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Coronavirus and Agoraphobia.

As it turns out, I’m really getting nerfed by the universe lately.
I moved back home with my mother two years ago after a very severe case of clinical depression, came out of that after a lot of work, but the rest of my mental health issues are still very present. I am currently legally disabled due to my agoraphobia. This year I was trying to make the effort to counter it by forcing myself out at least twice a month. Was doing great and then...ye olde global pandemic kicked in.
I live in western NY which is entirely shut down for the foreseeable future and way too risky to try galavanting through Walmart just for the exposure therapy as I’m frequently around immunocomprised relatives.
I’m very afraid of falling back too far, becoming completely house bound again, and being stuck living with my mom for god knows how long. Was wondering if anyone has any advice on what to do?

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last online: 12/14, 0:56
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You’re stuck in hard place. You finally got out of your shell and now you have to practice social distancing! That sucks. But with the number of deaths in the US rising above $1K, and with you being around people who may have autoimmune issues, you’re doing the responsible thing by staying indoors. Cheers to you!

Honestly, even introverts like myself are going crazy at this point. The only thing I can think of is to try to skype or FaceTime others. Having a voice convo may take the edge off a bit?

Hopefully they will get this pandemic under control soon 🤞🏼

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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Simply find balance just where you're at. If you cannot progress, try to keep from falling back.
Take this indoor time to better prepare your social skills.
And just remember....


last online: 01/25, 20:20
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How are you doing so far, girl? It's time to dive in with an update.
Have you made it out of the house a time or two?

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