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Don't let anyone tell you that Trump couldn't have done more about COVID-19


People in his administration warned him from the beginning but he was too busy playing golf and getting cheered on by zombies to pay attention.

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Lets blame trump for everything.

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last online: 01/23, 5:07
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Anonymous wrote:
Lets blame trump for everything.

No, let's be honest and blame him for the things he's responsible for. Tens of thousands of americans dead, Iran and North Korea getting closer to getting nukes, the national debt increased more in one Trump term then Obama did in two terms with less accomplished to show for it, humiliating the US in the international community with his dirty dealings with the Ukraine, the constant lies and excuses and narcissism.

(10 hours after post)
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You're not my moral barometer, when You're tribe kills babys.
You come across as a white priviledged , holier than tho, hateful man.
I really wish I could block you.
Im done with you.

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Typical Republican. Ignore the truth and stick your head back in the sand. Unless, of course, it makes you money.

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last online: 01/25, 20:20
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soco wrote:
Typical Republican. Ignore the truth and stick your head back in the sand. Unless, of course, it makes you money.

It was a good try but I think your view may need a slight course correction....
Here's how it works. Let's take what you just said about a Republican's interest in money. Okay. I'll give you the win on it - you win, without a doubt. Now let's see how fair you can play...

How did you like the $1,500 stimulus money that you received in your tax refund in 2008 under the Obama administration? Further, I'm sure many people are looking forward to the $1,200 dollar stimulus check under the circumstances of our current adminestration, including you.
Why are Democratic/Liberal persons the highest recipients of social welfare, foodstamps, healthcare, telecomunications, and other benefits, sight unseen? Why?

Who cares.

I'm a Republican based on the fact that the United States of America was founded as a Constitutional Republic.

Let me say that again - Republic.

The idea of a Democratic platform was a construct within a Republican framework to express Liberty - NOT LIBERALISM or any of the various ideologies that it had mutated into, today....

Unless, of course, it makes you money.

Then how do YOU afford to pay for the cost of YOUR lifestyle...? Are you independently wealthy (if so then what makes you an exception to your own statement)? But, I doubt you are. Still.... How?

As a Republican, I want the freedom and liberty to conduct business and comererce. I want the maximum reward for my efforts and hard work. I have a right to claim what is mine according to the effective power of my labor and my ability to be PRODUCTIVE.

But, the demograph of the liberal/Democraticic mentality does not share that same virtue or value when they are the most parasitical, blood draining leaches that have ever existed in the whole history of the entire human race. They are the loudest, laziest, pretensive attention mongrels among all of society. They absorb the most handouts, occupy the most housing projects and literally fuel entire prison systems - because they don't want to work for any amount of money, god forbid BUT they will take it if given.

You simply cannot use money as an instrument to support your argument.

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last online: 01/23, 5:07
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Anon, nothing hateful was said in this thread until:

Anonymous wrote:
You're not my moral barometer, when You're tribe kills babys.

What a disgusting, hateful thing to say to someone. Which was then followed by:

Anonymous wrote:
You come across as a white priviledged , holier than tho, hateful man.
I really wish I can block you.
Im done with you.

How quickly the hypocrisy circle closed on that is enough to make one's head spin.

I'm really trying not to be hateful here, though it's hard because there is so much at stake with getting rid of this president, and so many people blindly follow him. I really want to believe that your intentions are good. But the only way I can rectify that is to assume that you are being manipulated by Trump and the hundreds (thousands?) of pundits that support him. That is kind of condescending of me but I'm having trouble making any other sense of it because you don't really defend Trump on the merits, you just say hateful, unreasoned things that don't make any sense and tell me that you want to block me when I merely share the truth that is self-evident with this President.

This is not about Democrat vs Republican anymore, and it hasn't been for a while now. It's about whether or not we want to let the openly corrupt businessman turned openly corrupt President Donald Trump continue to pillage us.

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last online: 01/23, 5:07
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The whole "Republican vs Democrat" debate is not really what this post is about. It's only relevant insofar as Trump is a registered Republican, but he's not really a Republican at heart, he doesn't have any morals or philosophical thoughts on the economy at all.

I'd proudly vote for a Republican if I thought they were really better for the country than whatever Democrat was running against them and there wasn't any third party candidates that I was excited about.

The truth is, a rich businessman with a huge amount of influence on the press and a huge social media following hijacked the Republican party and Republican lawmakers know that their constituents love him and are along for the ride because at least he is getting those conservative judges appointed for them, and he did get them the tax cuts they badly wanted. But the price they paid for it is too large.

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I dont believe the numbers of deaths from the virus are accurate. I believe they are inflated. Hospitals get more moeny for every covid19 patient they have. People can put on death certificates that people died of covid19 without them having been tested and them just having a guess.

It is open to bias and manipulation and where money is involved you can guarantee someone out there will take advantage of it for their own gain.

Im personally not worried about the virus. I put my faith in God.

Its not for us to judge because then we are seeing ourselves as having authority to do so, we dont have authority to judge others and we will be judged for that in itself.

As Jesus said, let the ones who has never sinned cast the first stone.

Man was not made to govern himself. No matter who peope vote for they are still voting for an imperfect human. Mankind creates its own problems and keeps on doing so. History repeats itself. There will always be people taking advantage of their positions of power in this lifetime.

Men give in to selfish desires

05ad6afe 1f85 4c4a 8680 4f73a3c1f45c
last online: 01/23, 5:07
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Jetmoo wrote:
I dont believe the numbers of deaths from the virus are accurate. I believe they are inflated.

This is absolutely true. But it's not necessarily because of people lying or corruption. It's not always easy to tell how someone died right away. Reporting isn't perfect and it's hard to sort these things out as they come in. Public officials have acknowledged that the official death number will probably go down as new data comes in.

Another thing is there is actually two numbers which are usually combined: Confirmed covid deaths and presumed covid deaths, meaning deaths where they think covid killed the patient but they aren't sure.

But think about it. Over 70,000 people are reported dead. How inflated is it? Let's assume it's very inflated. If we assume that the number is 90 percent wrong, that's 7,000 people dead. That's still an incredible loss of life. We went to war for a terrorist attack after 2001 when 3000 people died.

Jetmoo wrote:

Its not for us to judge because then we are seeing ourselves as having authority to do so, we dont have authority to judge others and we will be judged for that in itself.

When you live in a democracy, it's your duty as a citizen to judge your public officials conduct and performance and to vote accordingly. God may judge our immortal souls, but I do not believe God will strike Trump dead for not being a good President. If He exists, I pray that He will make Trump lose in the next election, and badly...but I don't think that's how it works. It's up to us to make this country as good as we can possibly make it, and part of that means having the intelligence and wherewithal to vote our corrupt president out of office.

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I think john F kennedy was possibly the best president u ever had. I doubt u will get another one. But all people are imperfect.

i don't think God works that way. The world has to get bad before it gets better. It humans who choose it to be this way with the actions they chose everyday but many blame God for mans actions. Man thought he knew better and this is why we have so much corruption through the world But soon God will take all the badness away.

I dont think its a matter of voting for the most intelligent but the one whose heart is true.

It may seem a duty to democracy but the bible in different wording says, to pay the government's dues to the government and pay Gods to God.

So to myself if something a human wants me to do that clashes with my father than i chose God above them. But i also understand you dont believe in God. These are my views

last online: 05/14, 23:04
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Jetmoo nailed it. Thanks

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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aeolians.revenge wrote:
Jetmoo nailed it. Thanks

Spot on Jetmoo. You have the Spirit.

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Thank you :)

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