

Jetmoo edited this post .

Anyone know how to do blogs? I triedmanaged WordPress but it won't open.... sigh.¬ ¬ Well in the mean time I'll put this here. It's to do with severe M.E awareness tomorrow:¬ ¬ Please be aware that this present ability to write this does not reflect the severest experiences of M.E.¬ ¬ M.E is being dead when you're awake and alive when you're asleep. Although when you sleep you may also still be dead. And for many, you are lucky when or if you sleep. ¬ ¬ Whilst M.E steals your waking and your sleeping dreams, the aching and vertigo and other symptoms continue into sleep dreams. ¬ ¬ The nightmares of sleep¬ become your reality. You become trapped in a hell just wanting to be woken up.¬ ¬ Severest M.E is being dead but breathing. Nothing exists but you and your breathing in a land of dreams where you struggle to understand the difference between awake and asleep.¬ ¬ M.E is the least supported illness with the most stigma and discrimination. It wouldn't surprise me if M.E was the physiological illness with the highest suicide rate. My friend took her life last year as obviously she didn't get the help she needed after the first two suicide attempts when the hospital staff treated her like rubbish, according to the note shs left behind. I wish I knew this before she died instead of after. ¬ ¬ I don't know why I assumed she would be ok.¬ ¬ It is where even thought processes can make it more difficult to breath and you are left unable to even pray to God in your own mind. You are literally alone in your own world when you struggle to remember people or their faces and having to protect yourself from sensory stimuli of the world and people around you and even yourself. You cannot visualise, so cannot visualise those you love or happier past times or drems of a better future. ¬ ¬ The land of no colour behind your eyelids, the blinds and curtains.¬ ¬ Severe light sensitivity, where tin foil can become your best friend. ¬ ¬ Noise sensitivity can dag a cold knife through your brain from the sound of your eye lashes brushing against a pillow. Your own breathing is too much and having to make serious decisions whether it is better to leave ear plugs in or out for the noise they create just putting them in. The illness where you become too sick to be able to put your own plugs in or own noise cancelling headphones on.¬ ¬ The illness where someone gently brushing their leg against the bed can make your world shake.¬ ¬ Another's gentle caress upon your hand is unbareable.¬ ¬ The mess around a room is way too much visual stimuli and makes you want to scream.¬ ¬ The illness where you desperately want to cry but are physically incapable of expressing any emotions through any method, from lack of energy. There is no outlet for your emotions to go. The desperation for a release through some form of expression is almost too much to bare, but there is nothing you can do, except keep holding on. ¬ ¬ Where remembering a song, a tune, some lyrics is like a rare treasure of gold. It has at times been so so beyond amazing to be able to sing inside your own mind when your own voice won't work. It is almost like you are able to sing for real. But to continue makes it harder to breath and you must stop.¬ ¬ The ability to physically talk out loud to oneself is amazing.¬ ¬ The emotional torture of the physical torture is a normal reaction to an abnormal situation. ¬ ¬ It is not an abnormal reaction to an normal situation.¬ ¬ Ignorance is a form of mental abuse, which is how almost all professionals treat us until we eventually might fit their label and full fill the self fulling prophecy that they have set out for us, to justify their unjust treatment towards us.¬ ¬ M.E is being strapped to a torture bed being strapped with leather belts all the way up your body, across your ankles, feet, legs, knees, chest, arms, hands head and even the throat can feel somewhat restricted.¬ ¬ It is where all muscles cease to work for unknown lengths of time when even facial muscles wont work and eyes are held shut. You can't smile to indicate to fear filled family that you are "ok". ¬ ¬ It is where parts of your vision can be left missing after a conversation, as well as sound, sense of touch and vibrations make you overwhelmed and want to scream and meltdown as the world moves way too fast and wraps you in anxiety of a world that doesn't understand.¬ ¬ The fear and reality of the inability to alert others the alarming symptoms you exerience, especially the ones caused by themselves and your environment.¬ ¬ It is a world where it is acceptable for the professionals to torture us with abuse. It is the illness where they can get you a D.O.L.S even when you don't need one. And perhaps even your family too. It is the illness where they can make decisions about you without you.¬ ¬ M.E is the illness where I have considered having a DNR in place to ensure that I never have to see abusive medics or hospital staff ever again. It is the illness where almost all health care is denied to us. Any health care is a war to fight.¬ ¬ Without the money to afford the physiological evidence of our physiological illness means extreme difficulties in a getting benefits and accessing social care to ensure survival.¬ ¬ Rest in peace to my friendfirst blog. SheWant did not have the severest form of M.E. yet the sheer lack of support and hope from professionals as well as her everyday struggles and pain was enough for her to leavesee? :) ¬ Someone sorta helped me.¬ I'm pleased I got to do it how I wanted it to be. Massive achievement for me despite the worldnegative content. It was do hard and sacrifices made but I got there in the end.

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