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Praying mantis trapped in a human suit. Someone get me out of this flesh prison. Its hot in here.

Where did you grow up?

Buffalo NY. Right down the street from our friendly neighborhood serial killer.

Where do you live now?

About 20 minutes away from where I started.

What is the highest level of education you have attained?

some College

What subjects did/do you enjoy most at school?

I enjoyed staying home and sleeping :)

What kind of jobs have you held? Industries too!

Freelance facebook ****shit poster, creator of art. Also i was a bookeeper at one point

What hobbies are you into?

Really enjoy complaining, staying up until 3 am laughing at memes, and writing very dramatic poetry about my sorrows. love me a good book.

What causes are you concerned about today?

Bro. Iโ€™m concerned about everything. I have anxiety.

If you claim a political party affiliation, which is it?

Anarcho-communist. Guillotine 2020

Which religion (if any) do you follow?

I praise the almighty ogrelord, Shrek. May he bless us all with his many layers of wisdom.

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Coronavirus and Agoraphobia.

written () ago

As it turns out, Iโ€™m really getting nerfed by the universe lately.

How to deal with bad anniversaries without spiraling into a depressive episode?

written () ago

Three years ago today my ex boyfriend slapped my daughter across the face, shook her, and slammed her down on the floor. She was five weeks old. I left her home with him because i was upset and wanted to calm down so i took a walk. I was gone for maybe 20 minutes before i came back to her with a black eye, broken blood vessels in both eyes, and a finger print bruise on the side of her face. Two days later he was arrested. He went to prison for two years and spent the last year on parole, this...

Keeping in touch.

written () ago

So has anyone been able to keep up with some of the old members from way back? Sonicboom (went by muffins for a long while), daft puck, and mindhealer especially. I think of them from time to time.

Anyone remember my irritating ***ass?

written () ago

Im really so excited to have found out this site was back up. I was around 15 i wanna say last i was active before it shut down, i went by morganlovesyou for some time before changing my username to something i cant even remember at this point lol. How are you all?? Its been a while

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How to deal with bad anniversaries without spiraling into a depressive episode?

Thank you all very much. It was a hard few days but i think im mostly through the worst of it. Im trying to just focus on my daughter as she is instead of what happened

- written
Keeping in touch.

verge wrote:
Mindhealer hasn't been to this new and improved help, but he's well. :)

thats great to hear!! Hes one of the few i always thought of after the original site got shut down. I didnt get to keep in touch with too many people

DocteurRalph wrote:
Yeah I don't know why mindhealer didn't make the switch. He might possibly be found on the Helptogo with fries site still. He was there more than almost anyone. Check out the gratefulness or thankfulness post there, it's real long thing that he used to always write on.

Honestly never heard of that site lol. Whats the link? Helptogo isnt pulling uo anything for me

- written
Keeping in touch.

Rockster160 wrote:
Daft Puck unfortunately passed away. ๐Ÿ˜ž
MindHealer sounds familiar- if I recall he had a green avatar. Have not heard from him unless heโ€™s under a different guise
I donโ€™t think I knew Sonicboom. ๐Ÿค”

Oh my god i had no idea about Puck. What happened? Thats so sad, she was always a pleasure to talk to.

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Anyone remember my irritating ass?

pinocchiothepuppet wrote:

welcome back though

Haha no biggie, thank you!

mo84 wrote:
no i dont recall seeing you on help.

that little girl in your pic is so adorable :D

Thank you! Thats my daughter Tyler:) shell be three next month

- written
Anyone remember my irritating ass?

Rockster160 wrote:
So how'd you find your way back? ๐Ÿ˜„

Ye olde Willy informed me via facebook today actually!

- written
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